Enable post-editing requests

Translation Hub post-editing lets you bring in your own translators to review machine translated content. You use the Google Cloud console to invite translators and add them to post-editing groups. You can add translators to one or more projects.

When you create a post-editing group, you assign it to one or more portals (advanced-tier portals only), and then portal users can submit post-editing requests against that group.

Invite translators

  1. In the Translation Hub section of the Google Cloud console, go to the Users page.

    Go to the Users page

  2. Click Invite user.

  3. Select Translator and then click Continue.

  4. Select Add manually to invite one translator or Bulk import via a CSV file to invite multiple translators in a single request, and then click Continue.

  5. Specify user details:

    • To manually add one translator, specify the translator's email address, sign-in method, post-editing groups, and fluent language pairs. The sign-in method specifies whether translators sign in with an email and password or with their Google Account (such as a Google Workspace account).

    • To invite translators in bulk, provide a CSV file where each line specifies a translator's email address, sign-in method, associated post-editing groups (optional), and fluent language pairs. You can specify an existing file in Cloud Storage or upload a local file to Cloud Storage. In either case, Translation Hub requires Cloud Storage permissions. For more information, see CSV file for inviting users in bulk.

  6. Click Done.

    On the Users page, you can the view status of each translator: Registered or Invited. Registered translators have signed in at least once.

CSV file for inviting translators in bulk

To add multiple translators in a single request, specify their information in a CSV file. Each line of the CSV file uses the following format that contains the translator's email address, sign-in method, post-editing group names, and fluent language pairs:


The sign-in method can be google for Google Accounts or email/password for all other email addresses. The post-editing group names are listed on the Post-editing page in the Google Cloud console. Use a semicolon to associate multiple groups or language pairs to a single translator.

The following example shows a sample CSV. Don't include a header row for column names.

[email protected],google,groupname1;groupname2,en:es;zh:de
[email protected],email/password,,zh:es
[email protected],email/password,

Translation Hub has a limit on the number of rows and CSV file size. For more information, see usage limits in Quotas and limits.

Add Cloud Storage permission to Translation Hub

Translation Hub reads your bulk-import CSV file from a Cloud Storage bucket. Translation Hub doesn't inherently have permissions to access Cloud Storage. To allow access, grant the Translation Hub service account the Storage Admin role, which allows Translation Hub to upload and read CSV files from your Cloud Storage buckets.

  1. Go to the IAM page.

    Go to the IAM page

  2. From the list of principals, check to see if the [email protected] service account already exists with the Storage Admin role. If not, proceed to the next step. If the service account already exist, skip these steps.

  3. Click Grant access.

  4. For the New principals field, add [email protected] as a principal.

  5. Click Select a role and then select the Storage Admin role.

    The role grants permissions for Translation Hub to add and read files in Cloud Storage buckets. To see the exact set of permissions, see the assigned permissions in the Google Cloud console.

  6. Click Save.

Create post-editing groups

A post-editing group contains one or more translators. You assign post-editing groups to portals rather than assigning individual translators to portals.

When portal users request a post-edit, they can select any post-editing group that's assigned to their portal. Translation Hub shows relevant post-editing groups that contain translators who have fluency with the source and target language of their translated documents.

To create a post-editing group, you must have at least one translator invited to your Google Cloud project.

  1. In the Translation Hub section of the Google Cloud console, go to the Post-editing page.

    Go to the Post-editing page

  2. Click the Create post-editing group.

    1. Specify a name for the group.

      These names are visible to portal users when they request post-edits.

    2. Select translators to add to the group and then click OK.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. Select the advanced-tier portals to assign this post-editing group to and then click OK.

    5. Click Done.

      Creating the translator group might take a few minutes. After the group is created, it's listed on the Post-editing page. Portal users can now send post-editing requests to the post-editing group.

Capture post-edited translations

To capture edits during post-editing, portal users must specify a read-write translation memory when submitting a translation request. If portal users don't select a translation memory, they cannot select one later and no post-edits can be saved. If a portal user selects a read-only translation memory, no post edits can be saved; the translation memory is used only for matching translations.

You can set a default translation memory so that Translation Hub automatically sets a translation memory when a portal user requests a translation. That way, the default translation memory is always associated with a translation job unless a portal user explicitly removes it or chooses a different one.

For more information, see Save and reuse human-reviewed translations.

What's next