View data retention period

A data retention policy lets administrators customize how long (in days) Translation Hub retains source and translated content in your portal. You can view your portal's policy, but you can't add, modify, or remove it.

By default, if no policy is set, Translation Hub deletes content after 90 days. The retention period starts when a translation job is complete. Retention policies don't apply to jobs that are still in progress, like for documents that are being post edited.

Also, the retention policy doesn't apply to downloaded translations or other resources that are used for a translation job, such as glossaries and translation memories.

For more information about how administrators set a policy, see Configure data retention policy.

View the retention period for your translations

  1. Go to to sign in to a portal.

  2. If you're assigned to multiple projects or portals, choose a project and then choose any available portal within your selected project.

  3. Click Recent to view recent translations.

    On the Recent page, a banner displays the retention policy that's applied to all of your completed translations.

  4. To view when Translation Hub will delete a particular job, find the job and then click View document from the list of translations.

    A banner on the translated content displays how long Translation Hub retains the content.