General Information

State-owned building management

Department of Enterprise Services (DES) manages services for state-owned real estate located on the Capitol Campus, elsewhere in Thurston County and in DES owned facilities in Kelso, Seattle and Yakima. Our staff uses their knowledge and expertise to keep your workplace safe, healthy and operating efficiently. Each building has an assigned Property Managers.

Building services for state-owned facilities are provided by several groups within DES that provide repair, maintenance and tenant improvement services for facilities and grounds on the State Capitol Campus and state-owned facilities within Thurston County. The Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Program provides electrical, carpentry, HVAC, paint, signage, plumbing, grounds maintenance and environmental services.

The Building Automation Program is responsible for monitoring the energy usage, maintaining Life/Safety systems, fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems, and maintaining water treatment and backflow maintenance. Other tasks include managing the production of steam and chilled water to campus buildings from the Powerhouse and coordinating responses to after-hours facilities emergencies on the State Capitol Campus. Staff operate and maintain the Capitol Campus Computerized Energy Management Systems; HVAC, Capitol Lake Dam and the Tivoli fountain.

The Custodial Program provides a wide variety of cleaning and janitorial services both on and off the State Capitol Campus. The Parking Program is responsible for parking services to employees and visitors to the State Capitol Campus. The Physical Security Program manages the Cardkey access systems, locksmith, and security surveillance systems.

Additional information about building services and buildings:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn more about rent rates?

Some tenants saw changes in their rental rate and/or rental structure effective July 1, 2021.

What is the process for completing a reimbursable work order?

In general, the building's Asset Manager and Building Manager will discuss the request with you and assist your agency to develop a scope that meets your needs in a way that meets applicable building codes and campus design standards. DES will determine impacts to historic fabric, public works requirements, an estimated cost to complete the work (where requested), other building impacts, and if external design or construction services are required. Once the scope and estimate (where requested) are approved by the customer and DES, construction is scheduled, coordinated and completed while working with your office to minimize the impacts and disruption. Finally, project review and closeout ensures the agreed upon work is completed.

Who should I contact about an active work order?

The Tenant Improvement Coordinator handles all requests for status updates, scheduling, and other information related to active reimbursable work orders.

Who should I contact about a new work order? How do I submit a new work order?

New requests can be submitted through the Facility Service Request system or by contacting the Work Management Center at 360-725-0000 or [email protected]. In many cases, it can reduce time and cost by first contacting your building's property managers.

How long will the work order take to complete?

Every work order is different, and some steps may change or take longer than during other projects. The Tenant Improvement Program will work with your office to develop a feasible construction schedule that best meets your needs and the available resources of the program staff.

What is the difference between a Base request and a Reimbursable request?

Requests for repairs that are covered by the Campus Standard Services in your agency's occupancy agreement are known as base requests. These may include a leaking pipe, hot or cold offices, or a non-functioning light. Requests for other office modifications, equipment, or support that are not included in campus standard services are known as reimbursable requests and, once approved by Asset Management, can be completed on a reimbursable basis. These can include hanging office materials, replacing locks/keys, or installing computer room cooling, dehumidifiers, or other tenant-only equipment. In addition, reimbursable services can include typical base activities requested outside the normal maintenance schedule. Both types of requests can be submitted online through a Facility Service Request, or by contacting the Work Management Center at 360-725-0000 or [email protected].

Who can submit a work order?

Each Agency has a designated facility representative(s) who can log in to the Facility Service Request system and submit work requests. All agency staff must communicate requests through this person in order to submit a work order to DES. This process ensures your agency has available funding for the work activity and DES is able to track the request. DES staff will not be able to complete your request without a submitted work order. Agency staff who make requests directly to DES staff will be redirected through the agency facility representative.

How do I approve or decline an estimate?

When the estimate is complete and ready for review the requestor will receive an email notification with a link to the Facility Service Request system. After logging in, click on the link next to your project.

How do I cancel an existing work order?

Existing work orders and requests for estimates can be canceled in several ways:

What are plans and specifications? Why are they required?

Plans and specifications are developed by an Architectural/Engineering (A/E) firm and describe the scope and requirements of the project for construction. They can include plans, specifications, drawings, and other information needed to estimate the full cost of construction and complete the work.

These design services are required per the terms of your agency's occupancy agreement with DES and ensure work is planned and executed per applicable federal and state requirements, City of Olympia permitting requirements, building codes, and campus design standards. Project design and construction administration keeps the projects on time and within the budget, minimizes rework due to missed requirements, and ensures documentation of project work. Talk to your Asset Manager about which projects require design services.