Fine Arts

See the Missouri Fine Arts Data Dashboard here.

The Missouri Arts Education Data Project (MOAEDP) enables users to review school-reported data at the school, district, county, and state levels. This interactive dashboard displays enrollment data, course offerings, and arts access for students in grades 9-12 in Missouri public schools. The data currently shows the status of arts education for the previous 5 years. It will continue to be updated annually.

Questions about the dashboard? You may forward questions to [email protected].

Missouri Fine Arts Data Dashboard

The Missouri Arts Education Data Project (MOAEDP) enables users to review school-reported data at the school, district, county, and state levels. This interactive dashboard displays enrollment data, course offerings, and arts access for students in grades 9-12 in Missouri public schools. The data currently shows the status of arts education for the previous 5 years. It will continue to be updated annually.

See the Missouri Fine Arts Data Dashboard here.

Data Project FAQ

Questions about the dashboard? You may forward questions to [email protected].

Missouri Arts Council Logo, Missouri Alliance for Arts Education Logo, and Missouri DESE logo
Missouri Arts Learning Standards

Missouri Arts Learning Standards

Missouri State Board of Education approved Grade Level Expectations in music, visual art, theater, dance, and media arts.

Return to this page often for updates and notification of professional development opportunities in curriculum development and expectation implementation.

Missouri Learning Standards - Fine Arts


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Dance (Vertical Alignment): PDF 
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Dance (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Glossary

Media Arts

  • Missouri Learning Standards – Media Arts (Vertical Alignment): PDF 
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Media Arts (Scope by Grade Level): Excel


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music (Vertical Alignment): PDF
    UPDATED 12.02.2020 – please discard all earlier versions.
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music K-8 (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Ensembles (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Harmonizing Instruments (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Technology (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Theory and Composition (Scope by Grade Level): Excel


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Theater (Vertical Alignment)Theater: PDF (Updated 09/2021)
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Theater (Scope by Grade Level): Excel

Visual Arts

  • Missouri Learning Standards – Visual Arts (Vertical Alignment): PDF
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Visual Arts (Scope by Grade Level): Excel


National Arts Standards

Missouri Show Me Standards (1996)

The standards serve as a blueprint from which local school districts may write challenging curriculum to help all students achieve. Printable version 

Former Fine Arts Standards

If you have any questions about Missouri Fine Arts Standards or would like to schedule professional development workshops regarding the fine arts standards and curriculum, please contact Dr. Kendra Franks, Director of Fine Arts.

Kendra Franks | Director of Fine Arts | Office of College and Career Readiness
Phone: 573-751-9610 | Fax: 573-526-0812 |  [email protected]

Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunities

FAM – Fine Arts Monthly Meetings – a time of professional development and building of relationships on the last Wednesday of each month from 3:30pm – 4:30pm hosted by Dr. Kendra Franks, Director of Fine Arts. Please contact if interested and receive the link to join us.

November 2023 FAM Classroom Management and Engagement

October 2023 FAM Linking Standards to Lessons

September 2023 FAM Grasping the Standards

August 2023 FAM Words of Wisdom Part 1: Preparedness

Behind the Scenes

October ‘Behind the Scenes’ Presentation (Part 1)
Arts Integration
Presenters: Roxane McWilliams and Emily Kohring
Video Link:

October ‘Behind the Scenes’ Presentation (Part 2)
Arts Integration
Presenters: Roxane McWilliams and Emily Kohring
Video Link:

December ‘Behind the Scenes’ Presentation (Part 1)
STEAM – Energized Learning
Presenters: Cheri Sterman, Crayola
Video Link:

December ‘Behind the Scenes’ Presentation (Part 2)
STEAM – Energized Learning
Presenters: Cheri Sterman, Crayola
Video Link:

Arts Integration

Arts Integration

“Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both” What is Arts Integration? (

Fine Arts Resources


Media Arts

Music Education 


Visual Arts 

Pilot Lesson Plan/Assessment

This pilot lesson plan and grouping of assessments, taken with permission from the National Core Arts Standards Model Cornerstone Assessments and revised for use with the draft version of the revised Missouri Visual Arts Grade Level Expectations for Eighth Grade, is designed for visual arts teachers to use now as they work to become familiar with the new expectations. If you have questions on how to adapt or implement this assessment, or how it may fit with an existing visual arts curriculum, please contact Kendra Franks, Director of Fine Arts, [email protected]

Link to the National Core Arts Standards:

Art Partnerships and Grants
Remote Learning
Art Exhibit Files

Missouri K-12 Art Teachers that are interested in participating in the DESE Jefferson Building Art Exhibit should download the following files.