Added in API level 1


abstract class HttpsURLConnection : HttpURLConnection

HttpsURLConnection extends HttpURLConnection with support for https-specific features.

See and RFC 2818 for more details on the https specification.

This class uses HostnameVerifier and SSLSocketFactory. There are default implementations defined for both classes. However, the implementations can be replaced on a per-class (static) or per-instance basis. All new HttpsURLConnections instances will be assigned the "default" static values at instance creation, but they can be overriden by calling the appropriate per-instance set method(s) before connecting.


Inherited constants
Protected constructors

Creates an HttpsURLConnection using the URL specified.

Public methods
abstract String!

Returns the cipher suite in use on this connection.

open static HostnameVerifier!

Gets the default HostnameVerifier that is inherited by new instances of this class.

open static SSLSocketFactory!

Gets the default static SSLSocketFactory that is inherited by new instances of this class.

open HostnameVerifier!

Gets the HostnameVerifier in place on this instance.

abstract Array<Certificate!>!

Returns the certificate(s) that were sent to the server during handshaking.

open Principal!

Returns the principal that was sent to the server during handshaking.

open Principal!

Returns the server's principal which was established as part of defining the session.

open SSLSocketFactory!

Gets the SSL socket factory to be used when creating sockets for secure https URL connections.

abstract Array<Certificate!>!

Returns the server's certificate chain which was established as part of defining the session.

open static Unit

Sets the default HostnameVerifier inherited by a new instance of this class.

open static Unit

Sets the default SSLSocketFactory inherited by new instances of this class.

open Unit

Sets the HostnameVerifier for this instance.

open Unit

Sets the SSLSocketFactory to be used when this instance creates sockets for secure https URL connections.

Inherited functions

The hostnameVerifier for this object.

Inherited properties

Protected constructors


Added in API level 1
protected HttpsURLConnection(url: URL!)

Creates an HttpsURLConnection using the URL specified.

url URL!: the URL

Public methods


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getCipherSuite(): String!

Returns the cipher suite in use on this connection.

String! the cipher suite
java.lang.IllegalStateException if this method is called before the connection has been established.


Added in API level 1
open static fun getDefaultHostnameVerifier(): HostnameVerifier!

Gets the default HostnameVerifier that is inherited by new instances of this class.

HostnameVerifier! the default host name verifier


Added in API level 1
open static fun getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(): SSLSocketFactory!

Gets the default static SSLSocketFactory that is inherited by new instances of this class.

The socket factories are used when creating sockets for secure https URL connections.

SSLSocketFactory! the default SSLSocketFactory


Added in API level 1
open fun getHostnameVerifier(): HostnameVerifier!

Gets the HostnameVerifier in place on this instance.

HostnameVerifier! the host name verifier


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getLocalCertificates(): Array<Certificate!>!

Returns the certificate(s) that were sent to the server during handshaking.

Note: This method is useful only when using certificate-based cipher suites.

When multiple certificates are available for use in a handshake, the implementation chooses what it considers the "best" certificate chain available, and transmits that to the other side. This method allows the caller to know which certificate chain was actually sent.

Array<Certificate!>! an ordered array of certificates, with the client's own certificate first followed by any certificate authorities. If no certificates were sent, then null is returned.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if this method is called before the connection has been established.


Added in API level 1
open fun getLocalPrincipal(): Principal!

Returns the principal that was sent to the server during handshaking.

Note: Subclasses should override this method. If not overridden, it will default to returning the X500Principal of the end-entity certificate that was sent to the server for certificate-based ciphersuites or, return null for non-certificate based ciphersuites, such as Kerberos.

Principal! the principal sent to the server. Returns an X500Principal of the end-entity certificate for X509-based cipher suites, and KerberosPrincipal for Kerberos cipher suites. If no principal was sent, then null is returned.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if this method is called before the connection has been established.


Added in API level 1
open fun getPeerPrincipal(): Principal!

Returns the server's principal which was established as part of defining the session.

Note: Subclasses should override this method. If not overridden, it will default to returning the X500Principal of the server's end-entity certificate for certificate-based ciphersuites, or throw an SSLPeerUnverifiedException for non-certificate based ciphersuites, such as Kerberos.

Principal! the server's principal. Returns an X500Principal of the end-entity certiticate for X509-based cipher suites, and KerberosPrincipal for Kerberos cipher suites.
Exceptions if the peer was not verified
java.lang.IllegalStateException if this method is called before the connection has been established.


Added in API level 1
open fun getSSLSocketFactory(): SSLSocketFactory!

Gets the SSL socket factory to be used when creating sockets for secure https URL connections.

SSLSocketFactory! the SSLSocketFactory


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getServerCertificates(): Array<Certificate!>!

Returns the server's certificate chain which was established as part of defining the session.

Note: This method can be used only when using certificate-based cipher suites; using it with non-certificate-based cipher suites, such as Kerberos, will throw an SSLPeerUnverifiedException.

Array<Certificate!>! an ordered array of server certificates, with the peer's own certificate first followed by any certificate authorities.
Exceptions if the peer is not verified.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if this method is called before the connection has been established.


Added in API level 1
open static fun setDefaultHostnameVerifier(v: HostnameVerifier!): Unit

Sets the default HostnameVerifier inherited by a new instance of this class.

Developers are strongly discouraged from changing the default HostnameVerifier as getDefaultHostnameVerifier() is used by several classes for hostname verification on Android.

User Effect
Android's default TrustManager, as used with Android's default SSLContext, SSLSocketFactory and SSLSocket implementations. The HostnameVerifier is used to verify the peer's certificate hostname after connecting if SSLParameters.setEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm("HTTPS") has been called. Instances use the current default HostnameVerifier at verification time. The current default HostnameVerifier is used from various createSocket methods. See for details; for example, int).
Android's default HttpsURLConnection implementation. The HostnameVerifier is used after a successful TLS handshake to verify the URI host against the TLS session server. Instances use the default HostnameVerifier set when they were created unless overridden with setHostnameVerifier( Android's HttpsURLConnection relies on the HostnameVerifier for the entire hostname verification step.

If this method is not called, the default HostnameVerifier will check the hostname according to RFC 2818.

v HostnameVerifier!: the default host name verifier
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the HostnameVerifier parameter is null.
java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkPermission method does not allow SSLPermission("setHostnameVerifier")


Added in API level 1
open static fun setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sf: SSLSocketFactory!): Unit

Sets the default SSLSocketFactory inherited by new instances of this class.

The socket factories are used when creating sockets for secure https URL connections.

sf SSLSocketFactory!: the default SSL socket factory
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the SSLSocketFactory parameter is null.
java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkSetFactory method does not allow a socket factory to be specified.


Added in API level 1
open fun setHostnameVerifier(v: HostnameVerifier!): Unit

Sets the HostnameVerifier for this instance.

New instances of this class inherit the default static hostname verifier set by setDefaultHostnameVerifier. Calls to this method replace this object's HostnameVerifier.

Android's HttpsURLConnection relies on the HostnameVerifier for the entire hostname verification step.

v HostnameVerifier!: the host name verifier
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the HostnameVerifier parameter is null.


Added in API level 1
open fun setSSLSocketFactory(sf: SSLSocketFactory!): Unit

Sets the SSLSocketFactory to be used when this instance creates sockets for secure https URL connections.

New instances of this class inherit the default static SSLSocketFactory set by setDefaultSSLSocketFactory. Calls to this method replace this object's SSLSocketFactory.

sf SSLSocketFactory!: the SSL socket factory
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the SSLSocketFactory parameter is null.
java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkSetFactory method does not allow a socket factory to be specified.



Added in API level 1
protected var hostnameVerifier: HostnameVerifier!

The hostnameVerifier for this object.