Added in API level 1


class XMLConstants
   ↳ javax.xml.XMLConstants

Utility class to contain basic XML values as constants.


static String

Prefix to use to represent the default XML Namespace.

static String

Feature for secure processing.

static String

Namespace URI to use to represent that there is no Namespace.

static String

RELAX NG Namespace URI.

static String

W3C XML Schema Instance Namespace URI.

static String

W3C XML Schema Namespace URI.

static String

W3C XPath Datatype Namespace URI.

static String

The official XML attribute used for specifying XML Namespace declarations.

static String

The official XML attribute used for specifying XML Namespace declarations, XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE, Namespace name URI.

static String

XML Document Type Declaration Namespace URI as an arbitrary value.

static String

The official XML Namespace prefix.

static String

The official XML Namespace name URI.



Added in API level 1
static val DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX: String

Prefix to use to represent the default XML Namespace.

Defined by the XML specification to be "".

Value: ""

See Also


    Added in API level 1
    static val FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING: String

    Feature for secure processing.

    • true instructs the implementation to process XML securely. This may set limits on XML constructs to avoid conditions such as denial of service attacks.
    • false instructs the implementation to process XML according to the letter of the XML specifications ignoring security issues such as limits on XML constructs to avoid conditions such as denial of service attacks.
    Value: ""


    Added in API level 1
    static val NULL_NS_URI: String

    Namespace URI to use to represent that there is no Namespace.

    Defined by the Namespace specification to be "".

    Value: ""

    See Also


      Added in API level 1
      static val RELAXNG_NS_URI: String

      RELAX NG Namespace URI.

      Defined to be "".

      Value: ""

      See Also


        Added in API level 1
        static val W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI: String

        W3C XML Schema Instance Namespace URI.

        Defined to be "".

        Value: ""

        See Also


          Added in API level 1
          static val W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI: String

          W3C XML Schema Namespace URI.

          Defined to be "".

          Value: ""

          See Also


            Added in API level 1
            static val W3C_XPATH_DATATYPE_NS_URI: String

            W3C XPath Datatype Namespace URI.

            Defined to be "".

            Value: ""

            See Also


              Added in API level 1
              static val XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE: String

              The official XML attribute used for specifying XML Namespace declarations.

              It is NOT valid to use as a prefix. Defined by the XML specification to be "xmlns".

              Value: "xmlns"

              See Also


                Added in API level 1
                static val XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI: String

                The official XML attribute used for specifying XML Namespace declarations, XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE, Namespace name URI.

                Defined by the XML specification to be "".

                Value: ""

                See Also


                  Added in API level 1
                  static val XML_DTD_NS_URI: String

                  XML Document Type Declaration Namespace URI as an arbitrary value.

                  Since not formally defined by any existing standard, arbitrarily define to be "".

                  Value: ""


                  Added in API level 1
                  static val XML_NS_PREFIX: String

                  The official XML Namespace prefix.

                  Defined by the XML specification to be "xml".

                  Value: "xml"

                  See Also


                    Added in API level 1
                    static val XML_NS_URI: String

                    The official XML Namespace name URI.

                    Defined by the XML specification to be "".

                    Value: ""

                    See Also