Home / Librarians and Consortia / Agents and Vendors

Information for Agents and Vendors

This page contains information about subscription terms, policies, and payment information.
A row of colorful books arranged on a shelf with titles visible on their spines.

This page contains the following content:

IP Registry Update

We recently communicated with all institutional administrators to announce that DUP has signed up with theIPregistry.org to make the process of checking, monitoring, and updating IP addresses easier for customers. TheIPregistry.org allows libraries to manage their IP addresses and broadcast changes to multiple publishers from a secure, central location with one click.

We will transition to use the data held by theIPregistry.org beginning on September 4, 2024. From that point, we will ask customers to send any IP updates via theIPregistry.org instead of submitting updates to our customer service team.

If you do not currently have access to theIPregistry.org, as an agent you can apply to use theIPregistry.org, free-of-charge, on behalf of your customers. To do this please contact [email protected].

Once your application is accepted you will be able to:

  • view the IP addresses listed for your customers.
  • submit IP updates via theIPregistry.org.
  • see if the IPs have already been confirmed by the organization.

Please note that when you submit, you will be asked to provide evidence that the update derives from the customer.

If you do not wish to use theIPregistry.org you can ask customers to submit their own IP address updates via theIPregistry.org.

Please review the FAQs and contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

General Subscription Terms

Subscriptions from agents are accepted on a volume and calendar-year basis only. End User Information must be provided for each order. Format (print-only, electronic-only, print-plus-electronic) must be indicated on the order. Orders must be sent to Customer Relations.

Subscriptions at Individual Rates

It is our policy to accept subscriptions at individual rates only when they are paid by personal check (must be drawn on a US bank for orders under $100) or credit card. We assume that all domestic subscriptions paid through institutional funds, including those paid through subscription agencies, should be billed at the institutional rate. We continue to accept agency payments on behalf of individual subscribers outside the US so long as full end-user address information is provided.

Renewal Invoices and Notices

Renewal orders are processed more promptly if they include our customer account numbers. Please note renewal notices are not sent to institutions subscribing through agents or consortia.

Print Claims and Shipping

Claims for missing issues are honored for one year following the date of shipment. Only issues that have been lost or damaged in transit will be replaced free of charge. One claim is permitted per issue. Subsequent replacement copies must be purchased. Domestic subscribers should allow four to six weeks for delivery of issues. Subscribers outside the US should allow 60 to 90 days for delivery of issues. Airmail and express delivery rates are available upon request.

Electronic Access

Humanities and social science books, journals, and collections from Duke University Press are accessed electronically at read.dukeupress.edu. Mathematics journals and collections are available on Project Euclid.

The e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection and subject collections are accessed via read.dukeupress.edu. Individual book titles in electronic format are also available from select vendors, including EBSCO and ProQuest.

Site License Agreements

Site license agreements are required for select products. Visit the Site Licenses landing page to download a license or for more information. If your institution has already signed a site license for a specific collection or journal, you do not need to sign a license for renewal.


The commission on all single-title journal orders is 4% for any subscription agent that satisfies our requirements. To be eligible for commission, agents must provide the following items for each order:

  • end user address
  • shipping address (print orders only)
  • Duke University Press customer number for renewals
  • agent reference number
  • prepayment (proof of wire payments required)
  • product and volume year
  • institutional contact information, including customer email address
  • IP addresses (for orders with an electronic component)
  • electronic files in ICEDIS or other format approved by Duke University Press

If the above information is not provided, Duke University Press reserves the right to reduce the commission rate to zero for the next volume year. We also reserve the right to return orders and request additional information, either from the subscription agent or directly from the institution.

Duke University Press will review orders to assess the rate of compliance and alert agents at the time the next year's pricing is released to determine any change in commission for the coming volume year. Agents must submit complete information (as listed above) for at least 80% of orders to be considered compliant with the new policy. If you have questions regarding your agency commission rate, please contact [email protected].

Electronic Collection Orders

New orders are defined as customers who have not previously purchased a particular product, not customers who are new to a particular agent or consortium. Electronic collections may offer differ commission amounts. Please visit the Electronic Collections page for specific product information.

Payment Terms

All orders are to be prepaid, including postage charges and any Canadian tax, if applicable. Customers are responsible for any bank fees associated with wire transfers. Incorrect payments will be returned.

All payments must be remitted in US dollars and by draft payable on a US bank. Orders may be charged to MasterCard, VISA, or American Express. All other forms of payment will be returned unless special permission has been granted. Our federal ID number is 56-0532129.

No returns will be accepted.

All subscriptions must be paid at current prices, regardless of the volume being ordered. Duke University Press releases new subscription and collection prices each summer.

e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection customers are eligible for a 70% discount on print copies of titles included in the purchased collection. This discount must be claimed when the order for the print copy is submitted. Overpayments of deep discount price will not be refunded.

For orders over $10,000 paid via credit card, an additional transaction fee may apply. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Postage for Back Volumes/Single Issues

Postage varies based on location and shipping method.

Required Taxes

United States: To comply with US tax regulations and Duke University’s financial requirements, we are updating our sales and shipping tax calculations. Depending on product taxability and order details, your organization may incur sales and shipping tax unless we receive a valid tax exemption certificate for your organization. To validate your tax exempt status, please email a copy of your state-approved tax exempt or reseller certificate, including your exemption number, to [email protected] by November 30, 2024

Canada: Customers and subscription agents in Canada are responsible for paying applicable GST and HST. More information can be found at GST/HST calculator (and rates) page.

India: Customers and subscription agents in India are responsible for paying any local taxes or Levies to the government of India in addition to the quoted subscription rate. The amount quoted in the Duke University Press invoice should be paid to Duke University Press in full, otherwise the order will not be processed.

Orders including online content for institutions in the European Union may be subject to VAT. VAT will not be charged on the publisher’s invoice.

Wire Transfers

Customers outside the US may submit payment via wire transfer. Please contact Customer Relations for banking information.

Once the wire transfer is complete, send an acknowledgment email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Total amount of transfer
  • Customer's full shipping address
  • Duke University Press account or invoice number, if known
  • Description of items purchased with incoming funds

Duke University Press is not responsible for delays caused by wire transfers sent without the information listed above. Customers are responsible for any bank fees associated with wire transfers. If the amount remitted does not cover these fees, content will not be served until full payment is received.

Cancellation Policy

No refund will be made once the first issue of a journal subscription has been served, either in print or electronic format. Print back-issue orders cannot be canceled or returned once issues have been shipped.

Change of Address

Please notify us of address changes by contacting Customer Relations, supplying both the old address and the new address. Duke University Press cannot forward issues returned by the post office without written notice of the new address from the customer or the vendor.

Format Changes to Subscriptions


An upgraded subscription is a print-only or electronic-only subscription that is changed to a print-plus-electronic subscription. Upgrade requests will be accepted at any time. Please allow six weeks for processing from the time that payment is received by Duke University Press. Upgraded accounts will not receive online access until payment has been processed.


A downgraded subscription is a print-plus-electronic subscription that is changed to a print-only or electronic-only subscription. Downgraded orders will not be accepted once the first issue of a journal subscription has been served.