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Eastern Michigan University Athletics

Academic Services

Weekly Academic Meetings

Identification of At-Risk Student-Athletes

The “at-risk” population is identified using the following criteria: 

Incoming first-year student-athletes (one of the following): 
  1. All incoming first-year student-athletes who are special admits to Eastern Michigan University.
  2. A sliding scale that consists of cumulative GPAs and SAT/ACT scores is used to determine a cut-off point for at-risk first-year student-athletes. 
*This is a sliding scale that could change yearly

Continuing students: 
  1.  All continuing student-athletes with a cumulative GPA of 2.599 or below are considered at-risk. 

The SASS Counselor uses the set criteria, as well as personal discretion, when placing continuing at-risk student-athletes in weekly academic meetings.

Weekly Academic Meetings

Weekly academic meetings serve as a support structure for student-athletes who are considered at-risk. Student-athletes are expected to be punctual to all meetings and come prepared with all academic coursework in hand. Student-athletes in required weekly meetings meet with their assigned Student-Athlete Success staff member once, and sometimes, twice a week. These meetings are assigned based on each student athlete’s class and practice schedule. 

Some of the goals of the weekly meetings are to help the participants discover their strengths as learners, organize their academic structure (e.g. time management), and strengthen their foundation in reading, writing and studying.  

The academic progress of each student-athlete is monitored and documented weekly.  Notes are taken during the weekly meetings and are emailed to the at-risk student-athlete’s coach at the end of each week. The data is evaluated on a yearly basis to determine the effectiveness of the program.

Weekly Grade Reports

Grade report meetings are for freshmen and/or continuing student-athletes who need less organizational assistance than a Weekly Academic Meeting provides, but allows SASS Counselors to monitor progress. Grades are reported from Canvas and/or Starfish and sent to coaches weekly. Should a student-athlete in a Grade Report Meeting show the need for additional academic support, they will be moved to a Weekly Academic Meeting.

Student-athletes in required Grade Report Meetings meet with their assigned SASS Counselor once per week. These meetings are assigned based on each student athlete’s class and practice schedule.
Fall Study Hall Plans
  • Required Hours
    • Tier I: Cumulative GPA below 2.39 = 8 hours per week
    • Tier II: Select incoming freshmen and returning student-athletes with cumulative GPA between 2.40-2.59 = 6 hours per week
    • Tier III: Select incoming freshmen, transfers, and select returning student-athletes between 2.60-3.00  = 4 hours per week
  • Football
    • Sunday 8pm-10pm in HSC (required for everyone) = 2 hours
    • Monday 7pm-9pm in HSC (required for some) = 2 hours
    • 1 required success coaching appointment for <2.39 gpa="30">
    • Required tutoring = 2 hours
    • Required office hours = 30 mins
    • Bi-weekly academic meeting = 1 hour
  • FT Staff Schedule
    • Sun: Elizabeth Conard
    • Mon: Elizabeth Conard 
    • Tues: Corey Whitney 
    • Wed: Lauren Day
    • Thurs: Eric Gerbens 

Study Hall Hours of Operation
  • SASS Suite, Bowen Field House Room 202
    • M-Th 8:00am-6:00pm
    • Fri 8am-12pm
  • Holman Success Center, Halle Library
    • M-Th 6:00pm-8:00pm
  • Student-Athlete Performance Center
    • Sun 8:00pm-10:00pm
Campus Advising 
EMU academic and faculty advisors serve members of the educational community at different stages of their college careers. This level of individual attention helps students make better and more informed decisions for themselves—faster.
To schedule an appointment with your advisor, click below:
Deciding on a major?
  • Academic Assistance: Call 734.487.0400 or go here to schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.
  • Career/Major Exploration Assistance: Call 734.487.0400 or go here to schedule an appointment with a Career Coach.
How To Register for Classes: -
Priority Registration
1. Priority registration for Summer/Fall usually takes place in late March and for Winter in mid-November. 

2. Student-athletes must complete the Priority Registration Form and meet with their academic/department advisor several weeks prior to the registration date in an effort to identify courses that fulfill major degree requirements.

3. Information regarding times and dates for priority registration are forwarded to the head coaches prior to the registration dates.

4. Procedure: 

Determine your Academic Advisor(s)’ information and make an appointment. Some advisors may have specific requirements regarding appointments, so please do as requested.  Write your appointment information on the front of this sheet as well as in any calendar you may use (phone, planner, etc.).

Step 2:        CLEAR ANY HOLDS! Review your Ebill
Check for any holds you may have.  For example, if you have a financial or student judicial hold, you MUST clear the hold to register.  For financial holds, consult with the Student Business Services Office in 201 Pierce Hall.

Step 3:        DO SOME RESEARCH – This is YOUR degree!           
PRIOR to your appointment with your advisor, review your transcript and research your degree requirements using such resources as the Catalog, the EMU website, U Achieve, to determine what classes to take in the upcoming term(s).  

Choose your course schedule; pay particular attention to pre-requisites and co-requisites, applicability to your degree, practice times, and competition schedules.  You are expected to register for 15 hours in the Fall and Winter terms.  List the courses you plan to take during the upcoming semester on the front side of this sheet.  List some alternate classes in case a course you choose becomes unavailable upon registration or conflicts with your sport.  Your advisor may be able to help you with this.  

You MUST be prepared and punctual for this meeting.  Bring your completed Pre-Registration Form with you, and your advisor can help verify that your course selections are applicable to your degree.   The shaded area is for the advisor; you are responsible for completing the other sections.  Remember to tell your advisor about your athletic commitments.

After meeting with your advisor, return this Pre-Registration Form to SASS.  Your advisor may also provide you a degree audit or other related materials, so please return those as well.  Your SASS advisor will review continuing eligibility requirements and/or concerns with you. Remember anything you do academically might affect your eligibility so please check. 

It is imperative student-athletes take advantage of priority registration.  Registration is done by you, the student-athlete, online. Your SASS advisor can provide your pin.  Be sure to register as early as possible when registration opens!  

5. Steps for Registration:
  1. Login to your account; click on the “Student” tab at the top of the page)
  2. Scroll down and click on the ‘Student Services’ tab
  3. Then click on ‘Registration’, then click “Add or Drop Classes” and enter your 6 -digit student-athlete pin
  4. Verify your major and minor and select ‘Yes’
  5. Make sure term is set to the correct semester 
  6. You will then be able to add classes using the five-digit CRN numbers (Please make sure you hit submit)
  7. Verify your schedule is correct upon submission

Travel Letters

Class Excuse Form Reminders:
Please send an electronic copy of your travel letter to each of your instructors and introduce yourself (DO NOT simply forward this email on). It is required that you give this Travel Letter to your instructors no later than the end of the first class session.
  • Remind your instructor of your competition-related absences via email one week prior to the absence
  • Remind your instructor, again, of your competition-related absence in person during the class period before the absence
  • Make prior arrangements for exam proctoring with your SASS Counselor at least one week in advance of travel for competition, if requested by instructor
  • Notify all group members of any missed class time that will affect group projects
  • You are only excused from class for competition-related absences that are listed on the Travel Letter when you are included in the travel party
  • You MUST attend all class sessions that do not conflict with a competition-related absence
  • In the event your travel plans change, please notify your professor via email ASAP and let me know if you need me to reach out directly to confirm competition-related travel changes 
Student-Athlete Orientation 
New student-athlete orientation takes place in the Summer prior to the start of Fall classes. During these sessions, new student-athletes have the opportunity to learn more about EMU and the SASS office. Topics include how to use campus technology, mental health, campus advising, and much more.