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Escrito por Karin Slaughter

Narrado por Alicia Hinson

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

La autora best seller número uno internacionalmente, Karin Slaughter, regresa con una novela sofisticada y escalofriante de peligrosos secretos, venganza y absolución inesperada, en la cual dos hermanas que han vivido separadas deben reunirse veinte años después para descubrir la verdad acerca de dos desgarradoras tragedias que devastaron sus vidas. Hermanas. Extrañas. Sobrevivientes. Hace más de veinte años, la hermana adolescente de Claire y Lydia, Julia, se desvaneció sin dejar rastro. Las dos hermanas no han hablado desde entonces, y ahora sus vidas no podrían ser más diferentes. Claire es la glamurosa esposa trofeo de un millonario de Atlanta. Lydia, madre soltera, sale con un exconvicto y batalla por pagar todos los gastos mensuales. Pero ninguna de las dos se ha recuperado del horror y el sufrimiento de la pérdida que las une; una desgarradora herida que se abre cruelmente cuando matan al esposo de Claire. La desaparición de una muchacha adolescente y el asesinato de un hombre de mediana edad, casi un cuarto de siglo después: ¿qué podría relacionarlos? Formando una cautelosa tregua, las hermanas sobrevivientes miran al pasado para encontrar la verdad, desenterrando los secretos que destruyeron su familia hace tantos años… y abriéndose a la posibilidad de redención y venganza, donde menos la esperan. Poderosa, conmovedora y profundamente cautivadora, llena de personajes indelebles y giros inolvidables. Novela maestra de una de las mejores escritoras de suspenso en la actualidad.
Fecha de lanzamiento17 may 2016

Karin Slaughter

Karin Slaughter is one of the world’s most popular storytellers. She is the author of more than twenty instant New York Times bestselling novels, including the Edgar-nominated Cop Town and standalone novels The Good Daughter and Pretty Girls. An international bestseller, Slaughter is published in 120 countries with more than 40 million copies sold across the globe. Pieces of Her is a #1 Netflix original series, Will Trent is a hit television series starring Ramón Rodríguez on ABC, and it was just announced that Jessica Biel will star in the adaptation of THE GOOD DAUGHTER, which Karin adapted herself. Karin Slaughter is the founder of the Save the Libraries project — a nonprofit organization established to support libraries and library programming. 

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Difficult to read as I do not like that level of violence. I am also unsure whether this could happen. Girls going missing, bad people, but being able to fool that many people and keep such a secret.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I loved every second of this! I can't believe it's only been a year since I read Slaughter's last book which I really enjoyed for the writing but "Pretty Girls" brings back all the serial killer goodness I love about the author's books. Another standalone, this book had me going from the beginning and really through me for a loop in the middle. It is quite tense with some very unnerving parts and not to be read by the weak-stomached. I also liked the relationships portrayed in the book and especially enjoyed it being a sister story (since I'm a sister) This feels fresh to me like Slaughter has come out rejuvenated with something different yet more like her earlier works. This was a page-turner for me, an unnerving thriller that kept me reading way into the wee hours of the night.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Go get a copy of this book! Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter is a standalone, yes she does write the occasional standalone and they are always brilliant. Slaughter is mainly known for her Grant County series and Will Trent Series, however Pretty Girls is a standalone and is one that is not to be missed. I have read it twice, and I shall not be offering much insight, as spoilers do so ruin an expertly crafted psychological thriller and I think the reader should be prepared for the twists, turns, and be properly unprepared for the edge of the seat reading that Pretty Girls delivers. Pretty girls does offer multiple points of view, for those who do not care for that, really, Slaughter is a genius and the various points of view are exceptional, necessary, and per Slaughter’s typical writing style, superb. As with previous books by Slaughter, I was unable to set Pretty Girls down, there just never seemed to be a spot I was willing to stop at, she is brilliant that way. I have not even read the back of the book, so I cannot offer up any advise as to whether or not it contains spoilers, but for those who do not like to go into psychological thriller without any information, the story revolves around a missing girl, her devastated father, and two estranged sisters, and yes, that is all I am offering. Read the book, it does not disappoint. I do not expect anyone to just take my word for it, read other reviews. Those new to Slaughter (where have you been and welcome to the club), and those long time fans will not be disappointed.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Just WOW!

    Couldn't put it down. One amazing plot twist after another. A true psychological thriller. From halfway in on, I felt nervous, anxious, and horrified!!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Definitivamente nunca terminamos de conocer a las personas y el tema que toca esta novela es muy interesante, ya que tambien nos muestra la realidad que tienen que pasar muchos familiares de personas desaparecidad.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Claire Scott leads a seemingly perfect life - she's beautiful and adored by her wealthy husband, Paul. However, Claire's life is shadowed by the disappearance of her eldest sister, Julia, over twenty years ago. Julia went missing while in college and was never seen again. In the aftermath, Claire lost not only Julia, but her other sister, Lydia, as the sisters have been estranged for years. As a result, Claire has clung to Paul and the comfort and security he provides . However, a new tragic event changes everything for Claire - and will eventually lead her to look at everything in her life differently, including Julia's disappearance and her relationship with Lydia.

    I really enjoyed this novel - it's engaging and suspenseful: filled with twists and turns. Sometimes you see them coming and other times you don't. It's a quick read, but not a particularly light one - be prepared for a dark read. The book is raw, violent, and even heartbreaking at points. Most of the story unfolds from Julia and Claire's point of view, but we also hear a little bit from their father between chapters. As the novel progresses, we learn not only about the present day mystery (which is captivating) but what happened to their sister, Julia, so long ago.

    The book's strength is that it presents not only a compelling and interesting mystery tale, but a chilling portrait of its characters, as well. You get a good look into the lives of Lydia and Claire and their own psychological motivations. It goes beyond a thriller into a story of parenthood and sisterhood. Frankly, as a parent, there are parts of this book that break my heart and made me want to never let my children out of my sight! But, truly, that was what made it so good - it deftly portrayed the evil that can befall them in the world.

    Some of the plot points are a bit fantastical and it suffers from the trope where Claire and Paul Scott just have unlimited financial resources, but overall, I found this one fascinating. Definitely a worthy read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I struggled with this book in the beginning. The prologue, a “letter” written by an unnamed father, tells his child has disappeared. Her parents know that she was abducted, they suspect she is dead but there is no body. Then the letter stops. The next 3 characters are introduced by name and fully described, but I simply couldn’t see a connection between prologue and these characters. If Carol had not reviewed this book with a 4-star rating I would not have read any further. But I persevered and after the first third of the book, the connection between the characters became clear and then I was hooked.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Really liked the story and plot in the beginning but got a bit too graphic for me by the end.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Sisters Claire and Lydia haven't been in touch for many years. Their other sister Julia disappeared twenty years earlier without a trace. Now another girl has gone missing and the sisters are reunited but not in the best of circumstances.This is the second book I've read by Karin Slaughter and both have revolved around sisters and a family tragedy. I found this story very fast paced and I seemed to fly through the book.This story however I found brutal. Karin Slaughter writes with no holds barred. This story contains very violent crimes against women with rape, toture and murder. Some parts of the story I found quite difficult to read and uncomfortable. However I enjoyed the story of the two sisters and wanted to see how the whole story was going to pan out. The story did also have a big twist part way through that I didn't guess which in itself made the story.Did I enjoy the book, well yes I did but did find it a hard read at times. I would read more stand alones by Karin Slaughter.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I found this book to be very powerful and gritty. It is intense and hard to put down and the subject matter is most disturbing. Karin Slaughter is such a good writer that you can feel the horror and pain right along with the characters. It is full of twists and turns and the characters are well developed. This book is not for the faint of heart but if you are a Karin Slaughter fan, like I am, you will love her writing!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Ahhh I want to rate this a little higher but there is just too much gratuitous gore and sexual violence for me to bump it up more. It is certainly thrilling, and for once I wasn't screaming at the characters to make better choices. The villain is demonically evil, and the ending is satisfying. It's really long for a thriller though, and I don't feel like the characters are developed enough to warrant the length.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is the first book I have read by this author. Although it is a bit gruesome in places, I couldn't put it down.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    If you haven’t tried any Karin Slaughter books yet, this is the one to read first! This book was so well written and her ability to develop characters is astonishing! This is one of her standalone books. Next start with the Grount County Series!

    You will be addicted to her books!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Pretty Girls by Karin SlaughterClaire and Lydia's Sister (Julia) goes missing almost twenty four years ago. Although estranged from each other dire circumstance brings together the Siblings as they search for answers. Lives are in danger and things are not as they seem as they get close to the shocking truth.Moving at a steady pace told form multiple points of view, I was pulled deep into this broken family. Secrets slowly revealed left me in shock as I dove deep into the intense, suspenseful chilling story. Karin Slaughter knows how to grab your attention and not let go. I highly recommend Pretty Girls to those who enjoy (domestic) thrillers.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    When Claire's husband is murdered her whole life turns upside down. She slowly learns who her husband really was and how he is intertwined with the worst day of her life. Reunited with her sister, they face life and death situations and pray they come out on the other side. The number of surprises in this book kept it very interesting and I flew through it.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    This book was so bad I was mad at myself for reading it
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I am not a mystery reader really so I did not know what to expect going into this except that I had heard that this is a very intense book. That is absolutely correct. This book is dark and gory and at times it's hard to keep going in the story. I am not the type of person to be that frightened by books so I wouldn't say I was scared exactly but I did only read this in bit sized chunks because it could be so dark.

    I definitely liked this book. I liked how we had a complicated relationship with all the characters. I found this book to be kind of unrealistic but also not so much that I could not buy into the story. I think even if this particular story is a bit unrealistic, many of us will have experienced a time where we weren't sure who we could trust, including authority figures or others we thought we could trust implicitly. I thought the relationships between all that characters were so dynamic and well fleshed out. The complicated family dynamic is really well written and a very honest portrayal of how families deal with loss and how they can grow apart.

    I really appreciated the setting of this book as it takes place in Athens and outside of Atlanta. I almost went to the University of Georgia and I've been to Athens many times and I live in Atlanta and was able to have a very clear picture of the settings though I think even if you have never been to Atlanta, the setting is very well described. Some of the characters went to Auburn University for college which is where my moms whole family went and is another place I've been many times. This is obviously not necessary to enjoy this book but was some added fun for me.

    Frankly, I am still not much a mystery reader and I don't know how many books like this one I am going to pick up in the future but I did appreciate the craft of this book and I'm glad I read it.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is my first book my Karin Slaughter. Are all her books this long? Felt like it went on forever in certain parts. Don't get me wrong, I love long books. I just feel that sometimes this one went on in places it didn't need to. I did enjoy the story and I look forward to reading another one of her books.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    By far the goriest book I have ever read, but it was so compelling and had me on the edge of my seat.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Way way too graphic torture and violence marred a fairly decent plot.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Pretty Girls was downright disturbing and difficult to get through. The story was good but the scenes of torture were jarring and hard to listen to.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I listened to the audiobook. May not be for some as there is pleanty of rought language, and rough subject matter. However this is one of the best descriptions of a sociopath that I have ever heard. As the story unfolds and all the layers the sociopath has created and the depths of cruelty that he goes to even tho the story is not true I am very sure there are many out there that are just like him. I hope when people read this it opens their eyes to the fact that they live among us they are adept at hiding and they are very cruel. We need to stamp out the dark porn that this book alludes to and the customers that want to watch it.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Folks really like this book but honestly I am not sure why. I wanted it to be smarter, to make more sense. I didn't find anyone in it believable and it was just dark for the sake of being dark. Could have been soooo much better if the characters acted in a more realistic way instead of just being convenient for the plot twists.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I've never read anything like this before. It was seriously one twist after another. Loved it SO MUCH.

    Bad ass of the year: Claire Carroll Scott. GahDAMN, girl.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book was gruesome and graphic, moreso than I typically want to read about... but I couldn't put it down. Every time I stopped reading, I just wanted to pick it up again and find out what happened. It's my first Karin Slaughter book, and I will be checking out other titles by her (cautiously!).
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Definitely not the most delicate of stories. Julia Carroll a 19 year old college student who goes missing and how the tragedy affects her 2 younger sisters and her parents. 24 years later, another family tragedy brings the sisters back together after not seeing each other for years. Together they discover many secrets and search to find their sister and answer all the questions that have haunted them. It amazes me how an awful story can keep me listening! As much as I hated the entire story line, I listened, and stopped the book and turning it back on. I re-listened on the edge of my seat until it finally was finished. I hope none of this is possibly happening in real life, but then again... terrible people exist and the dark side of the internet is definitely out there. Included this this Audible Book is "Blond Hair,Blue Eyes" Described as a Chilling Short Story by the author - but actually -it is a prelude story of this book introducing the missing girl Julia Carroll
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Great thriller - one I couldn't put down until I finished. Started this on audio and then went to hardcover because the story was intriguing and so suspenseful that I didn't want to put it down until I knew how it all ended. Too sexually violent for what I normally like to read, so reader beware. Second Karen Slaughter book I've read - she weaves a great tale.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Warning: Karen Slaughter’s 2015 crime thriller Pretty Girls is not for readers who have weak stomachs or especially vivid imaginations. In fact, this one, with its graphic depictions of bondage and torture, makes the typical Stephen King horror novel read like something from the pen of Jane Austen. Two decades ago, three sisters, the eldest of them nineteen years old, were part of a close-knit Southern family. Julia was a college freshman living away from home for the first time in her life, and her younger sisters, Lydia and Claire, were still at home with their parents. The girls were growing up, and although their parents were not thrilled about that prospect, their future seemed to be a bright one. But everything changed on the night that Julia disappeared while making the short walk back to her dormitory room from a local bar. Julia was never found or heard from again, and her family came apart at the seams. Lydia and Claire barely acknowledge the existence of the other now and have not spoken for at least twenty years. It is like Julia’s abductor killed the whole family – because he did.Today, Lydia is a single parent raising a sixteen-year-old daughter of her own and dating the ex-con who lives next door. Claire, on the other hand, is married to a multi-millionaire architect and living the good life in Atlanta. Their worlds and their lives could not be more different. But worlds have a way of colliding, and theirs are about to do exactly that. It is only after Claire suffers a tragedy of her own that she discovers that the life she has been living for the last two decades has been nothing but an illusion. Everywhere she looks, she learns more of the shocking truth – and when the cops and the FBI start threatening her, Claire realizes she can trust no one with what she has learned; she is on her own. And then Lydia knocks on Claire’s front door and refuses to leave. This is the point in the book where squeamish readers may start second-guessing their desire to continue reading Pretty Girls. Claire soon discovers exactly what happened to her sister all those years ago, and that it also happened to a lot of other girls who looked a whole lot like Julia. What Julia suffered is disturbing on its face, but the graphic details of torture, bondage, and humiliation described by Slaughter bring Pretty Girls to a level of horror that few thrillers of this type even attempt – and this is a long book. Just be warned. While I can admire Slaughter’s writing and story-telling skills, I don’t feel right in saying that I “enjoyed” this one or that it “entertained” me. If it had not been an audiobook that I started while on a road trip, I’m not sure that I would have even finished it. But it was one hell of a ride, and I won’t soon forget it – hard as I may try.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Wow, this book was a crazy ride. So much happens. Claire's husband, Paul, is murdered right in front of her. She soon starts finding out secrets about her husband that he has kept hidden for years. The deeper she digs, the more secrets she finds.

    This book has a crazy amount of WTF?! moments. Every new twist had me thinking how unbelievable everything was. At the same time, I was absolutely intrigued and did not want to stop reading. The story was amazing and so well written. I just loved it.

    There is some very graphic violence in this book. I was a little surprised by how graphic. Even with the violence, I really enjoyed this book.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Well now, that was disturbing. This is the kind of book that I would never, could never, watch if it were a movie. ?