Indigenous Peoples


Indigenous PeoplesIt is estimated that there are approximately 370 million Indigenous Peoples in the world, belonging to 5,000 different groups, in 90 countries worldwide. Indigenous Peoples are found in every region of the world, but about 70% of them live in Asia. Indigenous Peoples constitute about 5% of the world’s population, yet account for about 15% of the world’s poor. Examples of Indigenous Peoples include the Inuit of the Arctic, Native Americans, hunter-gatherers in the Amazon, traditional pastoralists like the Maasai in East Africa, and tribal peoples in the Philippines. While there is no universally accepted definition for “Indigenous Peoples,” there tend to be common characteristics among them, including:

  • They often have small populations relative to the dominant culture of their country;
  • They usually have (or had) their own language;
  • They practice distinctive cultural traditions;
  • They have (or had) their own land and territory, to which they are connected to at various levels;
  • They self-identify as Indigenous.

The Indigenous Peoples Major Group (IPMG) nominated Organizing Partners (OPs) to serve as facilitators. Within the current working structure, there are two global Organizing Partners - Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples International Centre for Policy research and Education) and IITC (international Indian Treaty Council). The IPMG also includes regional organizing partner focal points. The IPMG maintains a global list-serve and regional list-serves moderated by the IPMG OPs and the regional OP focal points. Information sharing, feedback and recommendations are forwarded to the Global IP-OPs for consideration on proposals and position papers submitted by the IPMG to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post2015 Development Agenda processes.


Join the IPMG list-serve at



Statement Date Meeting
High Level Political Forum 2019 Statements
9 Jul 2019 High-Level Political Forum 2019 (HLPF 2019)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 May 2016  
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
27 Sep 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
24 Jun 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
20 May 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Follow-up and review)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
23 Apr 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Means of implementation and global partnership for sustainable development)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
25 Mar 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Sustainable development goals and targets)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
19 Feb 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Declaration session)
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
21 Jan 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Stocktaking session)
Major Groups: Indigenous Peoples
Mr Petero Qaloibau, Plenary AM Session
3 Sep 2014 Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
15 Jul 2014 Thirteenth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
17 Jun 2014 Twelfth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Constituency-Based Intervention
5 May 2014 Eleventh session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
26 Feb 2014 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Statement on Rule of Law
7 Feb 2014 Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Statement on Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance
6 Feb 2014 Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Inequality and indigenous Peoples
5 Feb 2014 Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
10 Jan 2014 Seventh session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Statement on Global Governance
13 Dec 2013 Sixth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
On Science, Technology and Innovation, Knowledge-sharing and Capacity-building
11 Dec 2013 Sixth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
10 Dec 2013 Sixth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Indigenous Peoples
20 Jun 2012 Rio+20;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
30 Apr 2012 Meeting of the UNCSD Bureau with Member States and Major Groups
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Science & Technology
12 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
11 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
2 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Remarks as noted
8 Mar 2011 2nd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Remarks as noted
8 Mar 2011 2nd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
2 Mar 2011 CSD-19 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
28 Feb 2011 CSD-19 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
11 Jan 2011 1st Intersessional Meeting of UNCSD, UN Secretariat
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
Additional Statement
18 May 2010 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
18 May 2010 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
17 May 2010 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
14 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
13 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
13 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
11 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
11 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
10 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
7 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
7 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
6 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
6 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
5 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
4 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
3 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
3 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 May 2009 CSD-17;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
4 May 2009 CSD-17;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
27 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
26 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
25 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
24 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
24 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
23 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
15 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
13 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
9 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
8 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
7 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
6 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
5 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
30 Apr 2007 CSD-15;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
28 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: NGOs
28 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
27 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
27 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
26 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Indigenous Peoples
9 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
5 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Local Authorities
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
22 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
13 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Indigenous People
3 Mar 2005 CSD-13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
28 Feb 2005 CSD-13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Indigenous Peoples
21 Apr 2004 CSD-12;
Indigenous Peoples' Caucus
Ms. Victoria Tauli Corpuz, Executive Director, TEBTEBBA Foundation
4 Sep 2002  


To ensure openness and transparency, Organizing Partners of each Major Group were asked to report on their activities and governance since the lead up to the Rio+20 Conference, including a written description of their selection/election criteria and a list of the organizations the Major Group consults with.