Workers and Trade Unions


Workers and trade unions represent the voices and interests of hundreds of millions of workers from across the globe. Our Major Group brings together several different types of worker organizations from national trade union centres, to regional trade union organizations, global union federations and trade union solidarity support organizations. We defend the interests of workers, regardless of whether they belong to the union movement, are employed in the formal sector, or work in the informal economy.

Our mission is to ensure that all people have access to a decent life and decent work in a healthy environment, access to quality public services and to quality education and skills training as means to achieving the Decent Work Agenda. We are determined to organize to defend human rights and labour standards everywhere, and to promote the growth of trade unions for the benefit of all working people and their families. We are resolute to overcome poverty and inequality through social justice.

The Workers and Trade Unions Major Group promotes trade union ideals and principles. It is therefore deeply committed to promoting gender balance in its delegations, as well as to encouraging the involvement of young trade union leaders.

Trade unions and the 2030 Agenda

Trade unions are heavily involved in the 2030 Agenda process at global, regional and national level. They uphold freedom of association, protect social dialogue and collective bargaining, and promote decent work, social protection and the rights of working people. Through this work, trade unions are instrumental to achieving the SDGs. It is in this frame that trade unions from around the world are conducting national monitoring and analysis of how their governments are doing with regards to their commitments to achieving the implementation of the SDGs. The key findings of this work are presented in national country profile reports, which are available on

Social Media – get involved!





Statement Date Meeting
Workers and Trade Unions Major Group Submission to HLPF 2021
14 Jul 2021  
SDG Decade of Action Trade Union Policy Responses-Workers and Trade Unions Major Group Submission to HLPF2020
18 Jan 2021  
Workers and Trade Unions Major Group Submission to HLPF 2019
14 Jul 2019  
Workers and Trade Union Major Group Submission to HLPF 2018
14 Jul 2018  
HLPF 2017 Thematic Paper: Workers and Trade Unions
8 Jun 2017  
The 2030 Agenda: How Social Dialogue combats inequality and ensures social cohesion
20 Jun 2016  
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
25 Sep 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
30 Jul 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
24 Jun 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
27 May 2015 Hearings of the General Assembly with NGOs, civil society organizations, major groups and the private sector in preparation for the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
20 May 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Follow-up and review)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
23 Apr 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Means of implementation and global partnership for sustainable development)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
25 Mar 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Sustainable development goals and targets)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
Comments on Indicators Proposals
25 Mar 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Sustainable development goals and targets)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
19 Feb 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Declaration session)
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
21 Jan 2015 Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations (Stocktaking session)
Major Groups: Workers & Trade
2 Sep 2014 Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
Major Group: Workers and Trade
19 Jul 2014 Thirteenth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade
16 Jun 2014 Twelfth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade
Constituency-Based Intervention
5 May 2014 Eleventh session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade
12 Mar 2014 Ninth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade
Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance
7 Feb 2014 Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade
Promoting equality, including social equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment
6 Feb 2014 Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Major Group: Workers and Trade Unions
17 Jun 2013 Fourth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Workers & Trade Unions
20 Jun 2012 Rio+20;
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
30 Apr 2012 Meeting of the UNCSD Bureau with Member States and Major Groups
Major Group: Workers & Trade
13 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
Statement by International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) on behalf of the Workers and Trade Union's Major Group
12 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
12 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
Statement by International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) on behalf of the Workers and Trade Union's Major Group
11 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
2 May 2011 CSD-19;
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
8 Mar 2011 2nd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 Mar 2011 CSD-19 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 Mar 2011 CSD-19 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
28 Feb 2011 CSD-19 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
11 Jan 2011 1st Intersessional Meeting of UNCSD, UN Secretariat
Major Group: Workers & Trade Unions
18 May 2010 1st Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Major Group: Wokers & Trade
12 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
11 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
6 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 May 2010 CSD-18;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
27 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
26 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
23 Feb 2009 CSD-17 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
13 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
12 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
9 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
8 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
7 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
7 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
7 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
7 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
6 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
6 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
5 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
5 May 2008 CSD-16;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
2 May 2007 CSD-15;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 May 2007 CSD-15;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 May 2007 CSD-15;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 May 2007 CSD-15;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 Mar 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
28 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
27 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
26 Feb 2007 CSD-15 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
9 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
5 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
5 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
2 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
1 May 2006 CSD-14;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
22 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
21 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
13 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
12 Apr 2005 CSD-13;
Major Group: Workers & Trade
4 Mar 2005 CSD-13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
3 Mar 2005 CSD-13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
2 Mar 2005 CSD-13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Major Group: Workers & Trade
21 Apr 2004 CSD-12;
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
Mr. Guy Ryder, General Secretary
4 Sep 2002  


To ensure openness and transparency, Organizing Partners of each Major Group were asked to report on their activities and governance since the lead up to the Rio+20 Conference, including a written description of their selection/election criteria and a list of the organizations the Major Group consults with.