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Anyone concerned how Disney straight-up DENIES a father for wanting Spider-Man on his son's headstone?

Last posted Aug 07, 2019 at 12:00PM EDT. Added Jul 06, 2019 at 11:34PM EDT
31 posts from 11 users

Lloyd Jones had to witness his four year-old son Ollie die at such a young age from leukodystrophy, and Disney steps in to ban the father just because he took a picture of his dead son with a Spider-Man figure, one of the boy's favorite superheroes, which was meant to be a parting gift? What the fuck is wrong with that company!? This is really stupid that they want to "pReSeVrE tHe MaGiC" when they just wanna wring these poor kids of their money as long as they're alive and have no respect for the dead. These poor people are just like socks to this company. Terms and conditions, my ass, and DON'T get me started on those live-action remakes that prove how much of a corporate shell Disney has become.

Here's the link if you want more…

Disney is soulless? that’s like saying that water is wet, or that Indian food is nasty, they’ve had nearly a century to build up their defenses so much so that they can afford to sacrifice a little PR
i can well recall the case of Rebecca Coriam, who is still presumably lost at sea after seemingly vanishing from one of their cruise ships and they barely lift a finger on trying to solve her missing persons case. i think you know how apathetic they can be if they can be if something like that didn’t get them concerned

Artichoke wrote:

Disney is soulless? that’s like saying that water is wet, or that Indian food is nasty, they’ve had nearly a century to build up their defenses so much so that they can afford to sacrifice a little PR
i can well recall the case of Rebecca Coriam, who is still presumably lost at sea after seemingly vanishing from one of their cruise ships and they barely lift a finger on trying to solve her missing persons case. i think you know how apathetic they can be if they can be if something like that didn’t get them concerned

It's more simple than you would think. Many people nowadays have noticed Disney only caring about the money. First, it was this problem with Brie Larson developed as Captain Marvel, now this. If the father placed Spider-Man on the tombstone anyway, Disney would be tearing it down and be sent to court. Again, that doesn't matter since they have the power to pay off the judge and the jury. Check out these tweets to see what I mean by "greedy corporation that doesn't give a shit about there fans nowadays".

The other companies struggle with big bucks, but they at least listen to the backlash and try their best to fix it. With Disney, it's very clear they just only strive for game and never stop to think about their founder's vision… the very guy that brought the iconic mouse to the big screen. I have never seen a childhood company icon drift further apart from its people the same way Rose lost Jack in Titanic. To quote Obi-Wan, Disney has become the very thing they swore to destroy…


I don't blame them – but they should be held accountable for this.

I know… It seems like they are more focused on buying the rights to popular forms of media and making money off these products and their live-action remakes than actually care for a young child that died of a disease and would never grow up to go to school, get a job, find a wife, have kids, and live until he was well under 100 years. Until all this blows over and the wildfires of backlash have calmed down, I will not spend a single penny on anything Disney-related away to the company's cheapskate claws.

Monsieur Safior wrote:

You know would will hurt them ?

Stop watching the MCU.

I know there has been a lot of praise for these kinds of franchises, and he'll, even the DCEU is putting out good movies once in a while. What I'm talking about is how lazy Disney would get in terms of remaking something that doesn't need to be remade when they clearly know the originals are the only real ones. They would eventually start getting bland and tasteless, losing the magic over the rushed scripts they pull out every year and earn money because critics nowadays don't know how to write reviews. Eventually, the company will continue to burn money, always unaware and disconnected of people moving on to better, smarter, and more memorable films (and hell, even move onto the classic animated movies that Disney had already drained money out of just to bring it to live-action), until they eventually go bankrupt, and all the media they claimed will be free from its iron fist.

Changed the title because 'Anyone concerned how Disney straight-up BANS a father for simply featuring a Spider-Man figurine in his son's death bed?' is not what I would consider close to what the article said. Please, if the article has changed between when you first posted the thread and now, let me know.

What happened according to the article, was the father had requested his son's headstone to have Spider-Man etched into the headstone itself. This image of Spider-Man was close to a fifth of the entire headstone. He had sent a letter to Disney to request if they would let him and they said no. Walt Disney himself also did not want his characters (yes, I realize that Marvel characters aren't really 'his') in this way.

While I do understand the parents being upset, I can't see how the result is terribly surprising. Though I do get how seeing a bunch of cheap plastic disposable products with the same image being, well, disposed of but not allowing something like this makes the "don't ruin the magic" phrase seem like hogwash.

Would have been nice if they allowed it, but no one is entitled to their characters. The guy can still buy spider-man merch like a spider-man decal and put it on the tombstone, for example.

Jill wrote:

Changed the title because 'Anyone concerned how Disney straight-up BANS a father for simply featuring a Spider-Man figurine in his son's death bed?' is not what I would consider close to what the article said. Please, if the article has changed between when you first posted the thread and now, let me know.

What happened according to the article, was the father had requested his son's headstone to have Spider-Man etched into the headstone itself. This image of Spider-Man was close to a fifth of the entire headstone. He had sent a letter to Disney to request if they would let him and they said no. Walt Disney himself also did not want his characters (yes, I realize that Marvel characters aren't really 'his') in this way.

While I do understand the parents being upset, I can't see how the result is terribly surprising. Though I do get how seeing a bunch of cheap plastic disposable products with the same image being, well, disposed of but not allowing something like this makes the "don't ruin the magic" phrase seem like hogwash.

Yeah, and Disney doesn't demonietize a kid's channel that features gruesome, manipulative images with their characters without permission but bans a poor father who lost his child at a young age JUST for a Spider-Man action figure? This is complete bullshit and goes to show you that Disney nowadays does not care about its audience.

>Disney doesn't demonietize a kid's channel that features gruesome, manipulative images with their characters without permission

Its because they legally can't.

poochyena wrote:

>Disney doesn't demonietize a kid's channel that features gruesome, manipulative images with their characters without permission

Its because they legally can't.

They basically have the money to do so, but they are just lazy and let this manipulative content exist because kids = profit to them nowadays. It even got out of hand when new sites were talking about Elsagate.

poochyena wrote:

>They basically have the money to do so do what?

Demonetize “kid” channels ran by pedophiles/robots with disgusting fetishes of their own characters eating literal shit sandwiches, pregnancy, farting, peeing into each other’s mouths, abortion, rape, and 100% uncensored, NC-17 sex and violence featured in a kid’s video. That’s what I’m talking about.

>Demonetize “kid” channels

Unless you are inferring the money to be used to buy youtube and then delete those videos…. i'm not sure what you mean. They don't have the legal standing to have those video demonetized or removed, and having a lot of money doesn't change that.

poochyena wrote:

>Demonetize “kid” channels

Unless you are inferring the money to be used to buy youtube and then delete those videos…. i'm not sure what you mean. They don't have the legal standing to have those video demonetized or removed, and having a lot of money doesn't change that.

Regardless of who's keeping the channels for money, Disney is basically becoming selfish nowadays. Unless people want to waste money for so!ething lazy, repetitive, and bland, they need to wake up and actually write what they think about these remakes.

poochyena wrote:

>Demonetize “kid” channels

Unless you are inferring the money to be used to buy youtube and then delete those videos…. i'm not sure what you mean. They don't have the legal standing to have those video demonetized or removed, and having a lot of money doesn't change that.

Sonce when has legal standing meant anything?
yt will take down anything for big corps the second they mention it

Its not selfish since you aren't entitled to it. Its like me calling you selfish for not donating money to me.

They'd take it down, but then put it back up after reviewing it to determine there was nothing illegal about the video.

poochyena wrote:

Its not selfish since you aren't entitled to it. Its like me calling you selfish for not donating money to me.

They'd take it down, but then put it back up after reviewing it to determine there was nothing illegal about the video.

That’s pretty funny
Irl, that’s not how it works

Disney is a multi-billion dollar company, and the cash we earn is just pennies to them. There is no need to bring out lazy and manipulative movies with clickbait trailers just to bring in the attention and popularity so that they will get recognized by a person who's going to drain his/her wallet. Anybody notice how Disney is becoming the Soviet Union of entertainment media?

Not only that,. but tons of people have jumped in and complained about how the poor kid's father was banned for a simple toy. Disney wants to "try and preserve the magic" when what they mean is earn tons of money through lazy scriptwriting and critics that don't know how to review, simply treating poor and dying children like dirt. I know many celebrity actors go to hospitals to look after the kids in there as their childhood icons, but this is beside the point.

I know a lot of people might get mad for me saying this, but the entire internet basically knows what Disney did. How they approached the father and his boy's funeral went too far for them to go back. Now the internet's declaring war against the multi-billion dollar company and put them out of business. They won against PETA, they won against Fortnite, and it would be no surprise if they won against Disney.

Kenetic Kups wrote:

Do you have any idea how much youtube takes down?
Half of my favorite ytps, and reviews are impossible to find anymore because youtube just blondly takes things down

What Disney thinks, what YouTube thinks (mainly Disney because they own these characters), it all has to stop. They let bullshit like "Frozen Elsa Spider-Man And Joker Poop In Each Other's Mouths – Funny Moments Learn Colors Count Shapes Disney Toys Finger Family" go unnoticed while they ban people with figurines next to their kids on deathbeds because they want to "pReSeRvE tHe MaGiC".

Need I remind you these toy channels are ran by pedophiles and those kids are dead? Way to go, Disney. You have clearly killed the magic that made yourself so special.

RaggensGameplay wrote:

What Disney thinks, what YouTube thinks (mainly Disney because they own these characters), it all has to stop. They let bullshit like "Frozen Elsa Spider-Man And Joker Poop In Each Other's Mouths – Funny Moments Learn Colors Count Shapes Disney Toys Finger Family" go unnoticed while they ban people with figurines next to their kids on deathbeds because they want to "pReSeRvE tHe MaGiC".

Need I remind you these toy channels are ran by pedophiles and those kids are dead? Way to go, Disney. You have clearly killed the magic that made yourself so special.

Not really all that fitting, cause this isn't any kind of surprise betrayal or whatever really. It's totally expected. Capitalist institution does as capitalist institutions do. And if there are any companies today that you think would never do something like this, just wait til they get big and powerful like Disney (or absorbed into/driven out of business by Disney or similar)

Tinderfox wrote:

Not really all that fitting, cause this isn't any kind of surprise betrayal or whatever really. It's totally expected. Capitalist institution does as capitalist institutions do. And if there are any companies today that you think would never do something like this, just wait til they get big and powerful like Disney (or absorbed into/driven out of business by Disney or similar)

No… Not even a company consumed by greed like Netflix would go this far… Disney would take it to a whole new level. One never reached by any of the other companies ever. AT&T is bigger than Disney in terms of money, and they own Warner Bros., and yet they know their people and the limits they will go to. Disney does not, no matter how "special" it claims to be.

RaggensGameplay wrote:

No… Not even a company consumed by greed like Netflix would go this far… Disney would take it to a whole new level. One never reached by any of the other companies ever. AT&T is bigger than Disney in terms of money, and they own Warner Bros., and yet they know their people and the limits they will go to. Disney does not, no matter how "special" it claims to be.

Hoo boy. Regardless, it was a big mistake Disney made, and I hope they apologize for it (high chances they never will because they have the money).


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