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On Campus Housing

There are a number of opportunities for students who live on campus regarding the LGBTQIA+ community, including Gender Inclusive Housing, the LGBTQIA+ Living Learning Community, and UC San Diego’s commitment to house transgender, genderqueer, agender, and gender nonconforming students via discussions based on individual and specific needs. These opportunities, along with the work of the Resident Advisors/Hall Advisors (RA/HA’s) - who also receive training from both the LGBT Resource Center and through their own Residence Life Office - provide many opportunities to meet the needs of all UC San Diego student living on campus.

Gender Inclusive Housing

Gender Inclusive Housing is inclusive of all members of UC San Diego's community, including our transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming and intersex students. We want to ensure all genders, gender identities and gender expressions are included in our housing, dining and hospitality effort. To support all members for our community, students who receive a housing contract will have the option of selecting into Gender Inclusive Housing during the contracting process. Students who opt in by the stated due date will be assigned to available space within their College Community. Keep in mind that participating in Gender Inclusive Housing does not guarantee you a single room. Students who opt into Gender Inclusive Housing understand that gender will be not be a factor in assigning students with bedrooms, suites or apartments.

Gender Inclusive Housing is not a programmatic offering, but an option for living together inclusive of all genders, gender identities and expressions, and not gendered into male and female spaces. For the opportunity to live in a space that has programmatic elements regarding LGBTQIA+ issues, see the information below regarding the LGBTQIA+ Living Learning Community. 

Please refer to the FAQs under Room Assignment & Roomates for more details

LGBTQIA+ Living Learning Community

The LGBTQIA+ Living Learning Community (LLC) is housed in Cultural House in Tioga Hall and the Tuolumne Apartments in the Muir residential community, and is open to any undergraduate student from any college.  This living and learning opportunity is a dynamic program where residents participate in a variety of events: the welcome Lavender Reception, Muir’s LGBT Pride Week, Study Parties, Queer Dances, and other social events.  Collectively, this is a community and a cohesive program that is supportive and supports an educational learning experience.  Residents have the opportunity to explore themselves and a variety of LGBTQIA topics.  As a community, we are constantly trying to foster a place where students can be themselves whole-heartily. Here are some things students have said about the LLC at Muir College: 

  • “Really glad the universe planted me in the LLC.”  
  • “LLC helped me find family on campus, which is something really important.”  
  • “Easier to find LGBTQIA+ folks = easier to talk dialogue.”  
  • ”In community, space where people understand you and support you mentally. Less mess, less things worrying you because you’re in a safe space especially in the LLC. You’re with people who are also queers. My mental health is good. I can focus and not worry about these things. Can focus more on studying, academics, and other passions.” 
  • “LLC is somewhere to go to for encouragement and support from people who live there.” 
  • “Probably would not have taken on as many leadership roles without the LLC…gained a lot of experience through the LLC council.”
  • “Pushed me to be a real leader within community and outside. Making an impact with change, it has helped me find my job, what I want to do in my life...The LLC has really retained me as a person, student leader, and student within UCSD.” 

Students interested in the LGBTQIA + Living Learning Community are required to apply and submit an application stating their interest in the LLC. The Muir residential life professional staff reviews the submitted applications and makes the final decisions of who to accept into the program. During spring quarter the students who are accepted into the LLC are then permitted to choose an apartment in the Tuolumne Apartments, which are clustered in O-House. Only continuing students with a housing guarantee will be permitted to submit applications to live in the LLC. New first year and incoming transfer students apply at a later time. There are approximately 60+ students who participate in the LLC throughout the year; there are students from each of the housing locations participating in the LLC.

 If you have further questions please feel free to contact: Dr. Sonia Rosado ([email protected]) at 858-534-4200.

Housing for UC San Diego’s transgender, genderqueer, agender, and gender nonconforming students

Transgender, genderqueer, agender, and gender nonconforming students are valued members of the on-campus living community at UC San Diego. In order to provide support for the needs of incoming and current transgender, genderqueer, agender, and gender nonconforming students, all Residence Life offices at the six colleges and Housing*Dining*Hospitality strongly encourage potential and current residents to contact the Housing Liason, at (858)-534-8567 [email protected].

On-campus housing at UC San Diego is gendered in all colleges, and Gender Inclusive Housing (see above) is available to all students in all housing locations.

The Housing Liason will, through conversation and specific knowledge regarding the living environments of the colleges, and in coordination with the Associate Deans of Students/Directors of Residence Life, provide students with the options available to them, given their college. There are significant responsibilities that all students have when applying for housing, including active engagement in finding roommates, selecting living environments, etc. However, at no time will Housing force a transgender, genderqueer, agender, and gender nonconforming student, who has followed Housing procedures and met the above responsibilities, to have to find a comfortable, welcoming housing assignment on their own.



For more information visit Housing, Dining and Hospitality &LGBTQIA+ LLC web pages.