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Transgender and Nonbinary Health Information

For students that are a part of the transgender and nonbinary community and have begun, or are beginning, a psychological, medical or surgical transition, there are a number of processes that can be followed. Major points of contact include UC San Diego’s LGBT Resource CenterStudent Health Services, and Counseling and Psychological Services. All of these agencies should have an understanding of the health insurance policies that come into play, the competency to address the needs of transgender and nonbinary students, and the ability to communicate to each other regarding the services you may be seeking. These processes are set forth as a way of understanding the way you may access the health services you need.

LGBT Resource Center

Students who are transitioning/transitioned and are beginning to live/living full time in their appropriate gender expression may begin by accessing the LGBT Resource Center to connect with other community members, as well as gather information about the competency levels of other units within the institution regarding transgender and nonbinary issues.

For more info contact: [email protected]

Student Health Services

There are specific physicians and nurse practitioners that have worked with our transgender and nonbinary community at UC San Diego. For specific referrals to UC San Diego health care provides available to UC San Diego graduate and undergraduate students, contact Dr. Shaun Travers at [email protected], the Director of the UC San Diego LGBT Resource center, or the Director of Student Health Service, Dr. Stacie San Miguel, [email protected].

For more information on hormones and surgery, please see Student Health Services' website on Transgender Care.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Students who are struggling with their gender identity or issues related to gender identity may access Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) as a first point of contact. Students who have significant issues that can only be addressed with care beyond the length currently available through CAPS may be referred to on off-campus provider that is knowledgeable about transgender care.

Can I receive counseling related to gender concerns at UCSD Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)?

  • UCSD CAPS (the student counseling center) can provide an initial evaluation and short term counseling for transgender, transsexual and gender-nonconforming students.
  • Please be aware that certain providers have more experience in transgender counseling, therefore please indicate that you are interested in obtaining transgender counseling when making your appointment.
  • To set up an appointment with a CAPS psychologist call 858-534-3755.

What about longer term counseling?

CAPS only provides short term counseling. If longer term counseling is a part of your care plan your CAPS psychologist will help you find a transgender knowledgeable counselor in the off campus professional community. 

Does SHIP insurance cover counseling for transgender students?


Can my CAPS psychologist talk with my UCSD medical provider so I can get transgender medical care?

If you are undergoing or planning any feminizing/masculinizing medical interventions your CAPS psychologist can communicate with your medical provider to help provide you with the best care. 

Is counseling required for me to received transgender medical services at UCSD Student Health Services?

Generally, a psychological evaluation is required for any person requesting feminizing/masculinizing medical interventions, such as hormonal treatment or surgery. A psychological evaluation generally consists of 1-4 sessions with a psychologist or other mental health provider who is knowledgeable in the area of transgender care. After your evaluation, your psychologist will talk with you and your UCSD physician to develop a plan for your care.

Ongoing counseling is highly recommended if you decide to begin a gender transition. Because finding a comfortable gender role is a psychological and social process, counseling can be a valuable tool.

Counseling can help you to

  • clarify and explore ideas around gender
  • address the stress related to possibly changing your gender
  • have a supportive place to discuss issues related to “coming out” as a transsexual, transgender, or gender-nonconforming individual.