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Housing Stability

Housing stability means having a home that is reliable, secure, and affordable, and meets the needs of individuals and families. Having stable housing has a positive impact on people because it provides a strong foundation that supports other aspects of their well-being. When people have a place to live, it benefits their physical and mental health because they are protected from environmental dangers and experience less stress. Stable homes also create an environment that supports educational opportunities and helps students do well in school.1 When people have a stable home, it makes it easier for them to find and keep a job.2 Having a consistent place to live allows individuals and families to establish roots and build social connections, which leads to being more engaged in the community. This sense of belonging and ownership contributes to neighborhood stability and helps reduce crime rates.2

Having a stable place to live is incredibly important in reducing homelessness because it provides a safety net and a foundation for addressing other difficulties that people may face. According to the 2022 HUD Point-in-Time count, there were 7,917 individuals experiencing homelessness across the state of Minnesota. While progress has been made in providing emergency and temporary housing for children and families, the lack of affordable housing continues to be a persistent challenge in securing long-term homes for people. Single adults who have both medical conditions and other challenges face the most significant obstacles in finding permanent housing or even suitable transitional housing.3 There are also significant racial disparities when it comes to homelessness. In 2022, the American Indian population was 32 times more likely than the white, non-Hispanic population to experience homelessness, and the Black population was 12 times more likely.

By prioritizing housing stability, fundamental human needs are addressed and ensure a safe and secure environment that contributes to the overall well-being and quality of life for all residents of Minnesota.

Goal: All Minnesotans have housing stability.

Measurable goal for 2027: Reduce the number of Minnesotans experiencing homelessness, including a reduction in the inequities of who experiences homelessness. Target in development 

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Source: HUD Point-In-Time Counts
Technical notes: Counts are completed in January of every year by outreach workers.  The unsheltered portion of the PIT count was not conducted statewide in 2021 and the data is not comparable to other years.  This count should be treated as a minimum number of people experiencing homelessness as it does not account for people “doubling up,” e.g., staying with family or friends because they have lost their housing.
1 Kornbluh, M., Wilking, J., Roll, S., & Donatello, R. (2022). Exploring housing insecurity in relation to student success. Journal of American College Health, 1–5. Advance online publication. 

2 Carnemolla, P., & Skinner, V. (2021). Outcomes Associated with Providing Secure, Stable, and Permanent Housing for People Who Have Been Homeless: An International Scoping Review. Journal of Planning Literature, 36(4), 508–525. 

3 Bean K. F., Shafer M. S., Glennon M. 2013. The Impact of Housing First and Peer Support on People Who Are Medically Vulnerable and Homeless. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 36 (1): 48.
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