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Public Records & PRA

Public Records Act (PRA)

Public Records Act - Table of Contents

Public Records Act Basics

Public Records Act FAQs

PRA Practice Tips and Checklists

Public Records Act Court Decisions

Public Records Act (PDF publication)

PRA & Records Management Technology Guide (PDF publication)

Public Records Requests

Responding to Public Records Requests

Searching and Producing Public Records

Exemptions and Prohibitions for Local Government Records

Copying Charges for Public Records

Tracking Records Requests and Reporting PRA Metrics (JLARC Reporting)

Electronic Records

Electronic Records Policy Tool Kit

Managing Electronic Records

Retention of Email and Other Electronic Records

Text Messaging Policies

Social Media Policies

Processing Public Records Requests for Electronic Records

Law Enforcement Records

Law Enforcement Records Tool Kit

Tips for Managing Law Enforcement Records

Retention Requirements for Law Enforcement Records

Common Exemptions and Prohibitions

Common Prohibitions and Exemptions for Law Enforcement Records

Disclosure of Law Enforcement Investigative Records

Disclosure of Criminal History and Arrest Records

Disclosure of Juvenile Law Enforcement Records

Disclosure of Medical and Postmortem Law Enforcement Records

Disclosure of Personal Identifying Information in Law Enforcement Records

Disclosure of Law Enforcement Traffic Accident and Vehicle Records

Disclosure of Law Enforcement Video Footage

Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Records Exemptions and Prohibitions