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Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.



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Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.

Horn, S. D., J. D. Corrigan, J. Bogner, F. M. Hammond, R. T. Seel, R. J. Smout, R. S. Barrett, M. P. Dijkers, and G. G. Whiteneck. 2015. Traumatic brain injury-practice based evidence study: Design and patients, centers, treatments, and outcomes. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 96(8 Suppl):S178-S196.e115.

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McCrea, M. A., J. T. Giacino, J. Barber, N. R. Temkin, L. D. Nelson, H. S. Levin, S. Dikmen, M. Stein, Y. G. Bodien, K. Boase, S. R. Taylor, M. Vassar, P. Mukherjee, C. Robertson, R. Diaz-Arrastia, D. O. Okonkwo, A. J. Markowitz, G. T. Manley, O. Adeoye, N. Badjatia, M. R. Bullock, R. Chesnut, J. D. Corrigan, K. Crawford, A. C. Duhaime, R. Ellenbogen, V. R. Feeser, A. R. Ferguson, B. Foreman, R. Gardner, E. Gaudette, D. Goldman, L. Gonzalez, S. Gopinath, R. Gullapalli, J. C. Hemphill, G. Hotz, S. Jain, C. D. Keene, F. K. Korley, J. Kramer, N. Kreitzer, C. Lindsell, J. Machamer, C. Madden, A. Martin, T. McAllister, R. Merchant, L. B. Ngwenya, F. Noel, A. Nolan, E. Palacios, D. Perl, A. Puccio, M. Rabinowitz, J. Rosand, A. Sander, G. Satris, D. Schnyer, S. Seabury, M. Sherer, A. Toga, A. Valadka, K. Wang, J. K. Yue, E. Yuh, and R. Zafonte. 2021. Functional outcomes over the first year after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury in the prospective, longitudinal TRACK-TBI study. JAMA Neurol 78(8):982-992.

NAM (National Academy of Medicine). 2023. Emerging stronger from COVID-19: Priorities for health system transformation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.

NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine). 2022. Traumatic brain injury: A roadmap for accelerating progress. Edited by D. Berwick, K. Bowman, and C. Matney. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Nelson, L. D., N. R. Temkin, S. Dikmen, J. Barber, J. T. Giacino, E. Yuh, H. S. Levin, M. A. McCrea, M. B. Stein, P. Mukherjee, D. O. Okonkwo, C. S. Robertson, R. Diaz-Arrastia, G. T. Manley, O. Adeoye, N. Badjatia, K. Boase, Y. Bodien, M. R. Bullock, R. Chesnut, J. D. Corrigan, K. Crawford, A. C. Duhaime, R. Ellenbogen, V. R. Feeser, A. Ferguson, B. Foreman, R. Gardner, E. Gaudette, L. Gonzalez, S. Gopinath, R. Gullapalli, J. C. Hemphill, G. Hotz, S. Jain, F. Korley, J. Kramer, N. Kreitzer, C. Lindsell, J. Machamer, C. Madden, A. Martin, T. McAllister, R. Merchant, F. Noel, E. Palacios, D. Perl, A. Puccio, M. Rabinowitz, J. Rosand, A. Sander, G. Satris, D. Schnyer, S. Seabury, M. Sherer, S. Taylor, A. Toga, A. Valadka, M. J. Vassar, P. Vespa, K. Wang, J. K. Yue, and R. Zafonte. 2019. Recovery after mild traumatic brain injury in patients presenting to US Level I trauma centers: A transforming research and clinical knowledge in traumatic brain injury (TRACK-TBI) study. JAMA Neurol 76(9):1049-1059.

NIH Panel (National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel on Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury). 1999. Rehabilitation of persons with traumatic brain injury. JAMA 282(10):974-983.

Shrank W. H., T. L. Rogstad, and N. Parekh. 2019. Waste in the US health care system: Estimated costs and potential for savings. JAMA 322(15):1501-1509.

Wilson, L., K. Boase, L. D. Nelson, N. R. Temkin, J. T. Giacino, A. J. Markowitz, A. Maas, D. K. Menon, G. Teasdale, and G. T. Manley. 2021. A manual for the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended Interview. J Neurotrauma 38(17):2435-2446.

Yue, J. K., E. L. Yuh, F. K. Korley, E. A. Winkler, X. Sun, R. C. Puffer, H. Deng, W. Choy, A. Chandra, S. R. Taylor, A. R. Ferguson, J. R. Huie, M. Rabinowitz, A. M. Puccio, P. Mukherjee, M. J. Vassar, K. K. W. Wang, R. Diaz-Arrastia, D. O. Okonkwo, S. Jain, and G. T. Manley. 2019. Association between plasma GFAP concentrations and MRI abnormalities in patients with CT-negative traumatic brain injury in the TRACK-TBI cohort: A prospective multicentre study. Lancet Neurol 18(10):953-961.

Yuh, E. L., P. Mukherjee, H. F. Lingsma, J. K. Yue, A. R. Ferguson, W. A. Gordon, A. B. Valadka, D. M. Schnyer, D. O. Okonkwo, A. I. Maas, and G. T. Manley. 2013. Magnetic resonance imaging improves 3-month outcome prediction in mild traumatic brain injury. Ann Neurol 73(2):224-235.

Yuh, E. L., S. Jain, X. Sun, D. Pisica, M. H. Harris, S. R. Taylor, A. J. Markowitz, P. Mukherjee, J. Verheyden, J. T. Giacino, H. S. Levin, M. McCrea, M. B. Stein, N. R. Temkin, R. Diaz-Arrastia, C. S. Robertson, H. F. Lingsma, D. O. Okonkwo, A. I. R. Maas, G. T. Manley, O. Adeoye, N. Badjatia, K. Boase, Y. Bodien, J. D. Corrigan, K. Crawford, S. Dikmen, A. C. Duhaime, R. Ellenbogen, V. R. Feeser, A. R. Ferguson, B. Foreman, R. Gardner, E. Gaudette, L. Gonzalez, S. Gopinath, R. Gullapalli, J. C. Hemphill, G. Hotz, C. D. Keene, J. Kramer, N. Kreitzer, C. Lindsell, J. Machamer, C. Madden, A. Martin, T. McAllister, R. Merchant, L. Nelson, L. B. Ngwenya, F. Noel, A. Nolan, E. Palacios, D. Perl, M. Rabinowitz, J. Rosand, A. Sander, G. Satris, D. Schnyer, S. Seabury, A. Toga, A. Valadka, M. Vassar, and R. Zafonte. 2021. Pathological computed tomography features associated with adverse outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury: A TRACK-TBI study with external validation in CENTER-TBI. JAMA Neurol 78(9):1137-1148.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.
Page 82
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.
Page 83
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A: References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27653.
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 Data Integration in Learning Health Care Systems for Traumatic Brain Injury: Proceedings of a Workshop
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Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affect millions of Americans each year, causing symptoms that can be debilitating and long-lasting and resulting in physical, cognitive, emotional, and financial ramifications. The complexity and heterogeneity of TBI make it challenging to target the right interventions to the right patient at the right time. For those who do receive care, unlinked health records, fragmented care delivery, and gaps in medical surveillance means many questions remain unanswered about TBI prevalence, comorbidities, adverse outcome risk factors, and long-term outcomes. To help address this challenge, learning health care systems that bidirectionally exchange data and insights across clinical research, care services, and public health have been identified as key to improving patient outcomes. To help move the field forward, the National Academies Forum on Traumatic Brain Injury hosted a public workshop to explore the role of learning health systems in advancing TBI research and care. This Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes discussions and key messages from the workshop.


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