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Put your brand in front of millions of today's sports fans: passionate, technologically savvy, social, and influential.


Uniques per month 2,500,000
Page Views per month 10,000,000
Session duration 3:49


Average age 28.3
Average household income $119,000
Male 91.1%
College educated 95.6%

Programmatic Inventory

Type Display Size Example Availability
Standard Web Medium Rectangle 300x250 coming soon Contact Us
Skyscraper 160x600 coming soon Contact Us
Leaderboard 728x90 coming soon Contact Us
Wallpaper Multiple coming soon Contact Us
Standard Mobile Adhesion Banner 320x50 coming soon Contact Us
Banner 320x50 coming soon Contact Us
Custom Just let us know! Contact Us

Custom Placement

Type Display Size Example Availability
Email Native Rectangle 300x250 coming soon Contact Us
Sponsored Content n/a coming soon Contact Us
Headline 728x90 coming soon Contact Us
Content Sponsored Post n/a coming soon Contact Us
Native Mention 250x50 coming soon Contact Us
Custom Just let us know! Contact Us

Contact Us

Please click here to contact us if you have any questions, or contact:

Adam Kaplan
Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]