Health & Fitness

Mosquito Control Awareness Week Focuses On Education, Prevention

It's Mosquito Control Awareness Week, and with the rainy season now here, residents should take precautions.

It's Mosquito Control Awareness Week, and with the rainy season now here, residents should take precautions.
It's Mosquito Control Awareness Week, and with the rainy season now here, residents should take precautions. (Shutterstock)

PINELLAS COUNTY, FL — It's Mosquito Control Awareness Week, and with the rainy season now here, Pinellas County is reminding residents that mosquito control begins at home.

"While the weather has been relatively dry in Pinellas County, it's important to remember that water from sprinklers and hose nozzles can also create welcoming areas for mosquitos to breed," said Alissa Berro, interim section manager for Pinellas County Mosquito Control and Vegetation Management. "We encourage everyone to look around their home weekly and eliminate standing water where mosquitos lay their eggs."

Removing mosquito breeding areas is a best practice and one of the three Ds to follow for mosquito prevention and protection. Dump standing water at least once a week or cover it, dress in loose-fitting long sleeves and pants while outdoors and defend by using a CDC-approved repellent such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.

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If residents notice a mosquito problem in the community, they can call Mosquito Control at (727) 464-7503 or submit a service request online. The following tips can help prevent mosquitos year-round:

  • Keep containers dry or covered, including flowerpots, garbage cans, recycling containers, wheelbarrows, tarps, old tires and buckets.
  • Flush birdbaths and wading pools weekly.
  • Flush ornamental bromeliads weekly or treat with BTI, a biological larvicide.
  • Clean roof gutters, which can become clogged and hold water.
  • Change the water in outdoor pet dishes regularly.
  • Keep pools and spas chlorinated and filtered.
  • Cover rain barrels with screening.
  • Check for standing water near plumbing drains, under air conditioner drip areas and around septic tanks.

Pinellas County treats known breeding areas by ground and air. The section also works with the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas to keep residents and visitors safe.

Find out what's happening in Tarpon Springswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

For more information, visit Pinellas County Mosquito Control.