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Looking for that perfect holiday gift?

Looking for that perfect holiday gift?

Happy holidays!

Tis the season to give our family and friends gifts that we hope will bring them joy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could give them the gift of health? Well, maybe you can. Give them the gift of movement. Help them to ease their stress, anxiety and give them a moment to themselves while reminding them how important they are to you.

So where do you find this gift? You have a few choices. For those folks on your list that don’t enjoy leaving their homes during the cold winter months sign them up for virtual classes. This is a perfect way to stay healthy from the comfort of their own homes.

  • You can access Qigong for Inner Peace free classes via our on demand library . . . . what a great stocking stuffer.
  • You can sign up for virtual classes starting Saturday, January 14, 2023 from 10 – 11am through the Blue Hills Regional Technical School. Choose between an individual class or get a discount when you sign up for monthly classes for January – March. Perfect for the “snow birds” on your list.

For those family and friends that enjoy getting out in person these classes are always a bit of fun to brighten their day

  • You can sign up for Qigong classes starting Tuesday, January 10, 2023 from 6:30 – 7:45pm through the Braintree Adult Ed. Program or check out the other classes offered, Chair Yoga, Meditation or Tai Chi Fusion may be more towards their liking. Registration form. Join them for a fun evening out.

For those folks that want the convenience of both in person and virtual classes this is perfect for them.

  • You can take “in person” classes with Marie on Thursday mornings 10 – 11am. If the weathers bad then take the class virtually at Webb's Pro Fitness, 130 Washington Street, Norwell, 02061

And don’t forget to add yourself to your gift list to nurture your soul. Oh, and one last thing. Check out your health insurance. Many insurances are now covering wellness programs. If yours does or your family and friends insurances do just let us know and we can help. You might just get these classes for free.

For those of you with a big heart who would like to bring our offerings into your work place feel free to contact us directly for information about our Corporate Wellness program. We’ll design it just for you.

Take a moment now to sign up early and check them off your gift list. Movement is Medicine!

Happy holidays everyone!

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