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|Local Classified|Announcement|

The ABC's of Keansburg!

The ABC's of Keansburg!

Meet the 3 Candidates running for Keansburg Borough Municipal Election.

They are the ABC's of Keansburg:

Antonietta Carbone, Braden Salas, and Cristina Onciu


"Putting Our Experience to Work forYouu

We are a diverse group of individuals united by our passion for serving our community and fostering positive change. Our ticket is composed of Antonietta Carbone, Braden Salas, and Cristina Onciu, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table.

*Antonietta Carbone has been a proud resident of Keansburg since 2016. With a BS in Accounting and experience in healthcare and real estate, she advocates for resident parking and community involvement. Antonietta is committed to making Keansburg a better place for all its residents.

*Braden Salas, a resident since 2021, is a marketing coordinator with a passion for community engagement. Holding a BBA in Accounting and a minor in Entrepreneurship, he aims to bring financial acumen and an entrepreneurial spirit to the Borough Council.

*Cristina Onciu has called Keansburg home for 12 years. An active community member, she holds an MBA in Finance and brings expertise in business analysis and strategy, IT, and finance. Cristina is dedicated to making quality decisions and ensuring that the council provides top-notch services to the community.

Our campaign is focused on key issues such as transparency, public safety, town development, and preserving our local attractions. We believe in the importance of keeping our residents well-informed and involved in the decision-making process. Public safety is a top priority for us, as we work towards addressing speeding concerns and ensuring the well-being of our community members and pets.

As Keansburg continues to grow, we are committed to fostering this development in a way that benefits all residents without overburdening taxpayers. We support upgrading our parking infrastructure, attracting family-friendly businesses, and maintaining a focus on long-term goals and sustainability.

We encourage all eligible Keansburg voters to participate in the upcoming municipal election on May 14, 2024.

Together, we can shape the future of Keansburg and ensure that our town thrives for years to come." 

Vote for The Keansburg ABCs

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