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|Local Classified|Announcement|

Mayor Ammiano of Freehold Endorses Dr. Rajesh Mohan (R) for US Congress

Mayor Ammiano of Freehold Endorses Dr. Rajesh Mohan (R) for US Congress

Mayor Anthony Ammiano of Freehold Township has officially endorsed Dr. Rajesh Mohan as the Republican Candidate for New Jersey's 3rd Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. Mayor Ammiano’s endorsement is a recognition of Dr. Mohan's remarkable leadership in facing and overcoming tough challenges and fighting for everyday Americans to improve their lives.

Mayor Ammiano states that Dr. Mohan's success in his extensive public service and professional life is due to his empathy, passion, and guidance through his “Service before Self” mindset to improve the well-being of people. As per Mayor Ammiano, Dr. Mohan understands the critical issues facing all Americans and has common-sense, practical solutions with no personal agendas, which is what we want in a candidate to represent us in the US Congress.

Mayor Ammiano is impressed by Dr. Mohan's critical care approach to solving issues in a timely manner. “Dr. Mohan is a doer, not a paper pusher”, says Mayor Ammiano. Dr. Mohan has effective solutions and is strong on border security against drug trafficking and illegal immigration. Mayor Ammiano states, "Dr. Mohan has the experience, knowledge, and commitment to decrease healthcare costs and improve healthcare and is committed to protecting Medicare and Social Security for seniors. Dr. Mohan's insight and dedication to helping businesses by decreasing regulation and wasteful overhead expenses while providing incentives to keep service and manufacturing jobs in New Jersey and the United States is impressive and refreshing.”

"I am privileged to extend my endorsement for your candidacy for the United States Congress," Mayor Ammiano said. "You are like a breath of fresh air, and your vision and commitment to the future of New Jersey's 3rd Congressional District are what the people need in Washington, DC. I am excited to make sure that people come out in record numbers to vote for you in the primary elections on June 4th and the general elections so that we can make sure that you represent us in the United States Congress."

Responding to Mayor Ammiano's endorsement, Dr. Rajesh Mohan conveyed his deep gratitude, remarking, "I am humbled and honored by the thoughts, words, guidance, and support from Mayor Anthony Ammiano and his endorsement. Together, we will work hard and smart and leave no stone unturned to make our community thrive for a more promising future for everyone."

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