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|Local Classified|Announcement|

Help Raise 100K in 100 Days

Help Raise 100K in 100 Days

Local non-profit seeks Community support for programs providing relief to those in need

In 2020, over 3,000 food boxes were distributed to those food insecure and impacted by COVID-19. This year, POWER will triple this number by giving over 10,000 food boxes throughout NJ, NY, CT and PA through their Project F.E.E.D® (Friends Ensuring Every Dinner). To learn more about Project Feed, watch the latest video.

Then there’s more … POWER has launched iPlay® providing FREE instruments with virtual music instruction to over 200 low-income, minority and underserved K-12 students. Volunteer instructors like Aidan Donnelly from Berklee College of Music as well as local high school students have answered the call to provide virtual lessons. Learn more about iPlay® here.

Senior Connect® provides life-saving pre-programmed Kindle Fire Tablets to seniors aged 65+ in response to COVID-19 related deaths. Seniors can now communicate using installed telehealth technology with their primary and specialist physicians, order groceries, and family wellness checks. In 2021, an estimated 2,000 tablets will be distributed to those in need. Learn more about Senior Connect® here.

The Crimson Project® will help over 1,000 low-income, minority and underserved clients remove low-level offenses through expungement in order to secure meaningful employment to support their families and provide food security.

Then there’s YOU – without your support we are empty. Giving, no matter the amount, will help us reach those who desperately need the support, turning none away.

100K – 100 days – DO SOMETHING GREAT TODAY and donate through GoFundMe.

To learn more about POWER visit

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