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Neighbor News

Shir Ami Brings Community Together for Screening of Deadly by Design

Documentary depicts through victims' & family members' stories, how gun violence is caused by easy access to guns

Shir Ami of Newtown, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-PA), BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Warrington, and Congregation Kol Emet of Yardley, recently screened the CeaseFirePA Education Fund documentary, Deadly By Design.

This documentary deals with the effects of gun violence, through the stories of victims and loved ones. These stories show how easy it is access to guns, not mental health issues, violent video games or lack of armed guards, that leads to gun violence. A lifesaving gun safety system would close the gaps that allow firearms into fatal hands.

One of the stories featured in the documentary is about a woman named Edie, whose husband and brother-in-law were veterans dealing with mental health struggles and considering suicide. While they didn’t own guns, they were able to get access to guns that were not stored securely and they took their own lives. Pennsylvania is one of a few states that does not have a safe gun storage requirement.

These and other stories featured in the documentary both show the human impact of gun violence and demonstrate what is at stake when there are insufficient protections to prevent shooting like these from happening. Yet, this documentary doesn’t just show the effects of gun violence, it was a call to action.

RAC-PA and CeaseFirePA are working to get laws changed. Thanks to their work, HB-777 ghost gun bill was passed in March of this year. This bill requires that anyone who purchases a firearm assembly kit must undergo a background check, which is a requirement for other types of gun purchases. Yet, more work needs to be done, and to that end there will be a rally sponsored by RAC-PA and CeaseFirePA on May 7 in Harrisburg to advocate for gun violence prevention. In the meantime, those who viewed the documentary were urged to contact their state legislators to express their support for laws that reduce gun violence.

“Jewish tradition teaches that ‘one who saves a single life, it is as if they have saved the entire world,’” said Shir Ami Senior Rabbi Charles Briskin. “By hearing the stories of those whose lives have been impacted by gun violence and then by raising our voices to advocate for sensible gun safety legislation that will help reduce incidents of gun violence, we fulfill this vision of saving lives.”

About Shir Ami
Reform synagogue Shir Ami located in Newtown, PA, traces its history to 1976 when several Jewish families in Richboro gathered to discuss the formation of a new congregation. Shir Ami endeavors continue Reform traditions in Bucks County, as well as make new ones. It strives to be:

DEDICATED to sustaining and growing a vibrant and diverse Jewish Community.
DEVOTED to educating all who seek a greater understanding of Jewish tradition, values, and practices.
COMMITTED to connecting with each other, cultivating spiritual growth, creating a just and compassionate society and supporting Israel and the Jewish family worldwide.

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About the CeaseFirePA Education Fund
CeaseFirePA Education Fund is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to ensuring not another life is lost to gun violence. The fund builds awareness about the impacts of gun violence in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by lifting up the voices of survivors and analyzing data on the drivers of violence in the Commonwealth. It runs public education campaigns to foster civic engagement and build diverse coalitions that reflect the full toll of this public health crisis. And, it helps decision-makers understand the real-world impacts of their actions and inaction. To learn more, visit

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