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Neighbor News

Letter To The Editor: Who Do They Represent?

Who Will the Candidates Running for Council Rock School Board, Truly Represent?

I raise this question as to who the candidates represent because I'm concerned about big time political dollars affecting the race for Council Rock School Board. The Democrat pac," Together for Council Rock", has raised close to $100,000 for the school board races, this seems like a lot of money to make. After looking at their financial statement which was filed according to law, I was shocked to see how much money was being donated by the Democrat State Committee and the local Democrat County committee. Together they had given over $35,000 and that's not counting some of the in-kind Pac contributions of roughly 18,000.

This got me to wondering who will these candidates represent if elected on the school board, the parents of the Council Rock School District or special interest groups and their agendas." Together for Council Rock" has sent out numerous mailers and letters attacking their opponents and calling them "extremist". Rather than face the issues concerning Council Rock and its students, such as how to improve low reading and math scores as a result of the pandemic, they have resorted to making wild accusations about their opponents, claiming they are for banning books among other accusations none of which can be substantiated as fact.

So I went to the websites of the two candidates running for school board in Region One, Democrat Tracy Osecki and Republican Natalya Khavulya to see where they stand on the issues. Tracy spoke more about her involvement with the Newtown Borough Park and Recreation Board then she did about the issues, she spoke in generalities with no specific answers. However Natalya's website went into more detail about her ideas on how to help the children with low reading and math scores along with several other great ideas, and her website was the only one that mentioned parents should be involved in their children's education.

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You have to ask the question if the Together for Council Rock candidates win election what changes will they make to the status quo? Will they truly represent the parents or will they represent their big-money donors and the Democrat agenda. Could we see boys on girl sports teams, in the girls locker room and even the girls bathrooms? What changes would they make to the current Council Rock curriculum?

That's why it's important whether you're a Democrat, Republican or an Independent like me, do your homework on the candidates and then vote based on qualifications and not political affiliations.

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- Submitted by Paul Salvatore, Newtown Borough

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