Ask Dr. Suhas

Ask Dr. Suhas: How Can Ayurveda Help Beat the Winter Blues?
Every month, Dr. Suhas will answer questions from our followers about men’s health and wellness. If you have general questions for him, please send us an email to [email protected], and your question may be the one he answers next month.This month, Dr. Suhas answers questions around seasonal blues.Question 1: What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?Dr. Suhas: SAD is a mood...
Ask Dr. Suhas: What Is the Protocol for a Castor Oil Cleanse? How Much and How Often Should I Use...
This month, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar answers follow-up questions to how castor oil is a great purgatory in Ayurveda. The oil-based purgative supports the pathways for liver detoxification. It has a very lubricative effect on the colon and doesn’t dry you out like most common laxatives.
An Introduction to Panchakarma: The Ayurvedic Art and Science of Detoxification and Rejuvenation
Most people think of a detox as a superficial process. You change your diet, take supplements, or abstain from harmful substances, and the body does the rest. I am an advocate of all of these things. Unfortunately, many of my patients have health concerns that go beyond a poor diet. They need a multifaceted approach to rid their bodies of...
Ask Dr. Suhas: Is It Good to Do a Castor Oil Cleanse Every 3 Months? Why?
Every month, Dr. Suhas will be answering questions from our followers around men’s health and wellness. This month Dr. Suhas answers questions arounf cleansing, castor oil cleanse and exercise in relation to men's health.
Ask Dr. Suhas: How Do Men Cultivate Good Health Habits?
Every month, Dr. Suhas will be answering questions from our followers around men’s health and wellness. If you have general questions for him, please send us an email to [email protected], and your question may be the one he answers next month.This month, Dr. Suhas answers a question around how men can create and maintain healthy habits.How Do Men Cultivate Good...
Gleanings from the Bhagavad Gita: Life Lessons for Peace and Prosperity
The Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned for its consciousness-based spiritual wisdom, still relevant in the 21st century. The 700 concise verses in this scripture provide a framework to decode the science of self-realization, offering profound wisdom and guidance for leading a purposeful and fulfilling life. Join Dr. Deepak Chopra and me in a six-part series of LIVE Webinars starting in...