Mental Health

Navigating Mental Health During Season Changes
As we come up on nearly 20 months of existing with a global pandemic, the holiday season approaching, and demands of everyday work and life persisting, navigating mental health can feel impossible. All of us are low on capacity, the reality is we all need more than any one of us can give. Because of these fluctuations in capacity, building...
7 Ways Meditation Is a Prescription for Mental Health
During the Coronavirus pandemic and an election year, an increasing number of people are having to face anxiety, grief, and depression. As a collective, we have the opportunity to embrace, integrate, and step back; we create new paths to raise awareness and remove stigmas surrounding mental health challenges. You, or someone you know, are likely to be searching for a...
Lo Puedes Hacer: Por Qué la Meditación es Para Todos
Posiblemente, los mitos más persistentes con respecto a la meditación son que es difícil, implica lucha o enfoque tipo láser, o que está reservado para unos pocos privilegiados que poseen la estructura mental o genética necesaria para calmar la mente. Sin embargo, ninguna de estas creencias es cierta. La cultura popular no enciende una luz a la práctica de la...
You Can Do This: Why Meditation Is for Everyone
Put simply, meditation is for everyone. It can be done by anyone, regardless of background or experience. The Path To Stillness, A Meditator's Guide.
Why Meditation Is a No-Brainer
Everyone has a right to a healthy mind. From education to health care, many people face hardships in accessing the care they need to have a healthy mind. You probably never saw any of these challenges coming. This is the time to take inventory by evaluating how these challenges can become your path to conscious change; you can’t leave your...
Por qué la Meditación es Esencial
Cada persona tiene derecho a una mente sana. Desde la educación, hasta la atención médica, muchas personas enfrentan dificultades para acceder a la atención que necesitan para tener una mente sana. Probablemente nunca haya visto venir ninguno de estos desafíos. Este es el momento de hacer un inventario evaluando cómo estos desafíos pueden convertirse en su camino hacia un cambio...
Conoce a J Balvin, la Superestrella de la Música Latina y Defensor del Bienestar
El cantante colombiano es reconocido mundialmente por revivir el reggaetón, un género musical con raíces en Puerto Rico, Panamá y Jamaica, para una audiencia internacional. Pero el ascenso de Balvin como superestrella mundial no ha sido sin una misión. El valientemente ha compartido sus desafíos personales con la salud mental y ha ejercido por prácticas de bienestar. El compromiso de...
7 Reasons to Spend Mindful Time in Nature
Humans are designed to be outdoors. Your brain is wired to respond to the smells, sights, and sensations you receive outside. When you spend daily time outside it makes you healthier and happier. Paying attention to your environment in a focused and mindful way while you are spending time on the beach or in the woods feels great. Here are...
Healing After Loss: Meditation for Grieving
Whenever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with grief, try this meditation for grief and sadness to help you begin to find resolution to your feelings.
6 Ayurvedic Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health
Let’s dive deep into the importance of taking care of your mental health and shed light on the ways in which you can create a community around yourself in the digital age. In the stone age, sitting by the fire at the end of the day with your loved ones was a way to reconnect and regroup.Physiologically speaking, it is...
Ayurvedic Herbs for a Positive Mental State
Incorporate these Ayurvedic herbs in your rotation for a healthy and balanced state of being.
Ayurveda for a Calm Mind and Spirit
Thousands of years before the advent of modern medicine, Ayurveda taught humans that everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent and that human beings, blessed with a sound body, mind, and spirit, are inseparable from the natural world, are an integral part of the living, intelligent, and self-regulatory entirety.Ayurveda teaches us that the way to create an alignment or “balance”...
Mental Health, Meditation, and Loving Presence: A Conversation with Gabriella Wright
Gabriella Wright appears on our video call and instantly exudes warmth and tenderness. At her home in California, wearing a white button-down, her hair loose and long, Wright settles in with a green juice and greets me just the same as the first time we spoke—with kindness, joy, and a sparkle in her eyes.It’s not because Wright hasn’t experienced hardships,...
Why Traveling is Good for Your Mental Health
“Be a traveler, not a tourist” - Anthony BourdainLately, I've been considering getting these words tattooed on my body somewhere. I think about them all the time. This one sentence helps me reflect on not just the places I’ve been, but the experience of those places. I think about the stars in Saint-Tropez that I watched on a dark night...
How to Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being During Long Summer Days
In the summer, it is important to balance the fiery pitta energy with ways to cool off, calm down, and restore. If we do not purposefully schedule downtime in summer, tempers can flare, irritability can get the best of us, and we can burn out more easily.This is the season when children are home from school, and we feel the...
Why Companies Are Considering Shorter Workweeks to Support Mental Health
For people with full-time jobs, working four days a week rather than five days could have lasting positive effects for individuals and for society as a whole. Bold companies in the United States and abroad who want to offer their employees better opportunities for work-life balance are testing the 32-hour workweek and finding positive results. Here are some benefits to...
Daily Habits and Practices for Mental Health
Discover how to create a daily toolkit to manage stress, cultivate inner peace, and build lasting resilience.
Grounding in the Garden: How Planting Seeds Promotes Healing
Have you ever taken a walk through a garden and felt an immediate sense of relief? Spending time in nature is believed to have profound mental health benefits and manmade gardens are no different. Whether it’s a rose garden, herb garden, or vegetable garden, each can bring about feelings of peace and wonder — and have a grounding energy, too.Walking...
Four Daily Rituals to Adopt for a Healthier Mind
Thinking about ways to take better care of ourselves can get particularly overwhelming. This is especially true in our modern world as we have access to so many beneficial practices that we might start to feel the pressure to do it all — but none of that is good for our mental health. Starting small with daily rituals vs. throwing...
How Reading First Thing in the Morning Shifted My Mental Health
I was once someone who would wake up in a panic nearly every morning, rushing to open my laptop and get to work before 7 a.m. For years, I thought this is just how I functioned. After all, I worked from home and could eat my breakfast and guzzle down some caffeine while stomping my fingers on a keyboard. This...
Why Mental Health Is At the Center of Our Well-being
In today’s world, everything that we have ever known has changed. Everything that was, is no more, at least to a certain degree. Our lives are changing, for most, with a lack of feeling in control. Political angst all over the globe is creating a general anxiety that has yet found a place of sanctuary and impermanence of our livelihoods....
3 Tips for Communicating Your Mental Health Needs with a Loved One
It is normal to find yourself feeling a range of emotions. The facts of unemployment, financial instability, personal loss of a loved one, social media, and general uncertainty can all wreak havoc on your mental well-being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is, “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities,...
Ask Dr. Suhas: How Do Men Cultivate Good Health Habits?
Every month, Dr. Suhas will be answering questions from our followers around men’s health and wellness. If you have general questions for him, please send us an email to [email protected], and your question may be the one he answers next month.This month, Dr. Suhas answers a question around how men can create and maintain healthy habits.How Do Men Cultivate Good...
For Latinos, Religion Can Make Mindfulness Practices Complicated—But It Doesn’t Have to Be
While Latinos are experiencing mental health issues at about the same rate as non-Latino whites, they are half as likely to seek treatment largely due to stigma-related culture and religion.
Por qué la Salud Mental es tan Necesaria en la Comunidad Latina
En las comunidades latinas, los estigmas culturales en torno a la salud mental y las barreras estructurales a la terapia, han impedido durante mucho tiempo que muchos busquen y obtengan la atención necesaria. Sin embargo, a medida que las generaciones más jóvenes rompen los estigmas y más profesionales latinos ingresan a las industrias terapéuticas y de bienestar, estamos viendo un...
Prácticas Diarias para el Bienestar Espiritual, Mental, Emocional y Física
Cuando muchas personas piensan en la salud, sólo consideran sus cuerpos físicos. Si desea una vida vibrante y saludable, asegúrese de prestar atención también a sus cuerpos espirituales, mentales y emocionales. Aquí puedes aprender cómo.En general, los estadounidenses no se encuentran en un excelente estado de salud. Uno de los factores que contribuyen es que la mayoría de las personas...
Empowering the Well-Being of the Latino Community
According to Mental Health America (MHA), about 8.9 million Latinos living in the country have a diagnosable mental illness. The reasons for the disparity are numerous, including several cultural myths and stigmas as well as systemic and financial barriers.
8 Ways to Protect Your Child’s Mental Health While Quarantined
Dismantled routines, unpredictable futures, erosion of social networks, and loss of control over their lives have left many quarantined children struggling to regain mental equilibrium. One research study found that as many as 30 percent of children who were isolated during pandemics met the clinical criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder. As the weeks of stay-at-home orders continue to mount, many...
10 Tips to Manage Your Doshas While in Quarantine
These are uncertain and challenging times. It is probably the first time where all of humanity, in every corner of the world, is collectively affected. The most difficult aspect is the lack of clarity about the future. Everybody is anxious—from children to seniors—about health, money, travels, and much more.Thoughts and emotions affect everyone, but how you respond to them can...
How Mental Healing Can Still Flourish in the Midst of COVID-19
How fitting that the anniversary of the acceptance of my depression would fall around Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, I had paid no attention to it; this year, I am excited to pay homage to it. However, like most celebrations over the past couple of months, this will be spent with the looming effects of the global pandemic COVID-19....
A Guide to Resilience on World Health Day
Staying healthy is at the top of everyone’s mind in times like these, and on April 7, the globe recognizes World Health Day. As the world works to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are a few easy ways you can keep track of your health and wellness on World Health Day and every day after.Emotional Health1. It’s OK to...
Hug it Out! How and Why to Connect with Your Pets During Social Distancing
Pets add so much to your life on a daily basis. Now, more than ever, they can help you combat the serious loneliness, depression, and isolation that potentially comes along with this pandemic. Dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, lizards, fish, turtles, snakes, insects, birds—whatever your choice—all make great companions. Connecting with nonhuman life at a time when everyone is encouraged to...
If You're Panicking About the Coronavirus, Stop Yourself by Trying These 7 Methods
It’s hard to escape the coronavirus updates, especially when it’s talked about all over the media. As much as it’s important to stay healthy physically, it’s also important to stay healthy mentally—and not go into panic mode.As a social being, you are conditioned by the environment to respond to changes in everyday circumstances. When those changes are registered as atypical...
Daily Practices for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-being
Here you can learn how to improve your spiritual wellness along with your physical, mental, and emotional health for a vibrant, healthy life.
Pranayama for Mental Stillness
Simple breathing exercises to calm the mind and ground into the body.
Steady the Mind and Calm the Nerves with Yogic Breathing
One of the ways to support a healthy mind is to give it a break, and one of the best ways to give the mind a break is to practice breathwork. Breathwork brings your attention toward the breath as a focal point, taking your focus away from stressful thoughts.In yogic terms, breathwork is called pranayama. While breathwork has many benefits...
Resilience Is a Mindset and This Is How You Develop It
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult once said, “The human capacity for burden is like bamboo — far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance.”The good news: That elasticity can be developed with focus and practice.You and everyone you know experiences challenges in life. When difficulties pop up, you have a choice: wallow and dwell or adapt...
How Embracing Your Inner Child Makes You a More Resilient Adult
When we are young, we are no stranger to resilience. As children, we are constantly trying new things — such as sports, games, and creative activities — meeting new people, and putting ourselves out there to form lasting friendships. But, as we get older and into adulthood, we start to lose a little bit of resilience. And, on top of...
Finding Purpose in Grief and Loss
Deepak Chopra has notably said, “There are no accidents … there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.”When things are going relatively well in our lives, this statement feels like a welcome promise – an affirmation that this mysterious path is ours and it is right. We experience moments of coincidence and serendipity as the Universe’s way of...
The Benefits of Therapy
Being a therapist is as much about being present in your own personal work as it is about assisting your clients in their healing.
A Therapist’s Confessions: A New Consideration On Your Healing Journey
I have heard it all. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”, “Why would I pay someone to listen to me complain?” “What good is it going to do to dig up the past? I’m fine.” And my personal favorite, “(insert coping skill here): it’s cheaper than therapy!” Yup. I am a therapist. And these are some of the common themes...
How to Detox Today and Every Day
This shift reflects a very healthy trend toward lifelong well-being. Even minor toxins can accumulate to create damaging effects. Anger, for example, isn’t just psychological. It triggers a range of toxic effects in the body through stress and inflammation. Being unhappy is a state most people find tolerable, but your cells would disagree. The biochemistry of unhappiness is toxic and...