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    You’ve likely seen the funny electronic signs on highways around the country: “Drive Hammered, Get Nailed,” “Don’t Drive Intexticated,” or, for Chicago hot dog fans, “No Texting, No Speeding, No Ketchup.” Did you also hear the one about the federal bureaucrats trying to ban humor in those messages flashed to drivers? That one is no joke.

      Americans have a long history of making their presidential election years overly exciting. This time the major parties and their supporters are already overcome with emotion. For once it actually may be a question of whether there are enough sensible people to keep politics from causing an i…

        Breweries, wineries and distilleries at the last minute finally got what a unanimous Legislature had tried for a year to give them — relief from anti-competitive regulations that unnecessarily limited the growth of their businesses.

          Five years ago New York State approved a plan to charge the nation’s first “congestion pricing” to drive in Manhattan. That would discourage driving in the city, reduce gridlock and take in maybe a billion dollars a year for public transit use.

            For about half a century, Atlantic City hasn’t had a full-blown, sustainable supermarket. We’re now in year 28, by our calculation, of the quest to establish one there. The end has seemed in sight a few times, but vanished as conditions changed. The direction to the goal again isn’t certain,…

            The Jersey Shore community of Ocean Grove is the last of its kind, a camp meeting ground founded in the 19th century by Methodists as a summer retreat. Another, Pittman Grove, is now owned by the borough of Pitman in Gloucester County and a U.S. historic district. A third, Ocean City, has gr…

            Historic preservation is often good, but not always. A society, like a household, can’t keep everything, not if it wants a future that is better or even livable. History, function, design and rarity are among the values a building needs to be worthy of preservation and protection. The choice…

            This year begins with many renewable energy and emission-reduction projects struggling to hold to the schedules politically imposed upon them. Offshore wind generation along the East Coast has stumbled as increasing costs have outrun the development’s expected returns. Consumer interest in e…

            Firefighters have volunteered to protect South Jersey people and buildings for more than a century. As the work has required better equipment and training, they’ve been challenged to contribute more time and effort to keep up. Meanwhile, the complexity and intensity of increasingly urbanized…

            South Jersey utilities continue to increase the efficiency of their processes. That reduces waste and costs, and when the production of powerful greenhouse gases are involved, makes a substantial and pretty painless contribution toward meeting climate goals.


            Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Even when they tilt strongly favorable, considering the unfavorable gets the most from the advantages and helps avoid unforeseen consequences that may turn out to be a bigger problem than expected.

            People have been swearing to God that they will keep their promises since they learned to speak and conceive of God. When public service came along in the course of civilization, swearing to God was a customary part of being sworn into office.

            For too many officials and public employees, government in New Jersey is a racket for serving themselves at the expense of the public and its taxpayers.

            For nearly two years now, officials of Atlantic City, the state and Atlantic County have worked persistently and successfully to make city streets cleaner and safer — the dream of stakeholders in the city everywhere. Police, the county prosecutor’s office and service agencies have gotten con…

            We’re glad to hear that South Jersey’s power utility, Atlantic City Electric, and its union employees have come to terms on a tentative contract. All’s well that ends well, especially as the holidays near. Union members were to return to work yesterday, assuming they ratified the agreement.

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