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Southern Research Station
Researchers deploying an infrared imager

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & Forest Research in the South

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & Forest Research in the South


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) invested more than $5 billion in lands and programs managed by the USDA Forest Service. The funds will be used over the next 5 years to reduce the risk of wildland fire and restore ecosystems in support of the Agency’s Wildfire Crisis Strategy (WCS). 

Forest Service R&D received $100 million to develop and extend research needed in support of WCS. The agency received these funds under two provisions of the law (40803 and 40804).

Through these provisions, R&D is developing new technologies and tools to improve the pace and scale of fuels treatments and restoration of forests and watersheds, in collaboration with our partners across non-governmental organizations, Tribes, states and academia. 

Provision 40803 of BIL focuses on reducing the risk of wildland fire.  Fifteen projects are being led by the Southern Research Station. Restoring ecosystems (Provision 40804) is the second provision where investments are being made. The Southern Research Station is leading five projects that are designed to protect water supplies, control cogongrass, mitigate heavy metal contamination, and identifying markets for products like biochar.

Each project was selected for its ability to contribute to an area of scientific need while generating tangible outcomes to improve forest health, ecosystems, or community resilience. 


Last updated July 30, 2024