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For Students


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

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    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

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For Students

Undergraduate, graduate and professional students: The WSGC wants to fund your research in an aerospace-related STEM field on your campus. 

  • We want to help connect you with powerful, life-changing NASA internships and fellowships.
  • We want to connect you with our commercial partners for internships in Wisconsin’s growing aerospace community.
  • We want to bring you together with other students for an intensive summer research project culminating in the flight of a near-space balloon payload.

Explore our funding programs below and then talk to your campus WSGC Institutional Representative to learn more. 

WSGC Student Satellite Programs
Rocket Competitions
WSGC Graduate & Professional Research Fellowships
WSGC Undergraduate Scholarships and Fellowships
NASA Internships
Other Opportunities

For Students


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

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    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

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