Pay IT Forward

What is Pay IT Forward? 

Pay IT Forward is the name of our One IT Appreciation Program and is sponsored by the CIO.  The program is structured so that recognizing your One IT colleague, manager, or student employee is fun, easy, and meaningful. At any time, you can join the #Shoutouts channel in Slack to show your appreciation for colleagues.

How does the program work?

  1. Fill out the thank you nomination form.

  2. Once processed, the person will receive a $25 gift card and your note of recognition.

  3. Your recognition note will also be passed to the recipient’s supervisor and the Technology Leadership Council so the organization's leaders can see our shining stars.

Most recent recipients:

Recipient's Name Recipient's Department
Megan Saycat Strategy & Partnerships/IT Comms
Simone Burns Berkeley IT - Bus Ops
Chris Bartlett Berkeley IT - Bus Ops
Karl Aquino Information Security Office
Erica Ching Information Security Office
Lia Grant Information Security Office
Julie Goldstein Information Security Office
Ross Stivison CAD - Student Information Systems
Anna Gazdowicz bIT
William Nguyen Information Security Office
Brian Lee Information Security Office
Karen Alarcon Information Security Office
Lynn Gu Information Security Office
Joan Tran Information Security Office
Maddy Fukuda Information Security Office
Myles Fung Information Security Office

Why is appreciation important?

We know that between all our daily operations, it’s easy to move from one thing to the next without thanking the people who are making our work possible and our days better. Expressing gratitude makes people happier and healthier. At work, appreciation is a significant driver of job satisfaction and happiness, and engaged staff are more productive.

Learn More about Gratitude at Work

Program Contact

For questions about this program, email us at [email protected]. To send kudos to someone on campus who is not a One IT member, please visit the UC Berkeley Appreciate page.