NOAA/National Weather Service's Warning Decision Training BranchUnited States Department of Commerce
Commerce Learning Center

IMPORTANT NOTE: The WDTD web site currently allows for the alias "" to access our site. This alias will be going away in the near future. Please use the current "" URL to access our site to avoid outages in the future. Thanks!

Our Mission

The Warning Decision Training Division (WDTD) develops and delivers training on the integrated elements of the warning process involving a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Weather Service (NWS) forecast office and its partners. WDTD instructors develop and deliver a variety of in-residence, teletraining, and on-line asynchronous training content to meet this mission. Our primary goal is to increase expertise among NOAA/NWS personnel and their core partners so that they can better serve the public during warning operations.


Training Events Planning Calendar
Residence/Virtual Courses
Web-Based Training Release Dates

Warning Decision Training Division

Office of Chief Learning Officer



The Root Cause Analysis toolkit (RCAkit) application allows WOC students to enter, edit, review and save their WOC RCA assignments.  If you have questions on using this application contact:

E-mail list for WOC Human Factors Instructors

Installing RCAkit

  1. Before starting this installation, be sure to contact your IT support focal point on these installation procedures

  2. 1. Download the zipped RCAkit installation file from this web location: 

  3. 2. Unzip the file and move the 4 unpacked files to a temporary location.  (The 4 files are: RCAkit.CAB, RCAkit16.01.02.reg, SETUP.LST, and setup.exe)

  4. 3. Run the setup.exe program

  5. 4. Your IT support focal point can determine if the default names and file locations are acceptable within your office

  6. 5. Once installed, you can delete those four temporary files from step 3.

Running RCAkit

  1. To run RCAkit you can click the Windows “Start” button, then Programs, then the RCAkit Group. And finally the RCAkit Tab

    START > Programs > RCAkit > RCAkit

  2. If you want to review the RCAkit “knobology”, click on the button labeled “RCAkit Training Video". You can also review the written instructions here: RCAkit User Instructions.
  3. After entering your RCA into RCAkit, save any of your RCA files to a known file location such as the Desktop, or “My Documents”, or any known directory