NOAA/National Weather Service's Warning Decision Training BranchUnited States Department of Commerce
Commerce Learning Center

RDA/RPG Build 22 Training Is Now Available

In support of the RDA/RPG Build 22 Beta Test, WDTD has released the Beta Test version of training for Build 22.

Training Events Planning Calendar
Residence/Virtual Courses
Web-Based Training Release Dates

Warning Decision Training Division

Office of Chief Learning Officer

RPG/RDA Build Training


WDTD has delivered training on the WSR-88D Radar Product Generator (RPG) and Radar Data Acquisition Unit (RDA) since the system was initially fielded. The courses below present the new functionality, system changes, and their impacts to users for each build release.

Training Access

The links on the left access the course information pages for each build release. You can access an outline of the significant build changes by moving your mouse over each of these course info page links.

The links on the right are for the various training content that is available. NOTE: The streaming lessons and documents for a particular build release will contain similar information. We recommend you pick the format you prefer to find the information you are looking for in that particular training lesson.

Directory of Build Training
Course Information Page

Training Links

RDA/RPG Build 22:
RDA/RPG Build 21:
RDA/RPG Build 20:
RDA/RPG Build 19:
RDA/RPG Build 18.2:
RDA/RPG Build 18:
RDA/RPG Build 17:
RDA/RPG Build 16.1:
RDA/RPG Build 16.0:
RDA/RPG Build 15.0:
RDA/RPG Build 14.0:


WDTD welcomes your feedback on this training. Please send us your comments at: [email protected].! Thanks!