Faculty/Staff Career Programs

Career Counseling Library

The Career Counseling Library maintains an extensive reference library to explore potential directions in the world of work through job search books, web resources, and the use of computerized career guidance systems. Assistance with researching and accessing information is available from Career Library staff.

Career Development Workshops

Workshops on various aspects of Career Development.


My Career Development Steps is a fillable PDF template for capturing and tracking action steps toward your career goals. Use it to create and adapt a flexible plan as your ideas and plans develop. Refer to it regularly to recognize your progress and stay on track.

Learn more

Looking for Individual Staff Counseling? See Berkeley People and Culture Grow Your Career Resources.

Contact Us

2222 Bancroft Way, 3rd floor of UHS, Room 3290


(510) 642-2367

(510) 664-7880

[email protected]