
Antonius Nicolaas Hasebroek

From EastKingdomWiki

Roses alex 1.jpg
War of the Roses 2022
Resides: Barony of Bergental
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per Pale Purpur and Or a pair of Pants Potent.jpg
Device: Per pale purpure and Or, a pair of pants potent.

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Badge: Gules scaly Or.
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Queen's Order of Courtesy Companion of the Order of Apollo's Arrow Award of the Golden Lyre Master Bowman
ChirurgeonWebministerYouth Combat Marshal


Antonius Hasebroek (aka Lord Bunnypants) was born into the SCA in 1992 to Aeda van Scharwoude and Eamon MacCloud and raised in The Barony Marche of the Debatable Landes until 2015 when they moved to the East Kingdom to the Barony of Bergental. Resumed minor SCA Activities 2018 with Eleanore MacCarthaigh, returned in full in 2022 thanks to the efforts of Aleksei Dmitriev, and Pagan Graeme. In 2022 Antonius took a Protégé belt with Aleksei Dmitriev before being inducted into the Order of the Silver Wheel at the fall crown tourney by Mohammad and Corotica. In 2023 he was inducted into the Concords Order of courtesy by Corotica merkka Senebelenae, he took up fencing, as well as started as a MIT for Youth Combat, becoming a full marshal at the end of the 50th Pennsic War. Since Sommor Draw he has stood as Bergentals Archery Champion and has been on a quest to discover the recipe for Humble Pie.


Antonius is an early 15th century fur trader from the Burgundian Netherlands. He has traveled east to Kyiv, in search of rare and unique pelts to sell back in the Netherlands, where he entered into contract with Aleksei.


Antonius through his fur business has a great interest in hunting and archery, and through his travels become interested in preservation of food for long journeys. To pass the time on the road he has been known to enjoy telling stories and singing songs with his traveling companions, as well as studying the healdry of the noble houses he has done business with.


In Case of Court

If I am required at court please contact Aleksei Dmitriev, surprise preferred or else I will worry or over-plan.

  • Serous Court: Jonkheer Hasebroek (Yon-keer has-eh-brOOke)
  • Silly Court: Lord Bunnypants
  • Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them

Offices & Positions

  • Æthelmearc Royal Guards (2011)
  • Warrior Bard of Stonemarche (2022-09-18)
  • Barony of Bergental Webminster (2023-Present)
  • Lieutenant of the Guard (2024-Present)


Event Staff

  • Gate Coordinator - Novice Scola A.S. 58
  • Event Steward, Sommer Draw, 2023-06-23

Projects & Publications

More Information

Known Associates