
Konrad von Ulm

From EastKingdomWiki

HRM Konrad
Resides: Carillion
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Argent, a lion rampant and on a chief embattled sable three Maltese crosses argent.
Award & Office Badges
ChivalryCompanion of the Order of the Tygers CombattantQueen's Order of Courtesy

Knight Marshal



A late 14th century German, Konrad came from humble beginnings. Roaming the forests of Germany as a homeless youth he encountered a band of warriors known as the House Bloodguard intent on earning glory and fame. As Konrad began to learn the ways of the warrior the Bloodguard grew into a Templar order, and it's leader Andreas was elevated to knighthood. Konrad squired to Sir Andreas and with the Bloodguard they traveled the known world smiting those that stood for tyranny, evil and injustice; and anyone else that got in armor. After many years Konrad went on campaign with King Lucan and was knighted on the field at Gulfwars.


  • 09/27/2008 Count
  • 03/16/2002 Knight
  • 04/13/1996 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
  • 01/29/1994 Award of Arms
  • 09/29/2001 Queen's Order of Courtesy
  • 04/12/2003 Tyger of Valor
  • 04/12/2003 King's Cypher (Andreas II)
  • 10/03/2009 King's Cypher (Andreas IV)
  • 04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Yana III)

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