
Mohammad Al-Manil Al-Wajdi Al-Abderrafi Ibn Horrah Ibn Gowan

From EastKingdomWiki

Mohammad Al-Manil Al-Wajdi Al-Abderrafi Ibn Horrah Ibn Gowan
Resides: Havre des Glaces
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Heraldry Needed
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Chiffre Du Baron Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant Ordre du Pélerin Chivalry Ordre du Meritum Martialis Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Tyger of the East Blue Tyger Legion


Mohammad discovered the SCA in 1992 at his first event: Pennsic War. He enjoyed the SCA doing the party all day and all night for 6 years before he started fighting. Then he took the red belt from Sir Andreas Hak and became a knight 4 years after. Right next to his elevation, Mohammad founded his Household Al-Karakal. After 30 years in the SCA, Mohammad decided to enter the Crown Tournament and became Prince of Tir Mara and heir of the East Kingdom.


Mohammad is a Mamluk persona, who lives as a nomad with his group in the deserts between Turkey and Syria.

Born in 1273 in Inverness Scotland, under the name of Morgan MacGowan, from a Highlander mom (Argyle MacGowan) and a French merchant (Jonas de Soulac), he lived his early youth as a farmer with his 2 brothers. His mother, a soldier, was never at home and died when Mohammad was 5 years old. After this tragedy, his father, who wasn’t able to take care of his sons, placed them under the guardianship of a friend in Constantinople, to educate them. Morgan, renamed Mohammad Al Abderrafi, studied philosophy and mathematics for 3 years before they were attacked by a Mamluk tribe. One of his brothers died, the other one escaped and disappeared, and Mohammad was captured. Immediately, Mohammad was tested by the mamluks to see if he could be one of them and survived. He became a Mamluk slave at the age of 8 and entered the Furûsiyya (the western chivalry), where he found the asabiyya (“esprit de corps”) among his new family.

Offices & Positions

  • Name of Position, Location, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
  • List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

Event Staff

  • Name of Position, Name of Event, mm/dd/yyyy
  • List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

Awards & Honors

  • Sovereign of the East, Fall Coronation, October 1rst, 2022
  • Heir Sovereign, by Ryouko'Jin I and Indrakshi I, Spring Crown Tournament, Barony of Havre des Glaces, May 7th, 2022
  • Blue Tyger Legion for Al-Karakal's fighters, by Queen Vienna de la Mer and King Wilhelm, 100 Minutes War, November 17th, 2018
  • Tyger of the East, by Wilhelm and Vienna, Hundred Minutes War, Rusted Woodlands, November 17th, 2018
  • Sovereign’s Award of Esteem, by Brennan III and Caoilfhionn III, Les Beltaines XXXI, Barony of Havre des Glaces, June 9th, 2018
  • Silver Crescent, by Ivan and Matilde, Baronial Investiture Anniversary, Barony of L'Ile du Dragon Dormant, March 3rd, 2018
  • Lys d'Argent (Baronial award), Les Beltaines XXX, Barony of Havre des Glaces, June 24th 2017
  • Valor of the East, Pennsic, July 26th, 2014
  • Meriti Martialis (Baronial award), Havre des Glaces's Investiture, Barony of Havre des Glaces, March 26th, 2011
  • Order of Valor of the East, by Andreas IV and Gabrielle II, Feste des Bois, Barony of Havre des Glaces, September 5th, 2009
  • Chivalry, by Thorvald and Svava, Fall Harvest, Barony of L'Ile du Dragon Dormant, October 16th 2004
  • Ordre du Pèlerin (Baronial award), Barony of Havre des Glaces, June 7th, 2003
  • Tygers Combatant, by Lucan VI and Yana III, A Hot Night During a Cold Winter, February 9th, 2002
  • Chiffre du Baron (Baronial award), Feste des Glaces, Barony of Havre des Glaces, December 1st, 2000
  • Award of Arms, by Lucan IV and Caitlin, Feste des Glaces, Barony of Havre des Glaces, December 13th, 1997


Sir Mohammad's Squires :

  • The Honorable Lord Holev Disgratiov (OTC)
  • The Honorable Lord Svend of Al-Karakal (OTC)
  • The Honorable Lord Hakan Al Bashir Abdallah (OTC)
  • The Honorable Lord Ikhlas Al-Chakib (OTC)
  • Lord Boltok Sagdiyev le thérapeute (SAE)
  • Lord Avista Mustafa ibn' Abdul-'Aziz (AoA)
  • Lord John Williams of Farnham (AoA)
  • Lord William Blackthorne (AoA)
  • Lord Seamus Tableturner (AoA)

Sir Mohammad's previous Squires who got elevated:

  • Sir Angus MacHaley
  • Sir Baptiste of Al-Karakal
  • Sir Galbraith McGowan

In Case of Court

Please join a member of the executive council of Al-Karakal

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