
Yfir Donalsson

From EastKingdomWiki

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Honor and Loyalty
Resides: Shire of Hadchester, East Kingdom
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
House Blood and Honey
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel
Chatelaine Knight Marshal Youth Combat Marshal Seneschal Chirurgeon

Greetings to my chosen family!!!

My name is Yfir Donalsson. I have been a part of the SCA since the age of 16, but took some forced hiatus' due to military deployments and my career. I am a current resident of the Shire of Hadchester, Northern Region, in the glorious East Kingdom. I am squired to Syr Marcus Blackaert.

About My Persona

Yfir Donalsson was born along the coast of the Baltic Sea in the year 993, his father a sword Dane of reasonable reknown who traveled to the region for trade and his mother a village wise woman and seller of amber beads found upon the shore. He grew up aiding his mother as she gathered herbs for medicine and food, and worked a small boat on the coast for fresh fish. Never one to shy away from laborious tasks his hands grew calloused, his wrists thick, his back strong. Then he was called to take up arms with his estranged father who sought forgiveness for his abandonment of lover and her child. He traveled for some time plying his trade as a sell sword, learning to both follow orders and give them. Finding himself on far flung shores in the kingdoms of Drachenwald, Outlands, Artemisia, An Tir and Atlantia until finding his home settling a small farmsteading, called Rafn Holr, in the woods along the shore of the mighty East Kingdom, where he tends his land, cares for his family and leads a household of fighting folk and artists.

Offices & Positions

  • Chirurgeon, Barony of Marinus, Atlantia 2005
  • Sword Brother, Company of St. Uriel, Principality of the Summits, Barony of Adiantum, An Tir
  • Order of the Iron Oak, Company of St. Uriel, An Tir
  • Deputy Chatelaine/Chamberlain, Shire of Hadchester, East Kingdom—- 2013-2015
  • Chatelaine, Shire of Hadchester, East Kingdom-- 2017-2020
  • Jarl, founding Member, House Bogatyr
  • Member of the East Kingdom Foresters Guild
  • Seneschal, Shire of Hadchester, East Kingdom 2019-2021
  • Heavy List Marshal--current
  • Youth Combat Marshal--current
  • Thrown Weapons MiT to Syr Cedric of Thanet
  • Heavy Fighter
  • Combat Archer
  • Founder, Knowne World Outlaw Philanthropists Guild
  • Founding member, House Blood and Honey

Event Staff

  • Youth MiC
Panteria 2019, Panthervale
GNEW 2019, Malagentia
Birka 2020, Stonemarche
Slated for GNEW 2020, cancelled due to pandemic Malagentia
  • Heavy List Marshal
Tourney on a Summers' Day 2018, Hadchester
Baronial Muster 2018 Endewearde
Egil Skalligrimsom Memorial Tournament 2011, Barony of Adiantum, An Tir
  • Youth Marshal
Baronial Muster, Endewearde 2018
Jehan's, Endewearde 2018
  • Autocrat
Orchard Wars 2014, Hadchester
  • Feastocrat
Caristia 2014, Hadchester

In Case of Court

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