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Thank you for your interest in working with Clackamas Community College. As stewards of public funds, we serve the college community by the procurement of quality goods and services in the most cost effective way. We achieve this through request for bids (RFB) or request for proposals (RFP) solicitations. We look forward to working with you.

Contact Our Purchasing Agent

[email protected]

Legal Authority

ORS 279, the public contracting code, applies to all state agencies and local governments, including the college.  The code requires the Attorney General to adopt rules of procedures.  These Model Public Contract Rules are in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 137, Divisions 046 through 049.  Local governments are subject to the model rules unless they adopt their own.  The Board, acting as its own LCRB, has adopted the Community College Rules of Procurement (CCRP) developed by participating Oregon community colleges. The CCRP makes exceptions and clarifications to the model rules that address community college needs.  For items addressed in the CCRP, the CCRP prevails over the Model Public Contract Rules.  For a current copy of the CCRP, please email the Purchasing Agent at [email protected].

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