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Clackamas Community College Advocacy

Community college funding

Oregon’s 17 community colleges have three main sources of funding: Student tuition and fees, property taxes and state funding. When funding from the state does not keep pace with inflation, community colleges are forced to raise tuition and/or cut critical programs and services. Over the last 10 years, funding from tuition and property taxes have each increased by 7%, while funding from the state is down 14% from pre-2008 recession level. To keep tuition affordable and community college accessible, we need adequate funding from the state of Oregon.

Why support Clackamas Community College?

Community colleges are often the first choice for post-secondary education for students in Oregon. They serve the most diverse populations – students right out of high school, single parents, families living in poverty, veterans, students who are the first in their families to attend college and those looking for a fresh start. CCC has an impact not only for the students who attend our college, but also in the county economy and workforce.

Over the years, students have studied at CCC and entered or re-entered the workforce with newly acquired skills. Today, thousands of these former students are employed in Clackamas County. The average income of someone with an associate’s degree in Clackamas County is $41,900, which is $9,100 a year more compared to those with a high school diploma or equivalent.

For every dollar that our community spends on CCC educations, our community receives a cumulative value of $6.50 in benefits, for as long as students at CCC remain active in the state workforce. Altogether, the average annual added income due to the activities of CCC and its former students equals $217.1 million, which is equivalent to supporting 2,613 jobs.

CCC is a fantastic organization that transforms lives and is committed to serving the Clackamas County community.

Your voice matters

As legislators work on the state budget, your voice is critical to help ensure community colleges get the funding they need to continue to serve our students. Oregon is a citizen Legislature. Legislators frequently have day jobs or are retired. They uniformly want to make Oregon a better place. Communication from citizens, business, students and the public help them make informed decisions.

Remember, the legislators are just people who have to make decisions. To make good decisions, they need information, examples and suggestions, all within a limited amount of time.

Here is how you can help:

CCC Advocacy

Communicating effectively with legislators
Meet with your legislators
Write or email letters to your legislators
Testify to a committee
Send a letter to the editor
CCC legislators

I want to help

Want to be a Clackamas Community College advocate? Contact Lori Hall at [email protected].

Lori Hall

Contact Us

Lori Hall

Public Information Officer


[email protected]

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