

CoinDesk Indices is committed to the highest standards in its benchmark administration to promote the quality, reliability, and integrity of its benchmarks.

Our robust policies and procedures reflect our longstanding commitment to manage conflicts of interest, govern our benchmarks transparently, and align with industry best practices, including the International Organization of Securities Commissions' (IOSCO) Principles for Financial Benchmarks.

CDI’s index committee serves as the primary governance body to oversee the design, maintenance, and publication of CDI’s indices and their corresponding methodologies to ensure each index achieves its stated objective and is calculated and reconstituted according to the rules detailed in its respective methodology.

Supplemental Documents

CoinDesk Indices publishes and maintains supporting documents that provide information and data related to its indices and services.


CoinDesk Indices may seek feedback from its clients and other interested parties on material changes to its Methodologies and/or Policies through a public consultation process. Each consultation will include a comment period for responses to be submitted. Any changes resulting from such consultation will be announced prior to their implementation.




Index Announcements

  • CoinDesk Indices Announces Results of its Single Digital Asset Price Indices Consultation


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  • CoinDesk Indices Proposes Methodology Changes to its Single Digital Asset Price Indices


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  • CoinDesk Indices Provides Update on Render Token Migration


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  • CoinDesk Single Digital Asset Indices July 2024 Review Announcement


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  • CoinDesk 20 Index July 2024 Reconstitution Announcement


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  • CoinDesk Select Indices July 2024 Reconstitution Announcement


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  • CoinDesk Market Select Index (CMIS) July 2024 Reconstitution Announcement


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  • CoinDesk Market Index July 2024 Reconstitution Results


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IOSCO Principles and SOC Audits

CoinDesk Indices is committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, security, governance and regulatory compliance. Assuch, CoinDesk Indices voluntarily adheres to the International Organization of Securities Commissions Principles for Financial Benchmarks (“IOSCO Principles”) and System and Organization Controls for SOC 1 and SOC 2 attestation reporting.

IOSCO Principles

First published in July 2013, the IOSCO Principles’ objective is to create an overarching framework of principles for the construction, administration, and oversight of benchmarks used in financial markets. CoinDesk Indices has completed an external review of its adherence to the IOSCO Principles, available here.

SOC Audits

SOC 1 - Type II

SOC 1 audit reports are industry standard attestations governed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA). Specifically, SOC 1 assesses how well CoinDesk Indices safeguards information and maintains processes that may impact the accuracy and integrity of clients’ financial statements. The audit is conducted in accordance with Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 18 guidelines. CoinDesk Indices has completed an external review of its SOC 1 compliance, available here.

SOC 2 - Type II

SOC 2 audit reports assess a company’s non-financial controls, with a focus on defined trust principles aligned with the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) principles. CoinDesk Indices evaluates and maintains controls related to the security, availability and confidentiality trust service principles. CoinDesk Indices has completed an external review of its SOC 2 compliance, available here.


CoinDesk Indices administers and publishes various reference rates and digital asset indices that are used by its clients and market participants. In the event any party has a formal complaint regarding a CDI Benchmark, CoinDesk Indices maintains a Complaints Policy which outlines the process and procedures for handling complaints, available below.