I just got back from my honeymoon and am planning to end the marriage after my husband's grim act: 'Major red flag'

A couple's honeymoon was over the day it ended after a distressed wife caught her husband engaging in 'concerning' behaviour with another woman. 

The pair had befriended a lone female traveller on their honeymoon and they exchanged socials with her, thinking she was 'cool'. 

'My husband made some comments on her post and let me know he was checking out her stories. He's a lot more into socials than I am so that didn't raise any red flags,' the newlywed said.

But after feeling curious, the suspicious wife couldn't resist checking her husband's direct messages - as they have a strict 'open phone' policy in the relationship.  

The woman was alarmed to discover no evidence of a chat between her husband and the friend, which was 'weird' because the husband had already owned up to exchanging a few polite messages with her.

'He first tried to gaslight me by saying he didn’t erase it. Eventually, he admitted to deleting it, but doesn’t admit to it being inappropriate - He claims he got 'nervous' - and that’s his excuse,' she added. 

The wife couldn't understand why an innocent chat would make her husband so uncomfortable, and said she has now 'lost all trust' in him. 

'Would I be the a****** if I call it quits over something like this so soon?' she asked on Reddit

A wife wanted to call it quits on her marriage the day she got back from her honeymoon after catching her husband lying about a deleted message exchange with a fellow female traveller

A wife wanted to call it quits on her marriage the day she got back from her honeymoon after catching her husband lying about a deleted message exchange with a fellow female traveller 

Thousands of people weighed in on the distraught wife's dilemma - with many telling her to 'end it now'.

'That’s inexcusable, deceitful behaviour at a time when a couple’s devotion is usually at its peak - hence the phrase honeymoon period,' one woman said. 

'I know two women who ended their marriages weeks after the wedding. Neither one regrets it. Do it before buying a house or having a kid together, which are both WAY bigger commitments.'

Others agreed, saying that the husband's exchange of socials was a 'major red flag', as he should have only had eyes for his wife - especially on their honeymoon. 

They also thought that the messages couldn't have been so 'innocent' if the deceitful husband had been compelled to delete them.  

'Innocent chats don't get deleted and people with nothing to hide don't gaslight,' one man said.  

'So he deleted proof of his innocent conversation because an innocent conversation made him nervous? Always trust your gut,' another agreed. 

Many said the suspicious behaviour at such an early stage of the marriage was only a bad sign of things to come, and that it was probably 'inevitable' that her husband would stray, if he hadn't already.

A few people thought that the wife should try and trick her partner into a  confession to confirm once and for all if the message exchange was as innocent as he had maintained. 

'Tell him 'I figured out how to retrieve your messages. Anything you wanna say about what I saw?' Acting like you already know can often get a confession,' one man suggested. 

But an ex-wife who had been in a similar situation gave the distressed woman a caution about pretending to know more than she did. 

'Found out about my husband’s affair that way, Be sure you’re ready to go there.'