Is your partner having an affair? The people who are most likely to cheat have been revealed - and you might be surprised

  • It has now been revealed who is the most likely to cheat on their partners
  • New data from Ashley Madison that suggested who we should be most wary of 
  • If you're worried your partner is cheating these are the signs to look out for
  • Previously a relationship expert revealed the different cheaters you may meet 

You might not expect it, but high school sweethearts are the people who have the highest chance of cheating, it was revealed on Thursday.

In new data from Ashley Madison, it was revealed that these long-term lovers are the most likely to stray from each other because they might eventually become bored of the person they have been with since they were young. 

According to survey respondents, 21 per cent met their spouse at school and 20 per cent met them at work. 

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People may be surprised that high school sweethearts have the highest chance of cheating on their partners (stock image)

People may be surprised that high school sweethearts have the highest chance of cheating on their partners (stock image)

The average age that Australians sign up for the website is 33.7, which seems to be when people become disinterested with their partner in the bedroom. 

Previously, the website also looked into why people choose to cheat on their long-term partners.  

The survey they conducted revealed that, although mostly physical, cheaters are also looking for emotional validation that they aren’t getting at home.

Sex is the number one reason people choose to cheat (61 per cent), but the other reasons reveal a lot of about why some relationships experience infidelity.

The average age that Australians sign up for the website is 33.7, which seems to be the average age people become disinterested in the bedroom

The average age that Australians sign up for the website is 33.7, which seems to be the average age people become disinterested in the bedroom

Apart from sex, 45 per cent of survey respondents want to explore new desires and 44 per cent are looking for emotional reassurance.

As well as this, 42 per cent are after friendship and 30 per cent want to feel butterflies again.

'The reasons why people cheat are very telling of the types of relationships that people find themselves in,' Isabella Mise, Director of Communications for Ashley Madison said.

Apart from sex, 45 per cent of survey respondents want to explore new desires and 44 per cent are looking for emotional reassurance

Apart from sex, 45 per cent of survey respondents want to explore new desires and 44 per cent are looking for emotional reassurance

Ashley Madison members also revealed why they like having affairs, with 76 per cent saying their sexual needs were met

Ashley Madison members also revealed why they like having affairs, with 76 per cent saying their sexual needs were met

'When sex and intimacy fade, often times monogamy becomes a struggle for our members but they don’t want to leave their partner altogether,' she added.

'Infidelity is an avenue for them to have certain needs met and stay happy in their primary relationship.'

If you're concerned with whether your partner is being unfaithful there are certain things you should look for. 

Top 10 careers that cheat for males 

1. Trades - 29%

2. Information technology - 12%

3. Entrepreneur - 11%

4. Retail/Hospitality - 8%

5. Finance - 8%

6. Marketing/Communications - 6%

7. Medical - 5%

8. Legal - 4%

9. Education - 4%

10. Arts/Entertainment - 3% 


Top 10 careers that cheat for females 

1. Medical - 23%

2. Education - 12%

3. Entrepreneur - 11%

4. Finance - 9%

5. Social work - 9%

6. Retail/hospitality - 9%

7. Information technology - 8%

8. Marketing communications - 4%

9. Trades - 4%

10. Legal - 4%  


Perth's Millionaire Matchmaker, Louanne Ward (pictured), has spoken to FEMAIL about the signs to look for and the different kinds of cheaters you may come across

Perth's Millionaire Matchmaker, Louanne Ward (pictured), has spoken to FEMAIL about the signs to look for and the different kinds of cheaters you may come across

Key signs of an Accidental Cheater  

* Staying back at work more often 

* Spending more time with the kids 

* Looking more animated on the phone

* Increased and suspicious social media use 

* Being manscaped or waxed to perfection 

* New clothes or lingerie that you haven't seen on 

* Lines like 'I just need some time alone' are used more frequently 

* Talking about a new person at work or at golf before mentions of this person suddenly stop


Previously relationship expert and Perth's Millionaire Matchmaker, Louanne Ward, spoke to FEMAIL about what you should pay attention to and the different kinds of cheaters you may come across. 

Ms Ward said most people feel sorry for someone who is an 'accidental cheater' as 'they have convinced themselves and anyone else that knows that this is a very tough situation'.

They will be going through the 'we didn't set out to hurt anyone' and the 'I love my partner but I'm not sure if I am still in love with them lines'.

So what do you need to look out for?

'They will start by talking about a new person at work, at golf or tennis club etc. and you won't think too much about it until it starts to almost become awkward,' Louanne explained.

Ms Ward said most people feel sorry for someone who is an 'accidental cheater' as 'they have convinced themselves and anyone else that knows that this is a very tough situation'

Ms Ward said most people feel sorry for someone who is an 'accidental cheater' as 'they have convinced themselves and anyone else that knows that this is a very tough situation'

Key signs of the Once Off Cheater 

* They will tell you they love you a lot more but not show it 

* They will have moments of guilt and buy you unexpected gifts

* They will take you to nice places but the conversation is stifled 

* They put uncharacteristic distance down to being 'stressed at work' 

* They daydream a lot  


Another type is the once off cheater, who may have a momentary lapse in judgement. 

Signs of this cheater include them becoming standoffish and uncharacteristically uncommunicative or going out of their way to tell you how much they love you.

'They will tell you they love you but the lip service doesn't turn into the full after sales service,' Louanne said. 

These people will also likely have moments of guilt and buy you unexpected gifts or seem more distant when spending time with you even if you are spending more time than usual together.

Another type of cheater is the once off cheater, who may have a momentary lapse in judgement

Another type of cheater is the once off cheater, who may have a momentary lapse in judgement

Key signs of the Serial Cheater  

* They go out of their way to tell you that their ex was insecure and that they have friends of the opposite sex 

* They get defensive when you ask about their night or who they were with 

* They will confess their undying love for you and in the same breath suggest you get help as you are ruining the relationship with your insecurities 

* They use lines like 'why are you being so insecure all of a sudden?'


The final type of cheater is the worst kind: a serial cheater. This type is a repeat offender and is harder to detect as they have mastered the craft.

'If a cheater gets away with cheating, the thrill of this can become exciting. Which is why, "once off cheaters" often become serial offenders. So, it's very important to look for the telltale signs,' Louanne said. 

'Getting away with the crime gives them the power fix they desire as typically they have a narcissistic personality.'

So what should you look out for?

'This narcissistic cheater is a seasoned pro so they can be harder to detect because they have mastered their craft,' Louanne said. 

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