My boss, 43, sent me inappropriate after-hours texts asking me to see a movie with him. I'm 19 but some are still blaming me for 'leading him on'

A boss in his 40s has been slammed for being 'creepy' after asking a young staff member if she would like to go to the movies with him.

The 19-year-old worker said she was lost for words when she received the unwanted text messages at 11pm one night. 

The young woman shared screenshots of the conversation on Reddit and sought advice on how to respond. 

'He asked if I wanted to see a movie and I said I'd been wanting to see the Garfield one (not trying to make him think I wanted to go with him although I see how that looks like an invitation kinda?),' she wrote. 

'But then he's been spamming me with texts and I haven't replied since the last one in the first picture... he sent a follow up text today and I really don't know how I want to say NO without coming off rude.'

The 19-year-old worker didn't know what to say when she received unwanted text messages at 11pm from her boss asking if she wanted to go see a movie

The 19-year-old worker didn't know what to say when she received unwanted text messages at 11pm from her boss asking if she wanted to go see a movie

When the worker didn't respond her boss sent another text at 11:33pm that read 'Aww did I put you to sleep again?' The following morning he messaged again

When the worker didn't respond her boss sent another text at 11:33pm that read 'Aww did I put you to sleep again?' The following morning he messaged again

When the worker didn't respond her boss sent another text at 11:33pm that read 'Aww did I put you to sleep again?'

The following morning he messaged again and wrote: 'Did you decide on a day? I don't mean to be pushy, and no pressure, just thought it would be cool to chill and do something fun.' 

The texts sent alarm bells ringing among Redditors who encouraged the young woman to tell her boss just how inappropriate the request was.

The texts sent alarm bells ringing among Redditors who encouraged the young woman to tell her boss just how inappropriate the request was (stock image)

The texts sent alarm bells ringing among Redditors who encouraged the young woman to tell her boss just how inappropriate the request was (stock image) 

'This is so unbelievably inappropriate on his end, what the f***. Absolutely the f*** not. I understand not feeling comfortable saying no,' one wrote. 

'But I think it's best if you just let him know you're not interested and don't think it would be appropriate if you two hang out, as friends or otherwise - and save texts.'

Another said she should text back 'Thank you but I think it would be inappropriate'.

'Report this to his boss, he will get fired immediately I swear,' they said.

Surprisingly, others said while it was inappropriate, the employee was partly to blame for 'leading him on' in her first message - something she now regrets and admitted she could have phrased better. 

'Definitely don't say "Oo what movie" and expect him to think you aren't down to hang out,' one fired.

'"Oo what movie....", you f**ked up there,' a man agreed.

'Your response totally encouraged him unfortunately. He never should have asked in the first place though. You need to tell him you aren't interested and you'll see him at work,' another said.

Another defended the teen, saying it's not as easy as it sounds to say a hard 'no' to a boss at that age. 

'She may have anxiety too, I had a hard time being truthful that I was uncomfortable with stuff like this - and expected someone older to know better, which was a mistake but I was young,' she said.

'That’s not my fault, this isn’t their fault. ALSO they state BOSS!! I’d feel pressured! They could easily be an a**hole and fire this person, I'd be anxious and try to respond nicely - like I would to a same aged friend.'