Biden raged that he was treated like a TODDLER and asked if JFK would be 'babied' when White House had to clean-up his call to remove Putin from power

  • President Joe Biden resented his aides for having to play clean-up after he suggested he wanted Russian President Vladimir Putin removed from power 
  • The gaffe came in March 2022 when Biden was addressing a crowd in Warsaw, Poland 
  • The Atlantic's Franklin Foer's forthcoming book reveals new details about the prominent gaffe's aftermath  

President Joe Biden raged that he was treated like a 'toddler' after aides had to walk back the president saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin 'cannot remain in power' - a quip he made as he addressed a crowd in Warsaw in March 2022. 

Axios published an excerpt Wednesday from The Atlantic's Franklin Foer's forthcoming book, The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden's White House and the Struggle for America's Future

Foer chronicled the aftermath of Biden's prominent gaffe, which 'sounded as if he were calling for regime change in Russia,' the author wrote. 

'Rather than owning his failure, he fumed to his friends about how he was treated like a toddler. Was John Kennedy ever babied like that?' Foer wrote, channeling Biden. 

The speech was the first of two dramatic addresses Biden has given in the Polish capital since Putin's invasion of neighboring Ukraine. 

President Joe Biden raged that he was treated like a 'toddler' after aides had to walk back the president saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin 'cannot remain in power' - a quip he made as he addressed a crowd in Warsaw in March 2022

President Joe Biden raged that he was treated like a 'toddler' after aides had to walk back the president saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin 'cannot remain in power' - a quip he made as he addressed a crowd in Warsaw in March 2022

On the day of the speech, Biden had met with Ukrainian refugees at PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw.

Afterward he spoke about 'the depth and strength of the human spirit.'

The Atlantic's Franklin Foer's forthcoming Biden book will be released on September 5

The Atlantic's Franklin Foer's forthcoming Biden book will be released on September 5

When asked what he thought about Putin after meeting the Ukrainian refugees, the president responded, 'He's a butcher. That's what it makes me think.' 

Biden then spoke to the masses outside Warsaw's Royal Palace. 

'For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power,' he told the crowd. 

Foer wrote that, 'After delivering the speech that might have earned him the credit he deserved and craved, his improvisation became the headline.

'Biden instantly knew that the White House would have to clarify his mistake. By the time Biden piled into the motorcade ... his aides had released a statement walking back his sentence,' Foer wrote.  

Through the White House pool, an official had said, 'The President's point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.

'He was not discussing Putin's power in Russia, or regime change,' the White House official added. 

Sources told Foer that despite Biden knowing his statement needed to be clarified, he didn't like how his staffers looked like the more competent people in the room. 

A whopping 77% of Americans think Biden is took old for a second term in office – including 69% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans

A whopping 77% of Americans think Biden is took old for a second term in office – including 69% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans

'He knew that he had erred, but then resented his aides for creating the impression that they had cleaned up his mess,' Foer wrote. 

Foer's book will be released September 5. 

In another excerpt, published by the Guardian, the president, 80, confessed to feeling 'tired.' 

'His advanced years were a hindrance, depriving him of the energy to cast a robust public presence or the ability to easily conjure a name,' Foer wrote. 'In private, he would occasionally admit that he felt tired.' 

As Biden runs for reelection, Americans are increasingly wary of putting him in office for four more years, in part because of his age and his proclivity for physical stumbles and verbal gaffes.

An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 77 percent felt Biden is too old to be effective in a second term. 

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