'I'm only 46 but my neck makes me look older!' Our tweakments expert reveals the relatively painless treatment that banishes saggy skin and lines...

Q I’m shocked at how fast my neck is ageing. The skin looks loose and I have horizontal lines. I’m only 46 — what do you advise?

A Dr Apul Parikh has been pioneering neck treatments with HArmonyCa, the ‘hybrid filler’ that was created to tackle cheek wrinkles and saggy jaws.

‘I think it’s just amazing,’ he says, adding that it’s particularly good for early signs of ageing. 

The injectable’s party trick is combining a thin hyaluronic acid filler (which gives instant smoothing results) with a molecule that boosts collagen long term — so results improve over about 18 months.

Dr Apul Parikh says 'hybrid filler' HArmonyCa is particularly good for early signs of ageing

Dr Apul Parikh says 'hybrid filler' HArmonyCa is particularly good for early signs of ageing

‘Necks are a nightmare to treat as the skin is thin and needs to be elastic, but it loses that with age,’ says Dr Parikh. 

‘HArmonyCa, spread thinly under the skin with a long cannula via several injection points, softens lines instantly, then over time thickens skin and restores some elasticity.’

Thanks to a numbing agent, it is relatively painless.

Prices depend on mls needed; Parikh charges between £1,000 and £1,500 at his London clinic (apulparikh.co.uk).

Email your questions to Ingeborg van Lotringen, author of Great Skin, at [email protected].