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Privacy Notice | 隱私權聲明

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Docusign 隱私權聲明

版本日期:2022 年 8 月 4 日


在 Docusign,隱私是最優先要務。本文件目的是闡述對於存取或使用我們的網站(包括 和、我們的行動應用程式、我們的網路用戶端或專業用戶端,及/或我們任何其他連結本隱私權聲明的網站、產品或服務(以下簡稱「服務」)之客戶及其他個人(以下統稱「您」)的個人資料,Docusign, Inc. 及其關係企業(以下簡稱「我們」)如何蒐集、使用、儲存或以其他方式處理。透過使用我們的服務,您瞭解我們將依照本隱私權聲明所述方式來蒐集和使用您的個人資料。


Docusign 的核心産品和服務可協助使用者建立、完成和顯示數位或電子交易的有效性,例如適用於行動電話的電子簽署合約服務,或是在貸款申請上放置數位簽章。在我們的服務中,使用者希望我們蒐集和記錄有助於各方當事人證明交易有效性的資訊,例如涉及交易的人員姓名以及這些人員使用的裝置。


1. 個人資料的蒐集

2. 個人資料的使用

3. 個人資料的分享

4. 個人資料的保留

5. 您的選擇

6. 兒童的隱私

7. 加州居民的資料

8. 您的隱私權

9. 我們如何保護您的個人資料

10. 本隱私權聲明的變更

11. 如何聯絡我們

12. 在特定國家之客戶和使用者的補充隱私揭露事項

  1. 個人資料的蒐集

您可選擇是否要造訪我們的網站、安裝我們的應用程式,或向我們提供個人資料。但是,如果您不向我們提供某些個人資料,您可能無法使用我們服務的某些部分。例如,如果您不採用電子簽章,您將無法在我們的服務上簽署某些電子文件。如需瞭解您可能有的選擇和權利,請參閱本聲明的第 5 節和第 8 節。


  • 註冊或登入您的帳戶。

  • 開始、簽署或檢閱電子文件。

  • 建立或編輯您的使用者個人檔案。

  • 聯絡客服支援。

  • 在我們的部落格或社群論壇中發表評論。

  • 參與調查、贊助活動、抽獎,或訂閱電子報時。


  • 開始或參與電子交易,例如 Docusign 簽章內的信封。

  • 在 Docusign Rooms Service 分享資訊。

  • 在現有帳戶中將其他人新增為成員。

  • 留下評論。

  • 推薦朋友。

對於此類個人資料,您的主要選擇為不提供(例如不建立個人檔案),或是不在部落格中留下評論。如需瞭解您可能有的其他選擇,請參閱本聲明的第 5 節。


  • 識別身分證件和聯絡資訊。這包括您的姓名、電子郵件地址、郵寄地址、電話號碼或電子簽章。

  • 商業資訊。這包括帳單和付款資訊(例如信用卡號碼、到期日、可看見的密碼)、所購買的產品或服務。

  • 地理位置。這包括實體位置。

我們自動蒐集的個人資料。您使用我們的服務時,包括您在未登入的情況下造訪我們的網站或應用程式時,我們可能會向您和您的裝置自動蒐集個人資料。對於我們可能自動蒐集的資訊選擇,請參閱本隱私權聲明第 5 節。


  • 裝置、使用資訊和交易資料。我們會蒐集有關您如何使用我們的服務,以及您用來存取我們服務之裝置(例如電腦、行動電話、平板電腦)的個人資料。這可能包括但不限於下列項目:

    • IP 位址。

    • 您允許我們的應用程式存取(通常透過您的行動裝置)的精確地理位置資訊。

    • 特定裝置識別碼和裝置屬性,例如作業系統和瀏覽器類型。

    • 使用者資料,例如網路登入資料、轉介與退出頁面和 URL、平台類型、點擊次數、網域名稱、登陸頁面、檢視過的頁面與内容以及這些頁面的順序,在特定頁面所花的時間、您使用我們服務的日期和時間、您使用我們的服務的頻率、錯誤記錄檔,以及其他相關資訊。

    • 交易資料,例如交易當事人的姓名和電子郵件地址、主旨行、與個人處理交易相關的行動記錄(例如檢閱、簽署、啟用功能),以及有關這些個人或其裝置的個人資料,例如姓名、電子郵件地址、IP 位址和驗證方法。

  • Cookie 和相關技術。我們會使用 Cookie,它是含有少量從您裝置下載而來之資訊的文字檔案;或是使用相關技術,例如網路信標、本機共用物件和追蹤像素等,以蒐集和/或儲存資訊。如需其他有關 Cookie 和相關技術的資訊,包括如何選擇退出的詳細資訊,請閱讀我們的 Cookie 聲明(。


  • 第三方來源。第三方來源的範例包括行銷人員、合作夥伴、研究人員、關係企業(例如在共同擁有權或 Docusign 控制之下的公司)、服務供應商,以及法律上允許他們向我們分享您個人資料的其他第三方。例如,如果您在其他網站上註冊我們的服務,該網站可能會向我們提供您的個人資料。

  • 其他客戶。其他客戶可能會向我們提供您的個人資料。例如,如果客戶希望您在我們的服務中簽署電子文件,就會向我們提供您的電子郵件地址和姓名。

  • 結合來自不同來源的個人資料。我們可能會將我們從其他來源收到的個人資料結合我們向您(或您的裝置)蒐集的個人資料,並依照本聲明所述予以使用。

我們代表客戶蒐集和處理的個人資料。我們的企業客戶使用特定服務時,我們通常會代表他們以資料處理者的身分來處理和儲存有限的個人資料。例如,在 Docusign eSignature 的環境中,當客戶上傳合約或其他文件供檢閱或簽署時,我們會扮演資料處理者的角色,並代表客戶依照其指示處理文件。在這些情況中,客戶是資料控制者,且必須對個人資料之處理的大部分層面負責。如果您有任何關於在這些情況下如何處理個人資料(包括如何行使您身為資料主體的權利)的問題或疑慮,您應聯絡該客戶(即您的雇主,或是要求您簽章的個人或實體)。如果我們收到我們擔任資料處理者之情況的相關權利請求,我們會將您的詢問轉交給該相關客戶。

  1. 個人資料的使用


  • 為您提供您要求的產品和服務,並收取您要求之產品和服務的款項。

  • 建立您的帳戶並管理您與我們的關係(例如與您通訊、為您提供所要求的資訊)。

  • 將我們之間的關係記錄傳送給您,包括購買項目或其他事件。

  • 透過電子郵件或電話來行銷功能、產品或特殊活動,或是傳送我們認為您可能感興趣的第三方產品和服務的行銷通訊給您。

  • 記錄有關電子文件交易的詳細資料(例如,何者發起、檢視或簽署文件;簽署人的 IP 位址;時間戳記)。

  • 進行抽獎、競賽和推薦朋友計畫。

  • 選擇和傳送内容與量身訂作的廣告,以及支援我們服務的行銷和廣告。

  • 建立和檢閱有關我們使用者以及他們如何使用我們服務的資料。

  • 測試我們服務的變更,以及開發新的功能和産品。

  • 解決您在使用我們的服務時可能遇到的問題,包括回答支援問題、客戶教育和培訓,以及解決爭議。

  • 管理服務平台,包括支援系統和安全性。

  • 預防、調查和回應詐欺、未經授權存取或使用我們的服務、違反條款和政策或其他不當行為。

  • 遵守法定義務。

  • 符合法定保留期間。

  • 為建構、行使或捍衛我們依法主張的權利。


處理您個人資料的合法依據。如果歐洲資料保護法適用,且 Docusign 擔任資料控制者,則我們蒐集和使用本聲明所述個人資料的合法依據,將視相關的個人資料類型和我們蒐集或使用該資料的特定情境而定。


  • 使用個人資料來建立和管理帳戶;我們這麼做是為了向您提供相關服務和履行我們與您訂立的合約。

  • 收集和記錄與使用數位憑證或數位簽章相關的資料;我們這麼做是為了遵守法規。

  • 將姓名和電子郵件地址用於電子郵件行銷目的;我們會在您的同意下(您可隨時撤回)或在適用法律允許下,基於我們的合法權益這麼做。

  • 收集使用資料並加以分析,以改善我們的服務或確保我們網站的安全性;我們是基於我們為保護和改善服務而享有的合法權益而這麼做。

如果您對我們蒐集和使用您個人資料的合法依據有疑問或需要進一步資訊,請使用本聲明第 11 節提供的聯絡詳細資料聯絡我們。請注意,在 Docusign 擔任資料處理者的情況下,與處理活動相關的適當合法依據是由我們的客戶所決定;有關適用合法依據的詢問應向他們提出。

  1. 個人資料的分享


  • 服務供應商。我們會與支援我們服務的服務供應商分享您的個人資料。這些公司提供智慧搜尋技術、智慧分析、廣告、驗證系統、收款、詐騙偵測和客戶支援等服務。我們與服務供應商已簽訂合約,約定保護您的個人資料並對其做適當的使用。

  • 關係企業。我們可能會與在共同擁有權或 Docusign 控制之下的其他公司分享您的個人資料。這些公司會按照本聲明所述方式使用您的個人資料。

  • 行銷合作夥伴。我們可能會與您報名的活動、網路研討會或抽獎活動的贊助商分享您的個人資料,也可能與我們參與聯合行銷活動的其他方分享您的個人資料。

  • 公共或政府機構。我們可能會為了遵守我們的法定義務、法規或合約,或為了回應法院命令、行政或司法程序,例如傳票、政府稽核或搜查令等依法必須這麼做的情況而分享您的個人資料。當任何人受到人身安全威脅、違反 Docusign 政策或其他協議,或為了保護第三方(包括我們的員工、使用者或大眾)的合法權利時,我們也可能會分享您的資料。

  • 企業交易。在我們全部或部分業務、資産或股票進行任何提議或實際的重組、銷售、合併、整合、合資、轉讓、移轉或其他處置(包括與任何破產或類似訴訟程序相關)的情況下,為進行盡職調查或為完成部分盡職調查,可能會向相關的第三方揭露或移轉您的個人資料。如果發生公司交易,我們將通知您資料控制的任何變更,以及您可能有的選擇。

  • 同意權。如果您要求我們這麼做或已給予同意,我們可能會以其他方式分享您的個人資料。例如,在您的同意下,我們會張貼可能識別您身分的使用者見證。


  • 其他 Docusign 使用者。您允許他人存取、使用或編輯您帳戶中的內容時,我們會與他們分享該內容。例如,如果您將信封寄送給其他人以供檢閱或簽署,我們就會將信封的内容提供給他們。

  • 第三方。您在我們服務中付款給其他使用者時,我們會與您選擇的第三方付款處理者分享您的付款方式詳細資料。

  • 公開資訊

    • 使用者產生的内容。您在我們的部落格或社群論壇中發表評論時,該資訊可能會被其他人閱讀、蒐集和使用。

    • 檔案資訊。您建立 Docusign 個人檔案時,其他 Docusign 使用者可以檢視您的個人檔案資訊。如果您想將此資訊設為私人,請造訪您的帳戶設定。

  • 您的雇主或組織。您使用以組織的員工、承包商或成員的身分指派給您的電子郵件地址(例如 [email protected][email protected])建立帳戶或使用者角色時,該組織(如果它是具有特定功能的 Docusign 客戶)可以找到您的帳戶以及採取可能影響您帳戶的特定動作。

  1. 個人資料的保留


  1. 您的選擇


  • 個人檔案。您不需要填寫個人檔案。如果您這麼做,則可以存取和檢閱此個人資料。如果任何個人資料不正確或不完整,您可以在帳戶設定中進行變更。

  • 行銷訊息。您可以選擇退出我們傳送給您的電子郵件行銷訊息,方法是按一下電子郵件訊息中的「取消訂閱」連結,或在此處(取消訂閱。請注意,我們可能會傳送一則訊息給您,以確認您想要退出。如果您是我們服務的註冊使用者,或如果您曾與我們進行交易,則在您選擇退出行銷訊息之後,我們可能會繼續傳送交易或關係訊息(例如:簽署通知或帳戶通知)。如果您希望將您的電話號碼新增至我們內部「請勿來電」清單,以選擇退出電話行銷訊息,請透過隱私請求入口網站與我們聯絡。請提供您的名字、姓氏、公司和電話號碼。您也可以隨時通知我們,包括在電話行銷通話期間,告知我們您不想再次接到電話行銷的來電。

  • Cookie 和其他相關技術。您可以透過瀏覽器設定或 Docusign Cookie 偏好中心以及 Cookie 聲明(中詳述的其他方法來拒絕 Cookie。但是,如果您拒絕 Cookie,就可能無法使用我們服務的某些部分。請注意,我們無法辨識或回應瀏覽器發起的「請勿追蹤」訊號。

  • 裝置和使用資訊。如果您不希望我們查看您的裝置定位,您可以關閉裝置上的定位分享功能、變更您的裝置隱私設定,或是拒絕在瀏覽器上分享定位。

  • 關閉您的帳戶。如果您希望關閉帳戶,請登入您的帳戶並編輯方案。如需更多資訊,請按一下此處:

  • 申訴。針對您的隱私以及我們對您個人資料的蒐集、使用、儲存或其他處理的有效投訴,我們承諾將予以處理。有關我們資料使用作法或本聲明的問題或投訴,請透過隱私權請求入口網站聯絡。

  1. 兒童的隱私

我們的服務並非針對 18 歲以下人士或此類依適用法律規定的其他年齡人士(以下簡稱「未成年人」)而設計,也不會向此類人士行銷。我們不會故意向未成年人蒐集或索取個人資料。我們不會故意允許未成年人使用我們的服務。如果您是未成年人,請勿使用我們的服務或將您的個人資料傳送給我們。一旦知悉未提供已驗證的家長同意,我們就會刪除向未成年人蒐集的個人資料。如果您認為我們可能有來自某位未成年人的個人資料,且應從系統中加以移除,請透過隱私權請求入口網站與我們聯絡。

  1. 加州居民的資料

除了本隱私權聲明所述的其他資訊和權利外,加州居民也有權獲得特定額外資訊,並享有《加州消費者隱私法》(California Consumer Privacy Act,簡稱「CCPA」)規定之關於其個人資料的其他特定權利。如果您是加州居民(如 CCPA 定義的「消費者」),本隱私權聲明的此節便適用於您。如果您並非「消費者」,本節便不適用於您,且您不應依賴它。

A. 我們蒐集的資訊和使用的方式

以下摘要是我們蒐集和使用與我們服務相關之消費者的「個人資料」(如 CCPA 定義)。如需額外詳細資料,請參考本隱私權聲明的其他章節。


  • 聯絡資訊和帳戶註冊資訊。您註冊帳戶或與我們聯絡時,您可以提供您的姓名、電子郵件地址、實體地址、電話號碼、帳戶使用者名稱和密碼、電子簽章和其他相關資訊。

  • 財務或付款資訊。我們會蒐集您提供的付款方式、帳單資訊,以及您購買之產品或服務的相關資訊。

  • 交易資訊。您使用服務進行交易時,我們可能會蒐集該交易當事人的姓名和電子郵件地址、主旨行、與個人處理交易相關的行動記錄(例如檢閱、簽署、啟用功能)以及有關這些個人或其裝置的個人資料,例如名稱、電子郵件地址、IP 位址和驗證方法。

  • 客戶服務資訊。我們會蒐集您和我們的客戶服務通訊的相關資訊,包括您直接透過線上表單、電子郵件、電話或郵寄等方式提供給我們的問題和其他訊息。

  • 有關您的網頁瀏覽器、行動裝置或網路連線的資訊。您在線上存取我們的服務時,我們可能會自動蒐集 IP 位址、裝置識別碼和裝置屬性,包括 Cookie ID 、行動廣告 ID 和其他類似的唯一識別碼、有關您在線上與服務互動之方式的資料(使用資料)、定位資訊(例如與您 IP 位址相關聯的城市、州、國家及郵遞區號,或透握 Wi-Fi 三角定位所導出),以及在您依據您行動裝置之設定所允許的情況下,根據您行動裝置 GPS 功能而得知的精準地理位置資訊。


  • 為您提供您要求的產品和服務,並收取您要求之產品和服務的款項。。

  • 建立您的帳戶並管理您與我們的關係(例如與您通訊、為您提供所要求的資訊)。

  • 將我們之間的關係記錄傳送給您,包括購買項目或其他事件。

  • 透過電子郵件或電話來行銷功能、產品或特殊活動,或是傳送我們認為您可能感興趣的第三方產品和服務的行銷通訊給您。

  • 記錄有關電子文件交易的詳細資料(例如,何者發起、檢視或簽署文件;簽署人的 IP 位址;時間戳記)。

  • 進行抽獎、競賽和推薦朋友計畫。

  • 選擇和傳送内容與量身訂作的廣告,以及支援我們服務的行銷和廣告。

  • 建立和檢閱有關我們使用者以及他們如何使用我們服務的資料。

  • 測試我們服務的變更,以及開發新的功能和産品。

  • 解決您在使用我們的服務時可能遇到的問題,包括回答支援問題及解決爭議。

  • 管理服務平台,包括支援系統和安全性。

  • 預防、調查和回應詐欺、未經授權存取或使用我們的服務、違反條款和政策或其他不當行為。

  • 遵守法定義務。

  • 符合法定保留期間。

  • 為建構、行使或捍衛我們依法主張的權利。


根據 CCPA,消費者有權拒絕其個人資料的「銷售」。根據 CCPA 規定,除特定例外情況以外,當商家基於金錢或其他有償約因,以出售、出租、發行、揭露、傳播、提供、移轉或以其他溝通方式(如口頭、書面或透過電子或其他方式),將消費者的個人資料提供給其他商家或第三方時,即屬於「銷售」個人資料。

如本隱私權聲明第 3 節中進一步說明,我們會與其他公司分享個人資料。


  1. 調整您的 Cookie 設定,並選取選項以退出相應的 Cookie 活動。

  2. 按一下任何 Docusign 行銷通訊底部的「取消訂閱」連結。

  3. 在以下連結更新您的電子郵件/行銷喜好設定:

C. 要求存取的權利

消費者有權索取有關我們向其蒐集之個人資料的特定詳細資料(通常限定過去 12 個月內)。此權利包括要求下列事項:


  • 特定的個人資料片段以及我們蒐集的個人資料類別。

  • 我們出於業務目的而出售或揭露的個人資料類別,以及我們出於業務目的出售或揭露該資訊的第三方類別。

  • 我們蒐集個人資料的來源類別。


消費者有權要求我們刪除向其蒐集的個人資料。然而,在某些情形下,CCPA 允許我們出於特定目的保留資料(例如,如果我們需要保留資料以履行我們的法定義務,以及基於 CCPA 規定的其他特定受限因素)。

E. 如何行使存取權及刪除權


  1. 您可以隨時按一下此處(以存取和檢視與您帳戶相關聯的個人資料。

  2. 您可以透過隱私權請求入口網站或依照第 11 節所述方式以郵件聯絡我們,。





消費者有權不會因行使在 CCPA 下的權利而受到歧視。消費者選擇行使 CCPA 下的權利時,我們不會對其拒絕提供、收取不同價格或提供不同品質的商品或服務。


消費者可以指定代理人以代表他們提出 CCPA 要求。消費者這麼做時,我們將遵循相關步驟,透過要求已簽署的書面授權或委任書副本來驗證尋求行使上述權利的消費者身分,並確認該消費者的代理人已獲授權提出請求。



  1. 您的隱私權


  • 您可以隨時按一下此處(以存取和檢閱與您帳戶相關聯的個人資料。

  • 您也可以索取以下資訊:我們蒐集和使用您個人資料的方式及原因;涉及的個人資料類別;您個人資料的收件者類別;我們收到您個人資料的方式及其來源;我們使用您個人資料的商業目的;以及我們使用或儲存您個人資料的時間長短,或是我們判定相關保留期間的方法。

  • 您有權更正有關您的不正確個人資料,而且如果您認為我們持有之您的個人資料不正確、不完整或過時,您應立即通知我們。

  • 在某些情形下,您可以要求我們刪除或停止使用您的個人資料,反對限制使用您的個人資料,或將您的個人資料匯出給其他控制者。

  • 若我們是依賴您的同意來處理您的個人資料,您有權隨時拒絕同意和/或撤回同意(若有提供)。這不會影響您撤回同意前之處理作業的合法性。您可以隨時要求我們停止將您的個人資料用於直接行銷目的。如需更多有關您的選擇的資訊,請參閱本聲明第 5 節(您的選擇)。

  • 如果您對我們對您投訴的回覆感到不滿意,您有權隨時向您當地的資料保護機構提出問題或投訴。




移轉至美國和第三國。在適用法律範圍內,我們可能會將您的個人資料移轉至您所在司法管轄區之外,包括用於進一步處理。Docusign 已經採納拘束性企業守則。以便將個人資料從歐洲經濟區和/或英國(下稱「EEA」)傳輸到 EEA 以外的 Docusign。移轉資料至 Docusign 集團以外的組織時,對象僅限於同意遵守我們的拘束性企業守則中的標準,或在資料保護法下使用其他有效選項的組織。您可以在 查看我們的拘束性企業守則。

  1. 我們如何保護您的個人資料


  1. 本隱私權聲明的變更


  1. 如何聯絡我們

如果您對我們使用您的個人資料或本聲明有任何疑問或投訴,請透過 [email protected] 以聯絡我們,或寄信至 Docusign, Inc,收件人:Privacy Team,地址:221 Main Street, Suite 1550, San Francisco, CA 94105。

如果您是來自 EEA 的訪客,請聯絡 Docusign International (EMEA) Ltd,電子郵件地址為 [email protected],或寄信至 Docusign International (EMEA) Ltd,收件人:Privacy Team,地址:5 Hanover Quay, Ground Floor, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland。

  1. 在特定國家之客戶和/或使用者的補充隱私揭露事項



  • 移轉至美國和第三國並向其揭露。我們可能會將您的個人資料移轉或揭露給以下國家的接收者:澳洲、巴西、加拿大、德國、美國、法國、英國、墨西哥、新加坡、愛爾蘭、埃及、以色列、印度、日本、哥斯大黎加、挪威、菲律賓、瑞典、西班牙、烏拉圭和喬治亞。

  • 我們如何保護您的個人資料。您的個人資料可能儲存在位於澳洲、美國、歐盟和/或加拿大的 IT 基礎設施上。

  • 如何聯絡我們。如果要提交的投訴涉及我們對澳洲法律的遵循事宜,請透過上述所列出的地址之一與我們聯絡。我們會採取合理步驟調查申訴,並在合理的時間回覆您。


  • 目的。對於位於巴西的客戶或使用者,控制者是 Docusign Brasil Soluções Em Tecnologia Ltda,位於 Tower Bridge Corporate, 02º Andar Conj. 21, Avenida Jornalista Roberto Marinho, 85, São Paulo, Brazil, Reg no.,登記號碼 35.228.557.541

  • 您的隱私權。除上述權利外,位於巴西的客戶和使用者有權:

    • 確認處理流程的存在;

    • 更正不正確或過時的資訊;

    • 要求匿名化、封鎖或刪除不必要或超過所需,且未按巴西資料保護法處理的您個人資料;

    • 對於僅基於自動處理您的個人資料而作出決定,在影響您的權益時,要求予以修正;

    • 取得我們分享您個人資料的實體相關資訊;以及

    • 巴西居民可要求取得在前一個日曆年中基於直接行銷目的而收到您個人資料的第三方清單。此清單也包含分享的個人資料類型。我們會免費提供此清單。我們會在您提出要求後 15(十五)天內提供此資料,同時尊重我們的商業和產業的保密性。如果您是巴西居民,並希望索取此資訊,請透過隱私權請求入口網站與我們聯絡。


  • 移轉至美國和第三國。我們可能會將您的個人資料移轉至您所在司法管轄區以外,以便進一步處理,而該資訊將受該外國司法管轄區的法律約束。


  • 目的。對於位於法國的客戶或使用者,控制者是 Docusign France SAS,位於 9-15 rue Maurice Mallet, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France。

  • 您的隱私權。

  • 您有權基於合法理由反對處理您的個人資料,除非我們為遵守法定義務而須依法處理該等個人資料,或法令明文禁止我們滿足您此項要求。

  • 在特定條件下,您有權指示我們如何在您去世後儲存、删除或分享您的個人資料。請聯絡我們以取得更多相關資訊。

  • 如果您對我們的投訴回覆感到不滿意,您有權隨時向法國監管機構(Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertes,簡稱「CNIL」)提出問題或投訴。您可以寄信給 CNIL,地址是 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France,或致電:+33 1 53 73 22 22。

  • 如果您要求行使上述隱私權,我們將採取合理步驟驗證您的身分。您可以授權代理人代表您向我們提出請求。為此,我們將驗證您的代理人或授權法定代表的身分,並要求提供您自己的身分證明。只有在確定代理人代表您行事的授權證明文件包含該授權之確切存續時間與目的,以及確認您的代理人是否有權成為我們將傳送資訊的接收者時,我們才能滿足此類要求。


  • 個人資料的蒐集。您依法並無義務向我們提供第 1 節所述的個人資料。

  • 移轉至美國和第三國。我們可能會將您的個人資料移轉至您所在司法管轄區之外,以便進一步處理。如果您居住在某個司法管轄區,其規定將您相關的個人資料移轉至另一個司法管轄區需要您的同意,則請您就該移轉行為向我們提供明確且非模糊的同意。


  • 如何聯絡我們。如果您對我們處理您的個人資料或本聲明有任何疑問或投訴,您可以寄送電子郵件至 [email protected]以聯絡 Doug Luftman(隱私長),或致電:+1 877 720 2040,或寄信至 Docusign, Inc.,收件人:Chief Privacy Officer, Legal Department,地址:221 Main Street, Suite 1550, San Francisco, CA 94105。

Version Date:  August 4, 2022


At Docusign, privacy is a priority. The purpose of this document is to set out how Docusign, Inc. and its affiliates (“us,” “our,” or “we”) collect, use, store, or otherwise process personal information about customers and other individuals (collectively "you") who access or use our websites, including and, our mobile applications, our web client or professional client, and/or any of our other websites, products, or services that link to this Privacy Notice (the “Services”). By using our Services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information as described in this Privacy Notice.

In some cases, we may process your personal information pursuant to an agreement with a third party organization. In those cases, the terms of that agreement may govern how we process your personal information. If you believe a third party organization has asked us to process your personal information on their behalf, please consult with them in the first instance as they will be responsible for how we process your information. This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) does not apply to any third-party websites and apps that you may use, including those to which we link in our Services. You should review the terms and policies for third-party websites and apps before clicking on any links.

Docusign's core product and Services help users create, complete, and show the validity of digital or electronic transactions, such as electronically signing a contract for mobile phone services or placing a digital signature on a loan application. As part of our Services, users want us to collect and record information that helps the parties prove the validity of the transactions, such as the names of the persons who are involved in the transactions and the devices those persons use.

We recommend that you read this Notice in full to ensure you are fully informed about the manner in which we collect, use, store, or otherwise process your personal information as well as your privacy rights. However, if you want to skip to a particular section of this Notice, please refer to the table of contents below.

  1. Collection of Personal Information

  2. Use of Personal Information

  3. Personal Information Sharing

  4. Retention of Personal Information

  5. Your Choices

  6. Children's Privacy

  7. Information for California Residents

  8. Your Privacy Rights

  9. How We Protect Your Personal Information

  10. Changes to This Privacy Notice

  11. How to Contact Us

  12. Supplemental Privacy Disclosures for Customers and Users in Certain Countries

1. Collection of Personal Information

You have choices about whether you visit our websites, install our apps, or provide personal information to us. However, if you do not provide us with certain personal information, you may not be able to use some parts of our Services. For example, if you do not adopt an electronic signature, then you will not be able to sign certain electronic documents on our Service. For choices and rights you may have, please see Sections 5 and 8 of this Notice.

Personal Information We Collect from You.  You provide us with personal information about yourself when you:

  • Register or log in to your account.

  • Start, sign, or review an electronic document.

  • Create or edit your user profile.

  • Contact customer support.

  • Comment on our blogs or in community forums.

  • Participate in surveys, sponsored events, sweepstakes, or when you sign up for newsletters.

You also provide us with personal information about others when you use parts of our Services, such as when you:

  • Start or participate in an electronic transaction, such as an envelope within Docusign Signature.

  • Share information in Docusign Rooms Service.

  • Add others as a member to an existing account.

  • Leave comments.

  • Refer friends.

Your main choice for this type of personal information is simply not providing it, such as by not creating a profile or not leaving a comment in a blog. For other choices you may have, please see Section 5 of this Privacy Notice.

Examples of the categories of personal information you may provide are:

  • Identifiers and contact information. This includes your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or electronic signature.

  • Commercial information. This includes billing and payment information (e.g., credit card number, expiration date, visual cryptogram), products or services purchased.

  • Geolocation. This includes physical location

Personal Information We Collect Automatically. We may automatically collect personal information from you and your devices when you use our Services, including when you visit our websites or apps without logging in. For choices you may have on what information we automatically collect, please see Section ­­5 of this Privacy Notice.

The categories of personal information we may automatically collect includes:

  • Device, Usage Information, and Transactional Data. We collect personal information about how you use our Services and the devices (e.g., computers, mobile phones, tablets) you use to access our Services. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:

    • IP address.

    • Precise geolocation information that you allow our apps to access (usually from your mobile device).

    • Unique device identifiers and device attributes, such as operating system and browser type.

    • Usage data, such as web log data, referring and exit pages and URLs, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages and content viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date(s) and time(s) you used our Services, the frequency of your use of our Services, error logs, and other related information.

    • Transactional data, such as names and email addresses of parties to a transaction, subject line, history of actions that individuals take in connection with a transaction (e.g., review, sign, enable features) and personal information about those individuals or their devices, such as name, email address, IP address, and authentication methods.

  • Cookies and Related Technologies. We use cookies, which are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded on your device, or related technologies, such as web beacons, local shared objects and tracking pixels, to collect and/or store information. For additional information about cookies and related technologies, including details of how to opt out, please read our Cookies Notice (

Information We Collect from Other Sources. Subject to applicable law, we may collect personal information about you from others, such as:

  • Third-Party Sources. Examples of third-party sources include marketers, partners, researchers, affiliates (like companies under common ownership or control of Docusign), service providers, and others where they are legally allowed to share your personal information with us. For example, if you register for our Services on another website, the website may provide your personal information to us.

  • Other Customers. Other customers may give us your personal information. For example, if a customer wants you to sign an electronic document in our Services, he or she will give us your email address and name.

  • Combining Personal Information from Different Sources. We may combine the personal information we receive from other sources with personal information we collect from you (or your device) and use it as described in this Notice.

Personal Information We Collect & Process on Behalf of Customers. When our business customers use certain Services, we generally process and store limited personal information on their behalf as a data processor. For example, in the context of Docusign eSignature, when a customer uploads contracts or other documents for review or signature, we act as a data processor and process the documents on the customer's behalf and in accordance with their instructions. In those instances, the customer is the data controller and is responsible for most aspects of the processing of the personal information. If you have any questions or concerns about how personal information is processed in these cases, including how to exercise your rights as a data subject, you should contact the customer (either your employer or the individual or entity requesting your signature). If we receive any rights requests concerning instances where we act as data processor, we will forward your query on to the relevant customer.

2. Use of Personal Information

In general, and subject to applicable law, including consent (as required), we may use your personal information to provide, fix, and improve our Services, develop new Services, and market our companies and their products and Services. Examples of how we use the personal information we process include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provide you with and collect payment for the products and Services and products you request.

  • Create your account and manage your relationship with us (e.g., communicating with you, providing you with requested information).

  • Send you records of our relationship, including for purchases or other events.

  • Market features, products, or special events using email or phone or send you marketing communications about third party products and services we think may be of interest to you.

  • Record details about transactions involving electronic documents (e.g., who initiated, viewed, or signed the documents; signers’ IP addresses; timestamps). 

  • Run sweepstakes, contests, and refer-a-friend programs.

  • Choose and deliver content and tailored advertising, and support the marketing and advertising of our Services.

  • Create and review data about our users and how they use our Services.

  • Test changes in our Services and develop new features and products.

  • Fix problems you may have with our Services, including answering support questions, customer education and training, and resolving disputes.

  • Manage the Services platform, including support systems and security.

  • Prevent, investigate and respond to fraud, unauthorized access to or use of our Services, breaches of terms and policies, or other wrongful behavior.

  • Comply with legal obligations.

  • Meet legal retention periods.

  • Establish, exercise, or defend our rights in legal claims.

Other Uses. We may combine the personal information we collect (“aggregate”) or remove pieces of personal information (“de-identify”) to limit or prevent identification of any particular user or device to help with goals like research and marketing. Once such information has been aggregated and anonymized so that it is no longer considered personal information under applicable data protection law, this Notice does not apply.

Lawful Basis for Processing Your Personal Information. If European data protection law applies and where Docusign acts as a data controller, our lawful basis for collecting and using the personal information described in this Notice will depend on the type of personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect or use it.

We normally collect or use personal information only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to collect or retain personal information or may need the personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another person. For example, when we:

  • Use personal information to create and manage an account, we do so in order to provide you with relevant Services and perform our contract with you.

  • Gather and record data associated with use of a digital certificate or digital signature, we do so to comply with regulations.

  • Use names and email addresses for email marketing purposes, we do so with your consent (which you can withdraw at any time) or, where permitted under applicable law, on the basis of our legitimate interests.

  • Gather usage data and analyze it to improve our Services or ensure the security of our websites, we do so based on our legitimate interest in safeguarding and improving our Services.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the lawful basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided in Section ­­11 of this Notice.  Note that in situations where Docusign acts as a processor, it is our customer who determines the appropriate legal basis associated with processing activities, and queries about the applicable lawful basis should be directed to them.

3. Personal Information Sharing

Subject to applicable law, including consent (as required), we may share personal information as follows:

We share personal information as follows:

  • Service Providers. We share your personal information with service providers we use to support our Services. These companies provide services like intelligent search technology, intelligent analytics, advertising, authentication systems, bill collection, fraud detection, and customer support. We have contracts with our service providers that address the safeguarding and proper use of your personal information.

  • Affiliates. We may share your personal information with other companies under common ownership or control with Docusign. These companies use your personal information as described in this Notice. 

  • Marketing Partners. We may share your personal information with sponsors of events, webinars, or sweepstakes for which you register, or other parties with whom we may engage in joint marketing activities.

  • Public or Government Authorities. We may share your personal information to comply with our legal obligations, regulations, or contracts, or to respond to a court order, administrative, or judicial process, such as a subpoena, government audit, or search warrant where we are legally compelled to do so. We also may share your information when there are threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Docusign policies or other agreements, or to protect the legal rights of third parties, including our employees, users, or the public.

  • Corporate Transactions. Your personal information may be disclosed or transferred to relevant third parties in the event of, or as part of the due diligence for, any proposed or actual  reorganization, sale, merger, consolidation, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or part of our business, assets, or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding). If a corporate transaction occurs, we will provide notification of any changes to the control of your information, as well as choices you may have.

  • Consent. We may share your personal information in other ways if you have asked us to do so or have given consent. For example, with your consent, we post user testimonials that may identify you.

Your personal information may also be shared as described below:

  • Other Docusign users. When you allow others to access, use, or edit content in your account, we share that content with them. For example, if you send an envelope to others for review or signature, we make the contents of the envelope available to them.

  • Third Parties. When you make a payment to another user within our Services, we share your payment method details with the third-party payment processor selected by you.

  • Public Information.

    • User-Generated Content. When you comment on our blogs or in our community forums, this information may also be read, collected, and used by others.

    • Profile Information. When you create a Docusign profile, other Docusign users can view your profile information. If you would like to make this information private, please visit your account settings.

  • Your Employer or Organization. When you create an account or user role with an email address assigned to you as an employee, contractor or member of an organization (e.g., [email protected] or [email protected]), that organization (if it is a Docusign customer with certain features) can find your account and take certain actions that may affect your account.

4. Retention of Personal Information

We keep your personal information for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The length of time for which we retain personal information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws as set out in our data retention policy and information handling standards. Generally, this means we retain your personal information to comply with any retention or statutory limitations or for purposes of performing a contract with you. Where there are technical limitations that prevent deletion or anonymization, we safeguard personal information and limit active use of it.

5. Your Choices

This section describes many of the actions you can take to change or limit the collection, use, storage, or other processing of your personal information.

  • Profile. You are not required to fill out a profile. If you do, you can access and review this personal information. If any personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you can make changes in your account settings.

  • Marketing Messages. You can opt out of email marketing messages we send you by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the email message or unsubscribe here ( Please note that we may send you one message to confirm you want to opt out. If you are a registered user of our Services, or if you have engaged in transactions with us, we may continue to send transactional or relationship messages (e.g., signing notifications or account notifications) after you opt out of marketing messages.  If you would like your phone number added to our internal Do-Not-Call list to opt out of telemarketing messages, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal. Please include your first name, last name, company, and phone number.  You can also let us know at any time, including during a telemarketing call, that you do not want to be called again for telemarketing purposes.

  • Cookies and Other Related Technology. You can decline cookies through your browser settings or via the Docusign Cookie Preference Center and other methods detailed in our Cookie Notice ( However, if you decline cookies, you may not be able to use some parts of our Services.  Please note we do not recognize or respond to browser-initiated Do Not Track signals.

  • Device and Usage Information. If you do not want us to see your device location, you can turn off location sharing on your device, change your device privacy settings, or decline to share location on your browser.

  • Closing Your Account. If you wish to close your account, please log in to your account and edit your plan. For more information, click here:

  • Complaints. We are committed to resolving valid complaints about your privacy and our collection, use, storage, or other processing of your personal information. For questions or complaints regarding our data use practices or this Notice, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal.

6. Children's Privacy

Our Services are not designed for and are not marketed to people under the age of 18 or such other age designated by applicable law (“minors”). We do not knowingly collect or ask for personal information from minors. We do not knowingly allow minors to use our Services. If you are a minor, please do not use our Services or send us your personal information. We delete personal information that we learn is collected from a minor without verified parental consent. Please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal if you believe we might have personal information from or about a minor that should be removed from our system.

7. Information for California Residents

In addition to the other information and rights described in this Privacy Notice, California residents are also entitled to certain additional information and have certain additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) with respect to their personal information.  If you are a resident of California (a “Consumer” as defined by the CCPA), this section of the Privacy Notice applies to you.  If you are not a Consumer, this section does not apply to you and you should not rely on it.

A. Information We Collect and How We Use It

Below is a summary of our collection and use of “personal information” (as defined by the CCPA) about Consumers in connection with our Services.  For additional details, please consult the other sections of this Privacy Notice.

Categories of Personal Information we may collect and use for our commercial and business purposes:

  • Contact and account registration information. When you register for an account or contact us you may provide your name, email address, physical address, phone number, account username and password, electronic signature, and other related information.

  • Financial or payment information. We collect information about payment methods that you provide, billing information, and information about the products or services you purchase.

  • Transaction information. When you use the Services to conduct a transaction, we may collect names and email addresses of parties to a transaction, subject line, history of actions that individuals take on a transaction (e.g., review, sign, enable features) and personal information about those individuals or their devices, such as name, email address, IP address, and authentication methods.

  • Customer service information. We collect information about your customer service communications with us, including, for example, questions and other messages you address to us directly through online forms, by email, over the phone, or by post.

  • Information about your web browser, mobile device, or internet connection.  When you access our Services online, we may automatically collect IP address, device identifiers and device attributes, including cookie IDs, mobile advertising IDs, and other similar unique identifiers, data about how you interact with the Services online (usage data), location information (e.g., city, state, country, and ZIP code associated with your IP address or derived through Wi-Fi triangulation) and, with your permission in accordance with your mobile device settings, precise geolocation information from GPS-based functionality on your mobile device.

Commercial and Business purposes for which we use the personal information we collect:

  • Provide you with and collect payment for the products and Services you request.

  • Create your account and manage your relationship with us (e.g., communicating with you, providing you with requested information).

  • Send you records of our relationship, including for purchases or other events.

  • Market features, products, or special events using email or phone or send you marketing communications about third party products and services we think may be of interest to you.

  • Record details about transactions involving electronic documents, (e.g., who initiated, viewed, or signed the documents; signers’ IP addresses; timestamps).  

  • Run sweepstakes, contests, and refer-a-friend programs.

  • Choose and deliver content and tailored advertising, and support the marketing and advertising of our Services.

  • Create and review data about our users and how they use our Services.

  • Test changes in our Services and develop new features and products.

  • Fix problems you may have with our Services, including answering support questions and resolving disputes.

  • Manage the Services platform including support systems and security.

  • Prevent, investigate and respond to: fraud, unauthorized access to or use of our Services, breaches of terms and policies, or other wrongful behavior.

  • Comply with legal obligations.

  • Meet legal retention periods.

  • Establish, exercise, or defend our rights in legal claims.

B. The Right to Opt Out of Sales of Personal Information

Consumers have the right to opt out of “sales” of their personal information under the CCPA. According to the CCPA, and subject to certain exceptions, a business “sells” personal information when it sells, rents, releases, discloses, disseminates, makes available, transfers, or otherwise communicates orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information to another business or a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration.

As explained further in Section 3 of this Privacy Notice, we share personal information with other companies. 

Consumers may submit requests to opt out of such sharing using the following methods:

  1. Adjust your cookie settings and select the option to opt out of respective cookie activities.  

  2. Click the link to “unsubscribe” at the bottom of any Docusign marketing communication.

  3. Update your email/marketing preferences at the following link:

C. The Right to Access

Consumers have the right to request certain details about the personal information we have collected about them (generally, within the past 12 months).  This includes the right to request:

  • The specific pieces of personal information and the categories of personal information that we have collected about them.

  • What categories of personal information we sold or disclosed for business purposes and the categories of third parties to whom we sold or disclosed that information for a business purpose.

  • The categories of sources from which we collected personal information.

D. The Right to Deletion

Consumers have the right to request that we delete the personal information we have collected from them.  In certain circumstances, however, the CCPA allows us to retain information for particular purposes (for example, if we need to retain the information to meet our legal obligations, and for certain other limited reasons set forth by the CCPA).

E. How to Exercise Access and Deletion Rights

Consumers may submit requests for access to or deletion of their personal information using any of the following methods:

  1. You can access and review personal information associated with your account at any time by clicking here (

  2. You may contact us via the Privacy Request Portal or by mail as outlined in Section 11.

For security purposes, we will attempt to verify your identity prior to fulfilling your request.  If you have an account with us, we may verify your identity through your login to your account.  If you do not have an account with us, we may need to respond to your request or otherwise contact you to request additional information from you to verify your identity (including, but not limited to your name, email address, or telephone number).

If we are able to verify your identity, we will respond to your request to the extent we are able to and as required by law.  If we cannot verify your identity, we may request additional information from you or we may deny your request.  If we are unable to fulfill your request(s) in their entirety, we will provide further information to you about the reasons that we could not comply with your request. 

Certain personal information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. In addition, we need certain types of personal information so that we can provide the product and Services to you. If you ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use our product and Services.

F. The Right to Nondiscrimination

Consumers have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising their CCPA rights.  We will not deny, charge different prices for, or provide a different level of quality of goods or services with respect to Consumers who choose to exercise their CCPA rights.

G. Authorized Agents

Consumers may designate an agent to make CCPA requests on their behalf. For Consumers who do so, we will take steps to verify both the identity of the consumer seeking to exercise their rights as described above, and to verify that the consumer’s agent has been authorized by them to make a request on their behalf by requesting a signed written authorization or a copy of a power of attorney.

H. “Shine the Light”

California residents may ask for a list of third parties that have received your personal information for direct marketing purposes during the previous calendar year. This list also contains the types of personal information shared. We provide this list at no cost. If you are a California resident and would like to request this information, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal.

8. Your Privacy Rights

You may have certain rights related to your personal information, subject to local data protection laws, as described in more detail below. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal​.

  • You can access and review personal information associated with your account at any time by clicking here:

  • You also can request the following information: how we collect and use your personal information and why; the categories of personal information involved; the categories of recipients of your personal information; how we received your personal information and its source; our business purpose for using your personal information; and how long we use or store your personal information or the manner in which we determine relevant retention periods. 

  • You have a right to correct inaccurate personal information about you, and you should notify us immediately if you believe the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.

  • In certain situations, you can ask that we erase or stop using your personal information, object to or restrict the use of your personal information, or export your personal information to another controller. 

  • Where we rely on your consent to process your personal information, you have the right to decline consent and/or, if provided, to withdraw consent at any time. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to the withdrawal of your consent. At any time, you can request that we stop using your personal information for direct marketing purposes. See Section 5 (Your Choices) of this Notice for more information on your choices.

  • If you are unsatisfied with our response to your complaint, you have a right to raise questions or complaints with your local data protection authority at any time.

If you make a request to exercise the rights referenced above, we will require you to provide certain information for identity verification purposes. If you have an account with us, we may verify you through your login of your account. If you do not have an account with us, we may require you to provide additional information from which we can confirm your identity. You may authorize an agent to make a request to us on your behalf and we will verify the identity of your agent or authorized legal representative by either seeking confirmation from you or documents that establish the agent’s authorization to act on your behalf.

Certain personal information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. We need certain types of personal information so that we can provide the product and Services to you. If you ask us to delete it, you may no longer be able to access or use our product and Services.

If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal.

Transfers to the U.S. and Third Countries. Subject to applicable law, we may transfer your personal information outside of your jurisdiction, including for further processing. Docusign has adopted Binding Corporate Rules to facilitate the transfer of personal information from the European Economic Area and/or United Kingdom ("EEA") to Docusign outside of the EEA. Transfers outside the Docusign group are only made to organizations that agree to adhere to the standards in our Binding Corporate Rules or use another valid alternative under data protection law.  You may view our Binding Corporate Rules at and

9. How We Protect Your Personal Information

We have implemented appropriate technical, physical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from misuse or accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition, or access as well as all other forms of unlawful processing. To achieve this, we have developed and implemented an Information Security Management System and other sub-policies and guidelines relating to the protection of your personal information. For example, our staff is permitted to access customer personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfill the applicable business purpose(s) and to perform their job, subject to confidentiality obligations.

10. Changes to This Privacy Notice

We may amend this Notice to reflect changes in the law, our companies, our Services, our data processing practices, or advances in technology. Our use of the personal information we collect is subject to the Privacy Notice in effect at the time such personal information is used. Depending on the type of change, we may notify you of the change by posting on this page.

11. How to Contact Us

For questions or complaints regarding our use of your personal information or this Notice, please contact us at [email protected] or by sending a letter to Docusign Inc., Attention: Privacy Team, 221 Main Street, Suite 1550, San Francisco, CA 94105.

If you are a visitor from the EEA, please contact Docusign International (EMEA) Ltd at [email protected] or by sending a letter to Docusign International (EMEA) Ltd, Attention: Privacy Team, 5 Hanover Quay, Ground Floor, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland.

12. Supplemental Privacy Disclosures for Customers and/or Users in Certain Countries

If you reside in one of the following countries, the below Privacy Notice also applies to the processing of your personal information. To the extent there is a conflict between the country-specific language below and the provisions above, the below provisions control to the extent of that conflict.


  • Transfers and Disclosures to the U.S. and Third Countries. We may transfer or disclose your personal information to recipients in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, United States, France, United Kingdom, Mexico, Singapore, Ireland, Egypt, Israel, India, Japan, Costa Rica, Norway, Philippines, Sweden, Spain, Uruguay, and Georgia.

  • How We Protect Your Personal Information. Your personal information is likely to be stored on IT infrastructure located within Australia, United States, European Union and/or Canada.

  • How to Contact Us. To submit a complaint regarding our compliance with Australian law, please contact us at one of the addresses listed above. We will take reasonable steps to investigate the complaint and respond to you within a reasonable timeframe.


  • Purpose. For customers or users located in Brazil, the controller is Docusign Brasil Soluções Em Tecnologia Ltda located at Tower Bridge Corporate, 02º Andar Conj. 21, Avenida Jornalista Roberto Marinho, 85, São Paulo, Brazil Reg no.

  • Your Privacy Rights. In addition to the rights listed above, customers and users located in Brazil have the right to:

    • Confirm the existence of processing;

    • Correct inaccurate or out-of-date information;

    • Request the anonymization, blocking, or elimination of unnecessary or excessive personal information processed in noncompliance with Brazilian data protection law; 

    • Request the revision of decisions made solely on the basis of automated processing of your personal information whenever they affect your interests;  

    • Obtain information about the entities with which we share your personal information; and

    • Brazilian residents may ask for a list of third parties that have received your personal information for direct marketing purposes during the previous calendar year. This list also contains the types of personal information shared. We provide this list at no cost. We will provide this information within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of your request, respecting our commercial and industrial secrecy. If you are a Brazilian resident and would like to request this information, please contact us via the Privacy Request Portal).


  • Transfers to the U.S. and Third Countries. We may transfer your personal information outside of your jurisdiction for further processing where it will be subject to that foreign jurisdiction’s law.


  • Purpose. For customers or users located in France, the controller is Docusign France SAS, located at Immeuble Central Park, 9-15 rue Maurice Mallet, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.

  • Your Privacy Rights.

    • You have the right to object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal information, except where we are obliged to process such personal information in compliance with our legal obligations or where we cannot satisfy this request, based on a prohibition from a statutory provision. 

    • Under specific conditions, you have the right to give instructions on how you would like us to store, delete or share your personal information after your death. Please contact us for more information about this.

    • If you are unsatisfied with our response to a complaint, you have a right to raise questions or complaints with the French supervisory authority (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés – "CNIL") at any time. You can contact this authority by sending a letter to the CNIL at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France, or by phone at +33 1 53 73 22 22.

    • If you make a request to exercise the privacy rights referenced above, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity. You may authorize an agent to make a request to us on your behalf. In order to do so, we will verify the identity of your agent or authorized legal representative and require proof of your own identity. We can only satisfy such a request if the documents that establish the agent’s authorization to act on your behalf contain the precise duration and purpose of such authorization, and confirmation of whether your agent is entitled to be the recipient of the information we will send.


  • Collection of Personal Information. You are not legally required by law to provide us with the personal information described in Section 1.

  • Transfers to the U.S. and Third Countries. We may transfer your personal information outside of your jurisdiction for further processing. If you are resident in a jurisdiction where transfer of personal information related to you to another jurisdiction requires your consent, then you provide us your express and unambiguous consent to such transfer.


  • How to Contact Us. For questions or complaints regarding our processing of your personal information or this Notice, you may contact Doug Luftman (Chief Privacy Officer) by sending an email to [email protected], by phone at +1 877 720 2040, or by sending a letter to Docusign, Inc., Attention: Chief Privacy Officer, Legal Department, 221 Main Street, Suite 1550, San Francisco, CA 94105.