Leaders | The storming of Brazil’s Congress

How Brazil should deal with the bolsonarista insurrection

Punish those who broke the law, but govern inclusively

BRASILIA, BRAZIL - JANUARY 08: Supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro clash with security forces as they raid governmental buildings in Brasilia, Brazil, 08 January 2023. Groups shouting slogans demanding intervention from the army broke through the police barrier and entered the Congress building, according to local media. Police intervened with tear gas to disperse pro-Bolsonaro protesters.  Bolsonaro supporters also managed to invade and ransack the National Congress, Planalto Palace, or President's office, and the Supreme Federal Court. (Photo by Joedson Alves/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Image: Getty Images

Draped in Brazilian flags, they smashed offices, stole files, thumped police and injured at least five journalists. On January 8th thousands of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court and presidential palace, demanding the overturning of an election result. The parallels with the attack on America’s Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump in 2021 are obvious—and far from coincidental. Mr Bolsonaro has long admired Mr Trump and copied his methods.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “How to deal with an insurrection”


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