Middle East & Africa | The Hamas-Israel conflict

On Independence Day Israel is ripping itself apart

Anger, tears and recriminations

an alternative Independence Day ceremony held by relatives of Israeli held in the Gaza Strip
Expressing their independencePhotograph: Flash90

THE TORCH-LIGHTING which traditionally opens Israel’s Independence Day was broadcast on the evening of May 13th as usual. But instead of being televised live as before, the event was pre-recorded. The government said this was because of the solemnity of holding the ceremony while the nation is at war. The real reason, however, was the politicians’ fear that it would be disrupted by protesters, furious with their failings in handling the war. In a breach of protocol, some broadcasters screened an alternative ceremony organised by the families of hostages held in Gaza, protesting against the government.

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This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “Anger, tears and recriminations ”

From the May 18th 2024 edition

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