United States | On the eve of escalation

America prepares for a new nuclear-arms race

Its build-up could start as early as 2026

A Russian nuclear submarine sails to take part in Pacific Fleet drills near Vladivostok, Russia.
Photograph: AP
|Washington, DC

IN THE PENTAGON these days, those who plan for Doomsday have a new nightmare: no longer yesteryear’s dread of one big nuclear foe, but of several at the same time. What if, asks one official, Russia attacked a NATO country, drawing America in to defend Europe; then China seized on America’s distraction to invade Taiwan; and then North Korea decided to attack the south? Three wars; three sets of friends and allies; three unpredictable nuclear crises. Could America handle them all?

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “On the eve of escalation”

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